Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - February Challenge!!



  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    quick selfish post for me.. just trying to keep things on track. I have to "readjust" my goal. In the begining of the month I wanted to reach 157. I dont think thats going to happen. (had a very stressful month) I started out at 163, so all month I have only lost one pound. I feel like thismonth as been soo long and so unproductive for me. But I cant get too discouraged. all I can go is take my weight and continue. uhh, I would be lieing if I wasnt super frustrated though. But uhh... here goes..

    160 by Feb 28th
    week 4/5 of Feb.... gym 4xs. home w/o 3xs. at least 25 situps a day 10 push ups every other day.

    ~NicNac... way to go on the loss!~!~!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    NicNac - That recipe looks great! Let me know how it turns out... Sounds like a lot of curry and garam masala, but I love things a little spicy. I might even recommend adding a little cayenne as well, just to kick it up :) I made cajun shish kabobs a while ago with veggeis and pineapple and a yogurt based marinade and it was awesome... I bet if you skewered the pieces of chicken with some veggies commonly found in indian cuisine, like cubed eggplant, onions, and peppers and then roasted them in the oven, it would be great! :bigsmile: My mind is just racing with possibilities. If you're short on time, you could even just skip the skewering, let the chicken marinade and then toss the veggies in a casserole dish or on a baking sheet and top with the chicken pieces and toss it all in the oven...The veggies might need a little longer to cook, though. Sounds great! OH and wonderful loss and jog btw!! It's great to hear that you just "went for it" and you felt good about it afterward. Sounds like you've got a stellar attitude :happy:

    Allie!! Happy to see you back girl :bigsmile: I think the spring weather, longer days, and the snow finally melting a bit will definitely bring about some change for us ladies. I am hoping that our March thread will contain a little more sunshine and a lot less stress for everyone... February can be such a hard month! :ohwell: Glad to hear you're back on track though and it sounds like your running is going well. The burn on my HRM is always such a great motivator - Running is wonderful for that! Combined with a TF workout a few times a week and you'll be back on track in no time. Good luck lady :drinker:

    Lola - Dunno how I missed this, but apparently you asked about gym memberships? Anyway, I am a member of the Y and I pay (with tax) about $53 a month... It's steep considering I am unemployed, but I go to the gym 3-5 times a week so I make good use of it. I can also use their pools and squash/racquetball courts and they have quite a few classes that I enjoy. That being said, I lost ALL my weight without a gym and only got a membership once I started maintenance (I was too cheap/poor before), so it's very much possible to do it all sans-equipment. Hope you figure out what's best for you!

    Family Day in Ontario today - which is a ridiculous excuse for a civic holiday - so Tyler is going to come over and my extended family is having some kind of affair nearby, so I think we'll swing by that for an hour and say "hi". It's the first real meeting of my boyfriend for my extended family (I have been keeping him all to myself) so I am a bit stressed out... Mostly because, like everyone, I have extremely embarrassing family members that I want to shield him from, but I might as well just get it over with now... No clue what we're doing tonight. Hopefully just relaxing :bigsmile: My legs could use a break!

    Have a wonderful Monday, everyone. Let's finish this month off strong! :drinker: 7 more days!! :drinker:
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    it's been a couple weeks since i've been on the forum. i was depressed over valentines day & had a few really bad food days & got off track & then i was sick & stopped doing the 30 day shred, but through being sick (majority lost was prob water weight), i dropped the rest of my goal for this month! i'm 124lbs :o) so i'm back & feeling much better & starting back on the 30 day shred today & eating right. fresh start! i'm kind of expecting to put another couple pounds back on or maintain the rest of this month because i was sick & not keeping anything in for most of last week, but i'm happy with the results now that i'm feeling better. it's crazy that like 5 pages of the forum were added in the last week or so that i haven't been on here! i'll read back & catch up with everyone & hope everyone else has been making progress & doing well!

    so monday weigh in is 124lbs (-4 this month!)
  • Hey! It snowed last night, so I think I shall get some exercise by shoveling (& it helps mama out too while dads in Port Elgin) :P
  • Rachel - I have a membership at my school's athletics centre which is included in our fees, but a paid membership runs about $45 monthly I believe. Before using the gym at school, I had a membership at Goodlife, which was $22 biweekly for a year membership and way too steep imo compared with the facilities at other gyms for the same cost or less.

    Tj - that dinner looks amazing. Slowcooker meals are the best!

    Cait - :heart: hugs to you - I hope things look up, and your attitude is great - you are so right, it's more how we handle what life throws at us rather than the content of the situation itself. Keep on rocking on with that awesome outlook and you will come out the other side soaring.

    NicNac - Welcome! And that recipe looks so good - totally trying it tonight, I usually end up throwing some approximation of those ingredients into my wok as I'm finishing a stirfry to make what I like to think is a kind of curry haha. This sounds much better so I'm totally going to give it a try.

    Meag - Also an Ontarian so I feel you on the ridiculousness of having a civic holiday today. I just rained all over my roommate's parade as she was heading out to the post office by being the messenger of that there's no way she's overnighting any package today.

    Oh and after a trip to the grocery store last week, pondering the squash for several minutes, googling pictures of buttercup squash on my phone while at the grocery store still, and consulting another person in the produce section, I ended up with - an acorn squash according to the more thorough googling I've done since. What I now recognize as the buttercup squash had a label written in spanish I think and google image results maddeningly show pictures of both the acorn and the buttercup. I know you linked a picture of what it looked like, and I definitely looked at it - I just have a really terrible memory apparently. Ah well, trial and error is a good form of learning.

    AFM - Feel kind of thrown off my workouts, had midterms last week so was crazy busy and didn't work out as much as I wanted to (though I still got in the minimum amount at least planned for cardio) and then got slammed on Friday with a nasty 48-hr kinda bug. It was the oddest thing, I felt fine Friday morning, suddenly felt exhausted early afternoon so laid down for a minute, and then woke up 5 hours later with swollen glands, a seriously painful throat, and all fevered and feeling like garbage. Totally came out of nowhere, and I'm glad its seemingly completely gone now. But I finally broke the plateau I've been on for the last couple weeks so I'm stoked about that - seems like upping my daily intake by a bit and getting better about eating at least some of my exercise calories did the trick. Maybe just coincidental timing since it was about a week after I put my daily levels up, but it seems pretty in line with what everyone says here about calorie deficits and eating your exercise calories. Anyway, I'm going to get back into it today and finish the month strong with all of the kicking *kitten* people! There's a pilates class at the gym I'm wanting to try to mix up my workouts more, does anyone have any experience/tips/whatever with pilates they want to share? Definitely stretch enough beforehand would be number one I'm assuming lol.

    Hope everyone is having a great Monday! :happy:
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Good Afternoon *kitten* Kickers!!

    Going to be a selfish post for now but I promise to at least attempt to comment back to everyone at some point today! I did W6D1 of C25K today and it was awesome! I was worried how it was going to feel after running the 2 miles on Friday, but I took both Saturday and Sunday off from exercising, well on Sunday we did a mile walk with our pup but it was not at any sort of heart pumping pace. It felt good to do the workout and then I followed it up with a strength training workout.

    Last night I had Chile Chicken Tortillas from the Clean Eating Magazine- all I have to say is YUMMMMMMMMM! Both the hubby and me really loved it! It is chicken strips with chili powder on it quickly cooked in a pan. With whole wheat tortillas and a delicious avocado sour cream. Yum! And its a little over 400 calories for a serving which had more chicken on it then the magazine suggested. We have a week of receipies that we are trying from the mag and I will keep everyone posted on how they turn out. Tonight is a seafood corn chowder.

    I'm feeling really positive about this clean eating and feeling great that C25K is going so well! Just having a great Monday and ready for March to get here so I can carry this positive energy into it! Keep up the great work everybody!
  • I'm back! I've been gone from the board, but not gone from MFP for about two weeks. Was at my parent's place in AZ and then when I came back to Canada I had so much work piled up that I really had to focus on it for about a week. Also had a lot of job stuff rolling around. I've been on multiple 2 - 3 month contracts for the last year and this week I interviewed for my own position so that I could get a 13 month contract (until next fiscal). Finally accepted the job last Thursday but am still sorting out some of the compensation details.

    I'm kung fu-ing so hard! 3 x a week for the first time last week! I was very proud of myself. I'm learning a basic form that I can hopefully compete with at the next big martial arts tournament in May. My sifu (chinese equiv of japanese sensei) says that I'm learning very fast thanks to my athletic and dancing back ground, so that's my new goal right now: to master the form to a solid novice level so I can compete in the Novice 18+ in late may. We'll see how it goes!

    Here's what my week's look like work out wise:

    Monday: Step class
    Tuesday: Kung fu!
    Weds: Spin Class
    Thursday: Yoga and Kung Fu
    Friday: Pilates
    Sat: Rest
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Meag-thnx for the recipe...looks great!

    Kandace- AGREED!! and WTG on setting some new goals for are doing great!

    Allie-welcome back and thanks :)

    Nic-thnx for the recipe and WTG!

    jnlynch-welcome back and great loss so far!

    Seripha-welcome back to you too...hope you had fun in AZ, and great job with the Kung Fu! that will super exciting if you get to compete!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Super quick check in while the boy is on the phone...

    Had popcorn today at the theatre, didn't work out, and still stayed within my cals! Crazy - wasn't even intentional. We just didn't have much time to eat today, honestly... Had a family function thing and went to the movies right after dinner. Terrible, terrible movie. The King's Speech was sold out :grumble:

    Made another awesome chicken and spice stir fry today with the same spice mix as the tofu scramble. Turned out great! And really healthy. Big workout day planned tomorrow and tons of healthy food. Yay! :drinker:

    Echo - Lame! Acorn squash is NOTHING like buttercup and way underwhelming... Sorry to hear it. Please don't let the acorn squash sully your opinion of winter squash in general. I promise you the buttercup will redeem it :tongue: With the acorn, just steam it quickly in the microwave (whole with a few piercings), cut it in half and roast it in the oven with spices, brown sugar and cinnamon, or whatever you like! A quick recipe search will yield loads of ideas - I know that there's a stuffed acorn squash recipe on these threads somewhere, too... I think Melissa posted one last month (??)

    Great work everyone! Will catch up more tomorrow :heart:
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    hey everyone! ok super selfish post but today i'm feeling awesome... at WI today i was 153.0, bringing me officially to 40.5 lbs lost!! i never thought i could lose 4, let alone 40 lol. a big part of that is thanks to you guys and the support from this group i've gotten since we started last year.. tonight is night 5, and although i'm def feeling it, i have 4 more hours before 2 glorious fun filled days off! wed. will be snowboarding as i said so that'll de be my workout for the day lol.

    good luck to those weighing in and hope you all have a good week ahead!
  • NicNac86
    NicNac86 Posts: 130
    Thanks for the well wishes guys :)

    Unfortunately I forgot to take any pics - d'oh! But if any of you guys give it a try let me know how it turns out ok?

    Me and a couple of friends are thinking of starting to go to a Zumba class. I'm unsure really. Has anyone here ever done any?

    Have a great week :)
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Good Afternoon *kitten* Kickers!!

    Going to be a selfish post for now but I promise to at least attempt to comment back to everyone at some point today! I did W6D1 of C25K today and it was awesome! I was worried how it was going to feel after running the 2 miles on Friday, but I took both Saturday and Sunday off from exercising, well on Sunday we did a mile walk with our pup but it was not at any sort of heart pumping pace. It felt good to do the workout and then I followed it up with a strength training workout.

    Last night I had Chile Chicken Tortillas from the Clean Eating Magazine- all I have to say is YUMMMMMMMMM! Both the hubby and me really loved it! It is chicken strips with chili powder on it quickly cooked in a pan. With whole wheat tortillas and a delicious avocado sour cream. Yum! And its a little over 400 calories for a serving which had more chicken on it then the magazine suggested. We have a week of receipies that we are trying from the mag and I will keep everyone posted on how they turn out. Tonight is a seafood corn chowder.

    I'm feeling really positive about this clean eating and feeling great that C25K is going so well! Just having a great Monday and ready for March to get here so I can carry this positive energy into it! Keep up the great work everybody!

    Glad to hear your Monday started off so well!! Wishing you a great rest of the week!!! BTW...where does one go about purchasing the Clean Eating Magazine? I'm always looking for good healthy recipes :love:

  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Echo - Lame! Acorn squash is NOTHING like buttercup and way underwhelming... Sorry to hear it. Please don't let the acorn squash sully your opinion of winter squash in general. I promise you the buttercup will redeem it :tongue: With the acorn, just steam it quickly in the microwave (whole with a few piercings), cut it in half and roast it in the oven with spices, brown sugar and cinnamon, or whatever you like! A quick recipe search will yield loads of ideas - I know that there's a stuffed acorn squash recipe on these threads somewhere, too... I think Melissa posted one last month (??)

    Great work everyone! Will catch up more tomorrow :heart:

    Just posted a few days (last week at the most on here)...didn't post recipe but when I have time would be more than happy too! It was pretty good...
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    hey everyone! ok super selfish post but today i'm feeling awesome... at WI today i was 153.0, bringing me officially to 40.5 lbs lost!! i never thought i could lose 4, let alone 40 lol. a big part of that is thanks to you guys and the support from this group i've gotten since we started last year.. tonight is night 5, and although i'm def feeling it, i have 4 more hours before 2 glorious fun filled days off! wed. will be snowboarding as i said so that'll de be my workout for the day lol.

    good luck to those weighing in and hope you all have a good week ahead!

    Great job on the loss!! Keep it up :drinker: :drinker:
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Good morning everyone...woke up well before my alarm this morning so had some time to catch up on here before I head into school. The kids all have the day off (mid-winter break) but we have professional development...blah, blah, blah!!! :grumble:

    Plus my smart husband had to take his truck in to get the front bumper fixed (decided to take it out 2 tracking a while back and well let's just say it wasn't a GREAT idea!) So he has a rental car-hmm....did he choose something that would work in the middle of winter???? NO!!!! He has been driving around in a 2011 Camaro....nice car but not the best with SNOW on the ground!!!! So now I have to get up extra early to drop him off at work! :angry:

    Going to make some jamacian chicken and butternut couscous recipe I found. Will post if worth anything. Going to also get 4.5 miles in on the TM today after work in my new Brooks. Wore them yesterday for a quick 2 miles and they felt pretty good. Even though I am sore as all get up from yoga and strength yesterday. YIKES!!!!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    NicNac- one of my girlfriends is absolutely in love with zumba, and although i've never done it, i have yet to hear one bad thing about it. i think it's great for varying your workouts, and if you like to dance, all the better! i think it's good b/c pretty much anyone can do it, no matter your size... my friend has lost about 50 lbs between zumba, jogging, and of course using MFP!
  • NicNac86
    NicNac86 Posts: 130
    Thanks allie - might have to give it a go!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Hey everyone! Happy Short workweek!~!~!

    Is anyone else nervous about the end of the month? I am trying to think of it as "excited for the NEW" month to begin.

    I have a meeting tonight which doesnt always give me the best dinner options. But we will see how that goes. I spent alot of time out of the house today so I didnt sit around and eat all day, I have plenty of cals left over to be able to eat out, just dont want to eat all those cals too late.

    Made one gym workout (12:20) mile yesterday and one home workout today, I am well on the way to meeting my exercise goals this week. !~!~!~! Yeay~~~!~!
    I hope everyone has a good day.
  • Tuesday... Blahhhhh
    Looking at my February goal... WAY TOO ambitious.. more like unrealistic and wishful thinking!!! I wanted to lose 10 lbs in a short month, but it's looking like 4 lbs will be a stretch! I plan to bust it the next few days and strive for 2 more lbs. I know I can do it "swimsuit, swimsuit, swimsuit." :glasses:

    I heard on the today show this morning that:
    "On average women think negative thoughts about body image 13 times per day." They said there is no correlation to your size. They also said that exercise led to decreasing this number (not because women who exercise are more likely to be a desirable size). Interesting because I started thinking about my patterns and how "frequently" (assuming I am one of the average women putting myself down 13 times daily) I put myself down because of my shape... AND I realized before I had heard the show on the today show... I had already counted two--- Once getting into the shower and once while getting dressed....
    Do you fall into the average? Thinking negative thoughts about body image 13 times daily??? Try to talk yourself up and fire back with a positive about your body when you start thinking negatively! Look at how far you have come... or how far you are about to go!

    Alli-- your journey is an inspiration! Great job with mega loss! :)
    NicNac--- I love love love love ZUMBA--- I do it three to four times a week!!! Even if you are uncoordinated... you can still rock at it! Give it a try for some variation to your routine.

    REMEMBER- Postitive self thoughts... I am going to try to make a conscious effort!
  • Fitnurse27
    Fitnurse27 Posts: 71 Member
    Okay, so here is my dilemma. I have either completely messed up my monthly cycle, or I am pregnant. I'm already a week late. No I haven't taken a test. I plan to wait another week before that. I don't think I'm pregnant, so has anyone else messed up their cycle when changing diet and exercise. If that is what happened could that mean I wasn't getting enough calories? I would not include this weekend in that assessment.
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