Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - February Challenge!!



  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about the possibly high blood pressure Kandace, but maybe the things they suggest for your diet will help? Ultimately they have the same end goal as you- to have you be healthy and fit. I'm not sure what they are going to suggest, but perhaps it will help you in the long run- staying fuller or getting more essential nutrients?

    I'm sure it will all work out!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Kan - Quick oats are great, but I'd probably stick with 1/2 cup cooked in either water or some kind of skim milk/almond milk. Toss in some cinnamon and 1/2 chopped apple and cook it all in the microwave for 90 seconds, stirring half way. Read the nutritional facts on the package you bought (is it Quaker quick oats?) and see what a serving is nutritionally. Around 100-150 calories of oats is usually plenty filling and enough carbs to get you through the morning, especially with an added piece of fruit. Cooking it with milk will make it much creamier but I find that with the apple it's a bit *too* sweet. But hey - It's up to you! Experiment and figure out what you like :bigsmile:

    Feeling good today, despite my lack-of-job stress. I got an early night last night and probably nearly 7 hours of solid sleep, which is mega huge for me. It's bloody freezing here once again. So much for warming up - our weather is just stupid here... Cold then warmer, then raining, then back to freezing, then back up to 9C on Friday. Wtf? Anyway... It's friggen freezing on my outdoors run day, OF COURSE! 4.5 miles scheduled today and I'll just power through it. Hopefully it'll be my last *really* cold run for the year (ya, right! :laugh: ) The forecast over the next 2 weeks is promising so my fingers are crossed! But we've been known to hit the -20s in March so I am trying not to get too excited :grumble:

    Food-wise I feel alright. Was under my calorie target yesterday but I wasn't feeling all that hungry. MFP logged my yoga session as 146 calories burned - but I really don't think I burned 146 calories breathing deeply for 1 hour. It's all a bunch of approximation, right? This whoolllee system is! My dinner was also a big guessing game since my mom whipped up an omelet for us to share and I didn't really get to see exactly what she tossed in. Given all the unknowns, I feel ok about being a little under. I don't really measure things and I always eat more than 1 *real* Tbsp of PB in my smoothie, so I'm not freaking out :wink: Who can eat one legit Tbsp of PB anyway? That's just not nearly enough....

    Kbell - Great to hear about the car, despite all the stress and the busy weekend. At least you got it and you got your paper finished - In grad school we always joked that a great thesis is one that's FINISHED, and that's about it. By the end you just want to get it done and hand that *kitten* in... Esp when life is being a total b*tch and you have bigger things to worry about. So I am glad you managed to pound it out and get it done. Good luck studying and good luck with your WI - after this weekend's hectic schedule do NOT be upset with the # on the scale. Stress can really mess up your body and any gain you may have had will not stick around. So keep yourself in perspective :smile:

    Uhmm I guess that's it! Having pork fajitas tonight with some leftover pork tenderloin we roasted on Sunday night. Very excited. Corn tortillas are happening - I am really giving myself a break on this low-carb thing. I'm going to just ENJOY them! With a bunch of veggies, pork, homemade salsa and guac, and some awesome wonderful company. Yay :bigsmile: Have a great day everyone. :heart:
  • Hello Everyone!!
    Happy Be-lated Valentine's Day!! Sorry I've been MIA the past few days, the computer situation at home sucks, and again with my mfp app no message boards...blah blah. I will hopefully have more time to respond to posts this afternoon. Just wanted to log in and wish everyone good luck this week with goals/workouts/meals etc. (I was having seriously withdrawls!!!)I'm thinking positive thoughts for all of you!!!

  • ngoat
    ngoat Posts: 97 Member
    *Kandace: Happy Anniversary! :heart:

    AFM: I ate a bit too much chocolate last night. :ohwell: But I am trying not to stress about it. I am determined to get my workout in tonight.. it has to be done. Nothing else to report. I hope everyone had a happy v-day!
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    I could kick *kitten* in my 20's. Now I am dragging *kitten* in my 40's.
  • @meag - Oh! So that's the butterCUP lol, thanks for clarifying so well! I know which one it is now, though I never knew which it was called. Most definitely going to get it next time I go grocery shopping, it sounds awesome. Definitely going to do C25K - downloaded an app for it on my phone last night that tells you when to run and walk, read in one of the threads on here that it helps to focus on the actual workout and not worry about when to switch from jogging to walking.
  • @kancrav - Thanks for the support!! I am very happy to have a car.. Even if I can't drive it on my own yet.. It's kind of weird like I'm regressing 10 years to when I was learning how to drive. I think I should be able to pick it up soon and be back to crusing around in no time! (lets hope!)

    @meag - haha yeah a good paper is a finished one hey? After a bazillion hours of writing when I handed it in I noticed my header was wrong and just about crumpled. Damn technicalities. (I hate APA!) But for the most part I'm just friggin relieved that it's over. Now I have another one to write due in a couple weeks but it's much shorter and easier. I weighed in this morning as it was my scheduled "day" and was 154.6, so only 0.2 up from my last official weigh in. I think I can handle that, I'm gonna try punching it this week and try get down 153 for sure (prayer for 152.9?) so that I have a hope of reaching my February goals. If I dont then I'll survive though. :)

    This is my last week of school before Reading week. I work thurs-tues straight (I need the $$$) but I took off wed-mon for some me time. Gonna clean my nasty house and get some seriously good workouts in. Anyway off to class I go. No more skipping for the rest of the semester..

    OOH! I should add - in regards to v-day. My husband is pretty tragic at gift giving, I always pick out my own gifts and it kills me because I just want to feel like he put some thought into it. This year we set price limits and I refused to pick out what he would get me. I could see he was struggling but when I came home yesterday he'd bought me a new kettlebell!! I'd asked for a larger weight and he'd actually heard me! Super pumped. (actually he got the wrong weight - another 12kg when i already had one, I could use two but I would be even better served by getting a heavier one) but he kept the receipt so I'm gonna pick up the other one today. yay me! I was pretty proud of him. ;)

    happy tuesday!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Good afternoon everyone!

    Sitting at my desk eating a chicken salad sandwich on pumpernickel- so delicious! Had a killer spin workout this morning. It was especially difficult this morning I think because I have been so tired lately. And now I have a headache and can feel tension in my sinuses- I will take 1,000,000 viatmin C pills if I have!!!

    I have been and continue to be crazy busy at work. Its nice to stay busy- I remember by first 2 months where nobody really knew me yet so they never asked for things but now it is non-stop work! I would much rather be busy then bored though.

    That's all the concentration I got in me for now- hope you guys are having a fantabulous day! (that's right i just made fantastic and fabulous into one word and you loved it!)

  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Morning peeps! I am feeling tired again for some reason so I am not feeling too talkative. I had an amazing dinner with my bf and I am back to eating healthy and clean the rest of the week. I hope this tiredness is just from the crappy weather. I am not looking forward to swimming tonight at the pool, but I will have to do it since I have not been swimming in forever. I am so ready to workout on my own terms. Well it is only 6 week till Hawaii and I want to lose 5 pounds by then so lets hope for the best. Have a great day peeps.
  • shelsab
    shelsab Posts: 138 Member
    Good afternoon everyone!

    Not having the greatest day. I just feel blah. And I am easily irritated, which I hate. I think its a bunch of everything that just kind of hit me this past week. Saving money for the wedding, stuff going on with fiance (his work), my bills. Bad thing is I am an over stressor major!! I finally have a gym that I am at least consistently working out, so thats good. Its just been a lot all at once. BLAH. I am trying to have a good day though, so I just got off work and gym in an hour or so!

    But i just remembered something funny and want to share it so maybe it will make you laugh. I saw a lady at the gym the other day dancing on the elliptical! I never would have thought it was possible!! She was definitely moving with her music jamming out! I just wish I could hear what music it was. But I commend her for rocking out, not caring what anyone thinks and working off those calories in 2 different ways!

    Have a good afternoon and a great tomorrow!

  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    ::::vent Alert::::::

    So I started getting that emotional eating thing just now. I stopped and though about why I really want the chocolate... I know it is because I am feeling emotional and stressed about talking to my bf tonight. The past few weeks I have been trying to not think about our relationship as much as I do. I am constantly thinking in my head what it would be like if we broke up, or how I would move on with my life. I have only talked to my best friend about this and he said I really need to talk to my bf about what is bothering me and why. I wanted to avoid it until after valentines day. Yesterday he didn't get me flowers, not a big deal but I was disappointed. I got some really nice bath stuff and he gave me a foot massage. I should not be feeling like this but I do. As much as I tell myself to relax and not worry so much about it I keep thinking about it. I keep thinking, we have hawaii planned in less than 2 months. Maybe he will propose for it, I was thinking he might propose last night but it didn't happen. It makes me feel sad and resentful. As much as I hate to admit it I feel like I am falling out of love with him because of this. I am going to have a talk with him after the gym tonight because if I do it before I will start crying and I won't go to the gym. I don't know what will happen and maybe we won't go to Hawaii together... I am just beside myself today. honestly.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Kandace-you wouldn't believe it, the potluck was cancelled!! LOL only 1 person (who didn't know) brought something in, and since I had mentioned sugar free cake with sugar free frosting...that was it,which was awesome news for me!! thanks for the freezing idea...I don't mind cooking, it's just a rare opportunity that I have time, but I did pick up a few things at the store to try, so I will letcha know how they turn out!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!

    Megan-GREAT JOB on the loss!! we still have 13 days left to the month and you are crushing your Feb goal already!! I am quite certain that it has to do with those awesome workouts that you keep posting! WTG!!

    Melissa-hopefully next time you will find those blueberry miniwheats....I also like the cinnamon ones too, if you can't! I have NEVER been a speed runner, but you get me going, and I can run forever!! LOL keep up the good work!!

    Nancy-great job on the loss!!! you should hit your Feb goals no prob!!

    Guam-thanks for saying I kick *kitten*!! I for sure try! I hope all continues to go well with my new will know if they are if you meet him when you get to Vegas!! LOL

    echo-sushi never was my "thing" either...but after this last time it definately deserves another try!! LOL i recommend a roll, and something hot and not cold for your first time :)

    Alexis-that is too funny about that lady at the gym!! LOL i like to workout at home so I can sing while I'm on my elliptical (helps me focus on breathing)!! :)

    AFM-WI tomorrow, so I wil post my "stats" for the week when I get up in the afternoon!! keep doing a great job everyone, we only have 13 days to go!!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Morning everyone...

    I guess I forgot to post my workout sched for the week so here goes...

    Mon- 35 min walk + 1h YogaFit
    Tues - 4.5mi run (more on that later....)
    Wed - 1h YogaFit + Speed intervals (8X 400m) with recovery
    Thurs - 1h Bootcamp + 3mi run
    Fri - Rest
    Sat - 4mi run @ 1/2 Marathon pace
    Sun - 9mi run

    This is my PLAN but it could all be thrown out the window. Got my walk and yoga in on Mon but yesterday's run was a bit of a flop. I ran a total of 3.9mi but had to finally call it quits because my foot was really hurting. I seem to have injured the top part of my left foot somehow and the impact from running really aggravates it, so I am hoping that it's nothing serious but I really don't want to injure it any further - going to have a go at my intervals today but play it by ear. If it hurts too much I'll just stop and do the Arc Trainer for a while.

    Otherwise, life is good. The job situation isn't phasing me too much, and i'm being more lenient on what I eat and when.The last thing I want is for my neurosis to end up damaging my personal relationships or pushing anyone away, so I am being extra cautious and making a concerted effort to be flexible and to recognize the significance of my choices. I've also really been missing eating out lately - which is something I enjoyed doing a lot as a special treat when I was losing but have virtually stopped entirely the last few months - so I may indulge in eating some indian or thai food over the next week without guilt. I love food way too much to feel this conflicted about it :happy:

    Getting a little anxious and excited about the spring, but kind of frustrated because once again I have exactly ZERO items of weather-appropriate clothes that fit. Last summer I was about 25lbs heavier and around a size 10, and I'm sitting around a size 4 right now so even trying to fit into that stuff is going to be futile and look ridiculous. Unfortunately, since I haven't got a steady income anymore and I don't really have much in the way of disposable income to begin with, buying a new wardrobe isn't really in the cards... So I am dreaded that a bit. Not quite sure what I'll do. Definitely going to try to hit up some MAJOR sales and cheap goods in the US one day to get the most for my $$... At least I money is now my biggest concern when it comes to shopping, instead of hating absolutely everything about how I look and feel in new clothes :bigsmile: Life could be worse!

    TJ - I know you're going to ROCK the WI! Good luck anyway! :drinker: Can't wait to hear. And I know I've said this before, but DAMN you are one fine looking couple :wink:

    Aly - Vent, girl, VENT! :noway: Sorry to hear that you are feeling so negatively about your currently status and situation and that this is stressing your relationship so badly. I can't say that I understand the desires/pressures to get married, or how one thinks that it will change the dynamic of your relationship (an unhappy relationship will not be fixed through marriage or child-rearing, of course), but I can tell that it's very important to you and I hope that in the end you get want you want out of this. Just remember - we can't control everything and shouldn't sweat/stress that which we have no power to control. So take a deep breath or three, figure out what you CAN control and what you can do to make yourself feel good, and let the rest just ride while you focus on those things. Hope you're feeling better, sweetie!! :ohwell:

    sheslab - Is it embarrassing to admit that I *totally* sing along to my music on the treadmill while I'm jogging (and not gasping for air) ? If I'm in warm-up or cool-down mode, or I'm recovering at all, I definitely mouth the words and bob my head a little, sometimes I even do the fake drumming bit while I'm jogging :laugh: It's a fact. I'm a total dweeb!

    kbell - The work never ends, does it? Oh the life of a student... Definitely am not missing that! :tongue: Nice to hear that the hubby is listening (albeit only somewhat, but still sounds like a victory!) and you got what you wanted for Vday! Good luck with your crazy hectic work schedule and getting your workouts in as well. You sound like one busy, busy lady!

    Echo - Definitely butterCUP! haha It's all good though. Butternut is alright too - just not quite as good, IMO. Hope you enjoy the C25K program and the podcast-y things that you download. I hear they make all the difference. Keep us posted on how you like it! :bigsmile:

    Jess - Hope everything is going well for you and that you'll be back posting with us shortly! Take care :flowerforyou:

    OK that's it's for me. Heading to the gym in a bit. Feeling a bit bummed about my foot, but I'll take what I can get. Talk to y'all soon :glasses:
    Meag :heart:
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!!
    Its 8:43 am here and while i have a horrible day of training ahead of me I have had an AMAZING morning. Did W5D2 of C25K again today. I thought it might completely suck since I did W5D1 on Sunday W5D2 on Monday Spin on Tuesday- I was worried my legs might be dead, but instead I totally rocked it!!!!!!!!


    Ok after reading Meag's post about the issues of clothes not fitting, and obviously we are all hoping to have to change our wardrobes at some point I have an idea.

    I just had to buy 2 pairs of work pants because my old ones were looking WAY to baggy. But that doesn't mean someone here might not be able to use my old ones. While I would donate my clothes any, might as well try giving them to you guys first!

    So what if we say what kind of clothes we have available, what kind of clothes we are looking for and maybe we can send each other some of the in between sizes we are looking for.

    It would definitely help with the issue of not wanting to buy clothes when you know you are just going to change sizes again. I would just ship my clothes to whom ever and if they didn't fit or they didn't like them they can pass them on to the next person.

    I know this might be a little trickey because sometimes shipping can get expensive and I am 5'10" so someone who is 5'5" probably would have an issue with the length of my pants :)

    Let me know what you ladies think and I would definitely be willing to send my clothes to peeps even if no one else is interested in participating.
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Good Morning all!! Today seems to be a slow morning. :noway:

    shelsab - I'm like Meag!! I sing on the treadmill, drum on the treadmill, and would attempt to dance if I didn't think it would throw me off. I love to sing period and focusing on the song rather than my workout helps me to rock it just a lil bit more!! And I'm a complete nerd too! My bf calls me Poindexter...hehe!:tongue:

    Aly - so sorry to hear about all of your woes! I am sure that with that much on your mind, it gets hard to focus on your training and even the big picture. I hope that you were able to sit down with your bf and have a serious conversation about each of your needs and wants. And hopefully you were able to get some clarification. Sending you hugs and good thoughts!! :flowerforyou:

    Tara - woohoo!! Maybe we could double date when I make it out there next month. Of course, I have to make sure my bf can get the time off of work but either way, I will be out there for sure. Maybe we could even go to sushi. And I can't wait to hear the results of your WI today!! :bigsmile:

    Meag - great!! Sounds like you are really working to find some balance in your life. And good to see that you were looking out for your relationship with others. Can't wait to hear how its working for you.

    kbell - I am completely agree with ya on the papers!! :explode: I usually have an individual paper due each week and a team paper due each week. I will be so glad to graduate in June and not have to think about papers any time soon.

    Megan - great job rocking it!! Hopefully since you had such a great morning, the rest of your day will go the same way even though you have to sit through training today. :drinker:

    AFM...finally made it back to the gym last night for kickboxing class but I wanted to fit in 5k training also. I thought it would be best to get it done before kickboxing since I wasn't so sure that I would have the energy after to finish it. So I got the gym and then couldn't find my lock for the locker so I was scrambling to find it and couldn't but luckily I had my daughter's change purse in my gym bag so I just paid for a locker. Then when I got out to the treadmills, they were all being used and I only had about 20 minutes before the kickboxing class started. But since 5k training was my priority, I waited patiently for a machine and decided that I would just be late to the class. Turns out I was only 10 minutes late. Both were kick *kitten*. I was so glad to be back in the kickboxing class. I wanted to do the hula class after but figured I probably shouldn't start it since I wouldn't be able to finish. (kids are only allowed to stay in the kids club for 2 hours) So I decided to get some lifting in. Great workout!!! Hopefully I can see some relief on the scale tomorrow at WI. :bigsmile:
  • ngoat
    ngoat Posts: 97 Member
    * Jess- I fell ya on not seeing the scale move. I was stuck at my weight for a little over 2 weeks. Just hold out a bit longer and you should wee the results you want.

    * Meag- Sorry to hear about your foot and your job situation. I know running is your passion, but maybe you could take this opportunity to try something new with less strain on the foot.

    *Kbell- Man I forgot how rough school can be! It will be done before you know it and then you get to be bogged down by work. haha j/k I hope you are enjoying your new car.

    *Megan- I hope your not getting sick. Take that vitamin C!

    *Alexis- I hope you are having a better day today :smile:

    *Aly- Hang in there.. I know it seems like the worst thing to do, but you need to talk to him about how you are feeling or it will tear you apart inside (I know from experience) but once I finally talked it over it got better. *hugs*

    *Guam- Great workout! Keep up the good work!

    AFM—Overslept this morning.. always a great way to start the day off. haha I am feeling pretty good today. I got my normal cardio workout in and I finally was able to get my sculpting dvd in. -- Side note: When I decided to start working out, I decided to by some weights.. well I had a gift card and went online and bought some new gear. Well dumb *kitten* me only bought one weight and I have been too lazy to go buy the matching one.—To my surprise my hubby got me the matching one for v-day so I started the workout last night and I am feeling it today. :happy:

    I am a bit stressed out about work (who isn’t right?) and well trying to figure out where I am going to move to. I really need to get thinking. :ohwell:

    I hope everyone has a better day today. It seems like we all need a good pick me up today. :drinker:
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member

    Ok after reading Meag's post about the issues of clothes not fitting, and obviously we are all hoping to have to change our wardrobes at some point I have an idea.

    I just had to buy 2 pairs of work pants because my old ones were looking WAY to baggy. But that doesn't mean someone here might not be able to use my old ones. While I would donate my clothes any, might as well try giving them to you guys first!

    So what if we say what kind of clothes we have available, what kind of clothes we are looking for and maybe we can send each other some of the in between sizes we are looking for.

    It would definitely help with the issue of not wanting to buy clothes when you know you are just going to change sizes again. I would just ship my clothes to whom ever and if they didn't fit or they didn't like them they can pass them on to the next person.

    I know this might be a little trickey because sometimes shipping can get expensive and I am 5'10" so someone who is 5'5" probably would have an issue with the length of my pants :)

    Let me know what you ladies think and I would definitely be willing to send my clothes to peeps even if no one else is interested in participating.

    AWESOME IDEA! I'm down. Plus, I can hem (and paying 3$ to get pants hemmed way beats 10 or 20 for a new pair entirely)

    Well I'm a shorty- about 5'3", BUT I have a couple pairs of 12's I've outgrown (some jeans, some black and grey work pants) and if I can get a couple of pairs of 8's I can part with the 10's I have now (which I can pull over my butt without unbuttoning)- grey work pants and some jeans. I also have a pair of red corduroys and a pair of khaki brown- both of which I *think* are 12's (will have to verify when I get home) . Meag- let me know how you feel about hand-me-downs/trades for workout clothes. My bro's gf is on her school track team and they are all tiny (but also late teens so much size fluctuation)

    But yea - looking for 8's. I <3 dark wash jeans and favor grey trouser pants, but don't ever have to go too formal for work- we're business casual here.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Hey guys so I got back from work last night feeling a little off and upset and went straight to the gym. My boyfriend decided to stay home and clean up the house since we have not had time to work on that. After a kick *kitten* workout, and coming home to a clean house I felt so much better. I felt that he was really putting effort into our home together and it made me feel so good. I honestly think I was upset because I didn't get some huge bouquet of flowers or proposed to for valentines day. When I think about it, that is cheezy and so not mine or his style. I know one day it will come and I am going to talk to him about it but I need to assess what the real problem is. I was upset at myself for missing a workout this weekend, I felt guilty and mad at myself for letting me down. This in turn sends me to run or flee from too many situations. I am learning to control my feelings and really figure out what is wrong. I do think I need to have a talk with him but I have to do it with a clear head and no resentment because that will just end in turmoil. I am going to wait until the right moment comes maybe next week sometime and just talk about what we want out of life. I mean we talk about having kids and a house all the time. I know it is out there I just feel insecure maybe and feel like a ring would make me happy. Not sure where to go with that heh.

    On other news, the coached run workout was canceled due to bad weather so I will be going straight to the gym after work to do run and core training. Last week I did 2 days of core and this week I plan to get 2 days in! I am feeling good about my goals even if I don't hit the weight I want to. I started a cleanse yesterday and I am hoping to see some improvements in my mood and energy levels. The headaches are so much better since I got put on this medication. Life is good, I just get wound up and feeling that i don't get a break really throws me off. I can not wait until Hawaii!! Soo no drinking for me for the next 6 weeks. Sounds like a good plan to me hehe maybe it will help with weight loss.

    QOTD- What is your favorite workout when you need to get out of a funk?
    last night spin did amazing for my mood, I need something loud and fast that I can push or pull back in, so spin worked great. Also a run is good when it is nice outside :)
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Melissa-hopefully next time you will find those blueberry miniwheats....I also like the cinnamon ones too, if you can't! I have NEVER been a speed runner, but you get me going, and I can run forever!! LOL keep up the good work!!

    I did get the strawberry ones and they are great....might check out other grocery stores and try the blueberry and cinnamon next! Thanks for the encouragment! I was NEVER a runner either and now it is one of the few stable things in my life (other than my family) that I really look forward to! As far as the speed is concerned...I guess that is one of the few reasons why a treadmill is beneficial!!!

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member

    Ok after reading Meag's post about the issues of clothes not fitting, and obviously we are all hoping to have to change our wardrobes at some point I have an idea.

    I just had to buy 2 pairs of work pants because my old ones were looking WAY to baggy. But that doesn't mean someone here might not be able to use my old ones. While I would donate my clothes any, might as well try giving them to you guys first!

    So what if we say what kind of clothes we have available, what kind of clothes we are looking for and maybe we can send each other some of the in between sizes we are looking for.

    It would definitely help with the issue of not wanting to buy clothes when you know you are just going to change sizes again. I would just ship my clothes to whom ever and if they didn't fit or they didn't like them they can pass them on to the next person.

    I know this might be a little trickey because sometimes shipping can get expensive and I am 5'10" so someone who is 5'5" probably would have an issue with the length of my pants :)

    Let me know what you ladies think and I would definitely be willing to send my clothes to peeps even if no one else is interested in participating.

    AWESOME IDEA! I'm down. Plus, I can hem (and paying 3$ to get pants hemmed way beats 10 or 20 for a new pair entirely)

    Well I'm a shorty- about 5'3", BUT I have a couple pairs of 12's I've outgrown (some jeans, some black and grey work pants) and if I can get a couple of pairs of 8's I can part with the 10's I have now (which I can pull over my butt without unbuttoning)- grey work pants and some jeans. I also have a pair of red corduroys and a pair of khaki brown- both of which I *think* are 12's (will have to verify when I get home) . Meag- let me know how you feel about hand-me-downs/trades for workout clothes. My bro's gf is on her school track team and they are all tiny (but also late teens so much size fluctuation)

    But yea - looking for 8's. I <3 dark wash jeans and favor grey trouser pants, but don't ever have to go too formal for work- we're business casual here.
    Gonks - Happily! I have loads of barely used/worn clothes from my transition period that I'll rummage through and assemble. Happily send it your way. I know I've got a few skirts, if you wear them(?), and some trousers. I have a few pairs of Gap jeans too, I think! Looooaaaaads of shirts that don't fit, too. Maybe I can photo them and you can see what you'd be interested in? My dad works for a shipping company so we get 50% all shipping, though I'm not sure if it's Int'l. I'll find out! And hey - I'd be happy to take whatever XS workout clothes you've got! I'm always in need of new stuff :bigsmile:
This discussion has been closed.