Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - February Challenge!!



  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I am getting into skirts (much more comfy when your thighs aren't constantly chafing...ew).

    I'll do pics this weekend and we'll see if we can't get everyone straightened out. Meag- just so you know, the workout clothes may take a little while to get together- so maybe beginning of March I can send some out to you?

    Once we're all square I'll PM you guys my work address (its just so much easier to get packages here than at home).

  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member

    Ok after reading Meag's post about the issues of clothes not fitting, and obviously we are all hoping to have to change our wardrobes at some point I have an idea.

    I just had to buy 2 pairs of work pants because my old ones were looking WAY to baggy. But that doesn't mean someone here might not be able to use my old ones. While I would donate my clothes any, might as well try giving them to you guys first!

    So what if we say what kind of clothes we have available, what kind of clothes we are looking for and maybe we can send each other some of the in between sizes we are looking for.

    It would definitely help with the issue of not wanting to buy clothes when you know you are just going to change sizes again. I would just ship my clothes to whom ever and if they didn't fit or they didn't like them they can pass them on to the next person.

    I know this might be a little trickey because sometimes shipping can get expensive and I am 5'10" so someone who is 5'5" probably would have an issue with the length of my pants :)

    Let me know what you ladies think and I would definitely be willing to send my clothes to peeps even if no one else is interested in participating.

    AWESOME IDEA! I'm down. Plus, I can hem (and paying 3$ to get pants hemmed way beats 10 or 20 for a new pair entirely)

    Well I'm a shorty- about 5'3", BUT I have a couple pairs of 12's I've outgrown (some jeans, some black and grey work pants) and if I can get a couple of pairs of 8's I can part with the 10's I have now (which I can pull over my butt without unbuttoning)- grey work pants and some jeans. I also have a pair of red corduroys and a pair of khaki brown- both of which I *think* are 12's (will have to verify when I get home) . Meag- let me know how you feel about hand-me-downs/trades for workout clothes. My bro's gf is on her school track team and they are all tiny (but also late teens so much size fluctuation)

    But yea - looking for 8's. I <3 dark wash jeans and favor grey trouser pants, but don't ever have to go too formal for work- we're business casual here.
    Gonks - Happily! I have loads of barely used/worn clothes from my transition period that I'll rummage through and assemble. Happily send it your way. I know I've got a few skirts, if you wear them(?), and some trousers. I have a few pairs of Gap jeans too, I think! Looooaaaaads of shirts that don't fit, too. Maybe I can photo them and you can see what you'd be interested in? My dad works for a shipping company so we get 50% all shipping, though I'm not sure if it's Int'l. I'll find out! And hey - I'd be happy to take whatever XS workout clothes you've got! I'm always in need of new stuff :bigsmile:

    I don't have too many old clothes anymore, I honestly only went from a size 12/14 to a stable 10 now and I think I will struggle to even get into an 8. I would gladly like to see people's size 10's tho!! especially if there is good workout clothes or just jeans. Let me know, maybe we can do a photobucket group or start a group on facebook if people are on there to put pics up and stuff.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Meag doesnt have FB - we'd have to do photo bucket or post them on here somehow (tho i do think a group would be easier)
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    I'm glad everyone is liking the clothes exchange idea! I have much larger sizes then these ladies have, right now I have some nice size 20 dress pants and I am on ther verge of having some size 18. Let me know if any of you ladies are interested in these sizes.
  • shelsab
    shelsab Posts: 138 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Today is a great day. A friend even helped me out with a little situation. I feel bad that I am not putting any money towards the wedding. Its all his money, which we know he makes more than me, but I want to contribute what I can. So my friend thought of a great idea...I can put all my tips I earn each week into a jar and that money can be for the wedding from me, at least until I get a better job (crossing my fingers). Comes to about 200ish a month. So at least its something. Plus I have been getting some great workouts in!

    I think the swapping clothes is a great idea. I have 16s in jeans I do not use any more and wear 14/12s right now, but am looking for some more 12s now!

    guam-great job getting your running in! HULA Sounds run!

    Aly- I am glad your situation is better. Talk sooner rather than later. If you dont, it might get bad. As long as you approach the subject in a good let "us" talk I am sure everything will be good and who knows...maybe he has some concerns/feelings he feels like he wants to talk to you about. Even though you have not talked about how upset you are, I am sure he can sure feel the tension that something is wrong. YOu can do it GIRL :]

  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    This clothing exchange sounds awesome!! I know seripha does something like this with her friends every couple of months. I actually walked past a clothing store today cause I have money burning a hole in my pocket but refused to even look because I know that I don't want to invest ANYTHING into my current size.

    Alexis - I might have some 12s for you. I will have to check my closets and take inventory but I will keep you posted.
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    hey guys. Its after 9 for me and I am pretty tired, so I am going to make this a short, selfish post. I did read everything thats going on, but I just dont have the mental power left to comment to everyone!~!

    I had a pretty good anniversary. My husband and I decided to keep things low key this year since the first three years we went on vacation for it. When Jesse came home from work he asked me out to dinner. I was excited at first but realized that it was tuesday and I had an AA meeting. So I had to decline dinner and stick with my meeting. I know now, after many failed attempts, that if I dont make it to meetings then I end up drinking. And if I want to stay happily married for another 4 years (hopfully MUCH longer than that) then I need to not drink!~! So we are going out to dinner and a movie in friday. we are going to find a new restaruant around and then come back on post to catch a movie. To make it more fun we are gonna get dressed up like were on a "real" date. lol

    I have been doing really good this week. Made it to the gym monday and today. I ran again today. Its been about 2 weeks since i tryed to run because my shins were bothering me soo much. My husband gave me some gel inserts for my sneakers and today NO SHIN SPLINTS~!~! It was amazing. Running on the TM before was soo hard for me. But today I was able to run at 7mph (only for one min, but still) and my shins didnt hurt at all. I also kept in mind what meag said a little while ago. She said to make sure that while running you dont tense up. So I did that... and I was able to run for 20 min. I had to slow down to 3mph a few times and let my heart rate come back, but I still did it. I dont remeber the exact distance but after 20 min it was like 1.4miles. So i think I did pretty good. I also got into the sauna for the first time today. It was AWESOME!~! I layed out for 20 min and afterwards I felt great!~! Its definatly going to motivate me to get to the gym more often.

    Ok, I told you all this was going to be a short post, so I will stop blabbering now.. good night everyone. Happy almost Thursday!~!
  • Fitnurse27
    Fitnurse27 Posts: 71 Member
    Sorry, I haven't typed on here lately I have been reading everyones posts though. Today was a bad eating day, and now it's time for bed and I'm all stressed and tense. It was my son's 4th birthday so I promised him we would go to McDonalds for lunch. I didn't want to eat something really unhealthy there so I just got a fruit and walnut snack pack. Then picked my daughter up from school and went to an indoor play gym and played with the kids for 2 and a half hours. I ate a couple of bites of my daughter's cheap cheese pizza, and by the time I got home I was starving. I then proceeded to eat way to much beef stew. I still feel hungry and my TOM is coming, like tomorrow. This weekend I'm supposed to go away with my husband, so I have to get everything packed and ready for my kids and us. I didn't get a good workout in this week because I've been busy with work and family. I'm just venting so I will feel better, and can get some sleep tonight. Sorry! :)
    I'm hoping to get some good workouts in at the hotel gym this weekend. Now I need to go pack some healthy choices for breakfast and lunch for work tomorrow. I hope everyone has a goodnight!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Meag-I hope your foot feels better, and what a great workout schedule for the week!! I'm feeling like I need to step my WO's up a notch to compare to everyone else on this thread for sure! Clothes are def a huge issue for me too!! I like Megan's idea if we could get it to work or, you could always try goodwill or even the family dollar for some good deals. Thanks for the good luck on the WI and for the comment on me and my bf...he is the greatest :)

    Megan-great job on your workout!! and not a bad idea at all about the clothes; however, I am only 5'3" so your's wouldn't work for me!! LOL I myself have anywhere from 12-16's that I wanna get rid of...jeans and cords...and am looking for 10's in the same :)

    Guam-what's your name btw?! realized that would be beneficial to know for when we go on our double date for sushi!! LOL Great job at the gym and good luck on your weigh-in tomorrow!

    Alexis-how tall are you?? Gonks and I are 5'3" and seem to be the one's with the 12/14's that may work for you!? oh, and great idea on saving the tips for the wedding :)

    Kandace-sounds like you are gonna have a great time on Friday...very exciting :) and great job on getting to the gym and on challenging yourself on your run!

    Rachel-we all have things that we have to do in normal everyday don't get too down about your eating choices for the have plenty of time to kick Feb's goals in the *kitten*!! have fun on your trip this weekend :)

    QOTD-my fave workout to do when I need a pick me up is either Yoga Booty Ballet or Turbo Jam!! dancing seems to do the, the instructor's goofy personalities always helps :)

    Wed-rest day
    Thurs-30min elliptical/10mins arms/10min abs
    Fri-30min elliptical/10min arms/10mins abs
    Sat-wii zumba (i think 60 minutes)/10min arms/10min abs
    Sun-turbo jam T3-30min

    AFM-WK2 check-in:7/7 days over on water, 4/7 days over on fiber, 3/3 abs, 3/3 arms, and I only lost 0.8lbs this week for a total of 3/6lbs for the month so far.
  • You're clothing exchange sounds so fun! I don't have anything to contribute..sigh. I just jam myself into clothes that are too small/big because i have no money for anything new haha. I was skinnier in the summer so hopefully I will fit my summer clothes again when the snow melts!

    @aly - I feel like I have totally been where you were yesterday. (was it yesterday? i didn't bother to check the date of your post and now i've forgotten!) last year my husband (then fiancé) didn't' get my anything for, NOTHING! I was so upset, I remember sobbing to my mom - how could I marry someone who didn't even know me well enough to know that this mattered to me?! My mom told me her "go to" piece of relationship advice. "Did you tell him you wanted something? you cant just expect them to know!!".. Anyway, whether or not I always believe this, I have to say I did (obviously) stay with him and I am happy that I did. :) I hope that your mood continues to improve and that you two work everything out.

    @kancrav - So jealous of your sauna!! I have one at my gym but have been working out at home lately.. I should really hit it up once my driving is ready for "real traffic!" haha

    AFM - Wrote my midterm today. Last big school stress for a little bit. I have reading week next week but I work 5 shifts and have a paper to write and TWO midterms the day we get back, phew! I'm looking forward to it though. Had a bit of frustration last night with this battle to learn to drive my new car.
    I got all this feedback from people when I was considering buying it - "Oh driving a standard is soo easy! you'll love it"... HOLY *kitten* It IS NOT EASY! - Maybe if you were first learning to drive you'd have a slight advantage, but I have nearly 8 years of my feet not having to work independently of each other to work against! I know that my total learning time hasn't even been a full two hours yet but I feel like I should be picking it up so much more quickly! I took it for a drive around my neighbourhood last night and stalled TWICE..turning RIGHT! Why is first gear so hard?! ugh.. I actually have a little bruise on my hand from shifting so hard.. lol My brother kept saying to me "It's not a friggin video game! Are you angry at the shifter? you don't need to push it so hard!" wish me luck girls.

    happy hump day
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    ~KBell... I laugh everytime I read your posts.. I feel like you write like I do, like we are actually "talking" to people. anyway, good luck with learing how to drive, I cant imagine having to learn something new like that. At this point driving is like second nature, you dont think about it too much, and now you have to learn a whole different way of doing it!~!~! Its gonna be tough, but you will get it faster than you think and then you will be one of those sexy ladys that drive a standard!~! (i dont know why guys think thats hot?)

    ~Meag... I put apples in my oats this morning!~! AND CINNAMON.. I did use a packet of splenda, but I have kicked splenda in my tea so I know once I get used to eating oats then I can slowly work it out of the recipe and never even notice its gone. Also I used granny smith apples cuz thats all I had so maybe if I get some red apples it will be sweet enough without the splenda. Thanks for all your great ideas, my heart really apreciates it!~!~!

    ~Radd... I am glad that you are feeling SunnIer today!~! Your a ray of sushine, dont be sad!~!~!

    AFM.... BP is looking better than the first half of the week. Its still high but not dangerously like it was before. I think its becasue I have actually been sleeping the last 2 nights. I have horrible insomnia (from not drinking and stress) so I have been taking valerian root. Last night was only the 4th day I took it, but i slept AMAZINGLY!~! I didnt wake up once! Last night was also the first night i didnt sweat through my bedclothes!~! Valerian root is obviously an herb, its used for pretty much everything. It helps with mood disorders, insomnia, IBS and migranes. I was sceptical because I am not really a fan of "taking things" but it really helps.

    Its 10 am and I want to get to the gym but i cant motivate myself to move. I have been really working on my stomach, I havent missed a day all week. But i am getting frustrated. I started out doing 100 reps, mixing it up and doing differnet things. Then I went to 150 reps cuz I wasnt feeling anything the next day. Still nothing. so yesterday I did 100 reps and half of them were with more than 20 pounds. I kinda feel it this morning, but not much. I thought i was just doing it wrong so I joined my hubby and his friend and did the ab workout they did for PT. They hurt the next day, and I didnt. I guess I am just a freakin champion. LOL. no, but i feel like my stomach is getting bigger. I stopped the beer and NOW I get a beer belly??? WTF!! (Nervous about my WI tomorrow!~!)

    Happy Thirsty Thursday!~!~! (im drinking water, you should too!~!)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Kandace-I always try to be happy and positive...I feel that it really helps :) As for the ab workout...make sure that your technique and breathing are timed correctly, exhale as your contract the muscle (or crunch)!! I found that I wasn't doing in quite right when I first started my ab workouts and your muscles can "grow the wrong way" if you don't!! so keep doing what you are doing...Just be sure to do it right, you'll get it :) And you may wanna do some initial measurements of your natural waist and your belly for a good starting point to look back on after a few weeks :) GOOD LUCK on your weigh-in tomorrow!!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Quick post...I think the clothing exchange is a great idea!!! Unfortunately I have given all of my old stuff to other friends...but I'll see what I have left-may only be sweaters and such. If anyone knows of anyone getting rid of S (shirts or tops) or size 2-4 in pants or skirts or jeans. Or any xs/s workout clothes I'd gladly be interested!!!

    So...yesterday I did my interval run (8x400's). Really wanted to run outside it was 50 and gorgeous!!! BUT I know how much easier to keep track of my intervals on the TM. So I opened the windows in my room and had at it! Great interval run for me :love: I logged a total of 4.6 miles in 45 minutes. Started and ended with a 5 minute walk. Ran first 2 400's @ 7 mph; 2nd 2 @ 7.5 mph; 3rd set @ 8 mph and last 2 @ 8.5 mph!!! I ran my recovery at 6 mph. Overall a very stellar run in my books! I was very happy with it! Today is 3 miler and strength....thank goodness for the GM's!!!!! Defnitiely helps me through my day!

    Have a good one,
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Good Morning everyone-

    Took it easy today and did some investigating of the free weights and weight machines at the gym at work to see what sort of strength circuit I can create. Had a coworker/friend help me out in coming up with a routine.

    I have been pounding away at the cardio but I really need to get into a consistent strength routine. I know that by doing the strength training it will help make me lose inches and as I drop lbs help keep everything nice and tight. My legs were also very tired today- not surprising after 4 days straight of intense cardio workouts of running and spinning. I have training all day again today so I won't be able to reply to you ladies (typing in the middle of class is kind of distracting) however I will be stalking the thread so keep me updated!!

  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    Good morning ladies!!

    Well, I have been totally MIA for the past week. It was my birthday this weekend - which was tons of fun :drinker: :bigsmile: if not exactly healthy :grumble: I knew going into the weekend that I was not going to be good - and now I'm paying for it on the scale! As I see it what goes on WILL come back off. Not sure how fast though, since there is STILL cake in the fridge... I think I'm going to have to force it onto anyone who walks through my door.

    Since then I have been good - with one exception: I developed a sweet tooth. I mean I've always loved all things chocolate, but this whole week I've been having such problems with ignoring the peppermint patties in my pantry, or sticking to eating just one at the end of the day. I guess it's fairer to say that I feel like I've lost control of my sweet tooth... not a pleasant thought. Maybe it's the time of year (Feb 15th is National Discount Chocolate Day after all) or the time of the month coming on, but I'm kind of at a loss. It's usually salty carbs that I have to work to put down - so this whole sweet craving thing is coming out of left field for me. Am I sounding completely crazy yet??? What works for you ladies when the sweet tooth gets out of control?

    It's time for my C25K W1D3. Every time I've started the program, I have gotten super sick before being able to do D3. BUT I'm feeling pretty fine today - so I think this curse is over!! (knock on wood...)

    I'm going to come back later and reply to as many of you kick *kitten* twenty-somethings that I can.

    :happy: Meredith
  • I wanted to do my best to catch up...

    Mkingraham- I am dying to know what W4D2 is….also what a great idea about sharing clothes while changing sizes!! It’s like the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants hee hee. What a supportive & cost effective solution. Kudos to you!!! I would love to participate but I feel I have a LONG way to go until I’m switching pants with other…..:blushing:

    GuanGrly- What an awesome way to turn an ok situation into a GREAT workout!! It would have been very easy to skip the 5k training and just do kickboxing or to just nix them both if things weren’t going your way, but you got creative and fit both in and added some lifting!! Yahoo

    Ngoat- ha ha I had a similar situation but with an oveglove. I thought they were sold in pairs, but alas they are sold separately…what a thoughtful gift from your hubby!!!

    Meggonkgonk- Ok I think a new mini goal of mine is to be able to utilize your size 12’s you have laying around!! Fantastic…I’ll keep it in the back of my mind that there are some pants looking for a good home and that could be on my smaller caboose!! I’m 5’5” so also on the shorter side of the spectrum!!!

    Lostalykat- you are recognizing the problem and addressing ways to correct it. That right there is half the battle! You’re doing the best thing possible taking care of you and your emotional well being, it sounds like a tough situation but I’m hoping things get worked out for you soon!

    Rachellynch83- I hear you!! I have fallen off the wagon and don’t have the energy to push myself back on! I have zero workouts in this week and I’m so ashamed of it it’s keeping me from actually going to the gym…that’s actually not true, I have done 2 walks with my son after work since it’s been above freezing here and it’s wonderful, but no visits to the gym for me. My TOM kicked my butt this week…came on Monday and I’m still feeling the aftermath…ugh…I feel worse now because of all the crap I put in my body and I’m def lacking in the water dept. Feeling like a failure here….good luck with your packing and getting ready for the weekend away!!!

    Kbellnurse- YAY on buying a car!!!! And holy cow I can’t imagine how hard it is for you to learn standard!! GOOD LUCK I know you can do it, eventually your feet will learn the new routine while driving :bigsmile:

    Kan Crav- happy to read that your BP is looking better! And wahoo for sleeping! I always feel better a good nights sleep, and there is a difference….WOW huge kudos to you for not missing a day at the gym…you’re my new idol…I haven’t gotten my butt there all week and I’ve let bickering with my hubby lead to missing 2 water aerobics classes and then I’ve substituted chocolate for class not very productive here….but today I’m drinking water :drinker:

    Wardiemelissa- great job on your interval run!!! :flowerforyou:

    stuartme123- Happy belated birthday!!!
  • Now I have some confessing to do....I have not been a star this week at the gym actually I have been MIA also at the gym this week. TOM was a BIG BIG BIG factor at the beginning of the week, stayed home from work. This was my first real battle with TOM while full out doing the calorie/workout was rough...but it also was a gateway for me to fall into old habits, I didn't do a good job of working against cravings and I missed 2 days of water aerobics...and that is pretty much my favorite work out. To make things worse my hubby and I have been on way separate pages all week, bickering and not getting along. He is super stressed about his job (who isn't these days) and its spilling over into our marriage...anyone else have one of those weeks where you just wish you could erase it and have your partner back??

    So I haven't logged calories since Monday - today I am back on the horse- and I'm going to do C25K Day 1 today....Just needing a little feedback that I don't have to fall into this blackhole that I feel is sucking me!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    JB- I'm sorry to hear you have had such an off week. TOM is never fun but added stress definitely doesnt help either.

    I just wanted to take a second and address the cravings, missed workout and not logging stuff. First, I think it's really important to note that EVERYONE misses their calorie goals, has/indulges cravings and misses workouts. Cuz you know what? Sometimes other parts of life are just more important. *kitten* just happens. I miss 1 scheduled run almost every week to hang out with the BF- sometimes I get it in, sometimes I dont. I had a bit of a health scare a few weeks back and didn't workout for the whole week- nothing to be ashamed of.

    And that brings me to my main point-- did you not log your calories because you were just too busy/needed a break? Or did you not log them because you were ashamed to look at what you had eaten? If it was the latter, than hark I must protest! Obviously what's done is done and your attitude of picking your self up and moving on is great! But I just want to put this out for the next time (there's always a next time!)- when you feel the least like logging, that is usually when it is most important to log! Being honest in your diary, even when you aren't at your best, helps you reinforce the concept that food is not your enemy (even Dorritios- their friends. We likes them, we do!)

    Anyway, the next time you are down, I highly recommend logging, even if it means seeing those cranky red numbers on your page. (I particularly have a hard time with this). To get your balance back, I would recommend 1) Not stressing about missing a workout- MFP has you set to lose even without it, so workouts are just gravy! 2) INTENTIONALLY go over your calories at least 1x a week. Even if it's by 100-200. It's good for you- both body and mind-- I promise. 3) Try not to stress too much about the Mister. Typically when it's stress related like that, just trying to keep a level head through the most inane of the bickering/sniping, works wonders. I am unmarried, so my perspective/dynamic may be quite different, but I've been with my guy for 7.5 years, so I defintiely hear you on the wanting things back the way they were.

    Good luck with the C25K and take it easy on yourself.

  • Fitnurse27
    Fitnurse27 Posts: 71 Member
    Today has started off great! Thanks for listening to me vent yesterday. I was supposed to work today, and I ended up getting the first half of the day off. I got a chance to catch up on laundry which will help for the packing, got a little more sleep, played with my son, and got to go to the gym. (Yeah!) :) At work now and feeling much better.

    Jb- We can do this! I logged a depressingly large amount of homemade stew last night. I find that logging helps me not binge as much because I am more likely to eat just 2 cookies than the 5 or more I would normally eat. Please stick with this we are all in it together, and remember it is a lifestyle change. One week will not ruin anything and everything you are doing is one more step to improving your health. I still need to get on the website c25k. I have not forgotten just been busy~
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Good Morning all!! :flowerforyou:

    Tara - my name is Bethany. And I regret to say that the Vegas trip has been postponed.:angry: My best friend just found out that she has a final that Friday and my bf isn't sure if they are giving him the time off. So our double date will have to wait. But if you make it out to LA before I make it to Vegas, please hit me up!!

    Kandace - great job keeping your priorities in order this week and attending your meeting rather than going to dinner with the hubby. I think you guys will have a much better time since you went because now you won't be beating yourself up about what you should have done.

    kbell - you will get it eventually! I know it seems much harder because you have kinda already become set in your ways when it comes to driving. My 1st car that I could call my own was a manual transmission. I was in high school and would always take the long way to school so that I only had to make right turns. I was horrified of having to make a left turn in front of the school and possibly stalling out. I would have been mortified. But I did it and you will too. Just remember that practice will get you where you need to be and be patient because getting all worked up about it won't get you where you want to be either.

    Meredith - I have a huge sweet tooth!! That is probably one of my biggest problems....I :heart: sugar and sweets!! Even on a good calorie day, my sugar content is always in the red. I try to avoid bringing that stuff into the house but it gets hard when I am living with 3 other adults that could care less about what they put into their mouths. And at work, they have started to bake cookies fresh for the customers everyday. Just my luck, the oven sits directly behind my desk, like so close that I can touch it. The smell gets to me each and every day but the cookies are only free for the customers and employees have to pay 25 cents so it makes me think just a little bit before indulging.

    jbars - I was basically gonna say what Gonks said but as usual, she said it soooo much better. I avoid logging some days just because I know that the choices I have made were less than ideal. I think I have only had one weekend that I have logged the whole thing and that weekend turned out to be amazing food-wise. We can do this!!! muscles were aching yesterday from my 5k training and kickboxing. I really wanted to fit in W2D2 but I know that my body needed to rest. So after dinner and picking up my son from his dad, I decided to do some yoga. I know we have talked about this a few months ago but if you ladies have cable or satellite, take advantage of the FREE workout videos that are on demand. I like that they switch up the videos to choose from and there were 127 videos. I didn't want to work out for an hour so I looked through all 5 yoga workouts and found one that was about 30 minutes. WI didn't go very well this morning. I seemed to be right back where I started. I am sure there are a few things contributing to the # going the other direction but I am trying to not let it get me down. And my date with the boy got cancelled last night cause he got called into work...which hasn't happened in the last 2 months. So I was just looking forward to talking to him once he got off of work but he waited until almost midnight to call and by that time, I was already asleep. Hopefully today goes better. Trying to be positive and perky!! I think I am gonna leave early so that I can fit in W2D2 before having to pick up the kids from daycare today. We shall see!!

    Hope everyone has a great Thursday!!!
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