Venting for a moment



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,318 Member
    One more reason to keep your diary to "Private". :wink: don't go clickin on my profile ....:laugh:
  • laceyraschke
    laceyraschke Posts: 7 Member
    One more reason to keep your diary to "Private". :wink: don't go clickin on my profile ....:laugh:

    It's an option but I have nothing to hide and I figure if someone reallllly wants to see how i eat day to day...knock yourself out... I have my emotional eating days and sometimes could use a little pick me up and some motivational words when I'm going for round 2 of the MCC ice cream singles....(like yesterday)
  • jen0619
    jen0619 Posts: 414
    I read about how all some people eat "completely clean" so this is not in reference to people who eat mostly clean. I have looked at various food diaries from these "completely clean" eaters and I am sorry. I do not think that Popeyes Chicken, Papa Johns Pizza, Mc Donalds are clean foods. I do understand people allow themselves cheat days but if you are going to pride yourself upon eating clean. I would think a person would make better choices, that's all.

    For a second I panicked and wondered if I accidentally left my diary public! But there aren't any Papa Johnses nearby so... phew. :bigsmile:

    Haha thats awesome. I know people are all different and eat fast foods as well and I mean if its not hurting you then why not its just a different case.. know what I mean?
  • jennifir
    jennifir Posts: 197 Member
    Definitely not offended cause I don't eat clean. I eat moderately healthy...cook light,, love veggies cept mushrooms! yuk! I was educated because I never knew there was anything called "eating clean". Reminds me of all the pretentious healthy hippes in asheville who think they eat so great and look down on those who don't eat all organic like they do. gets on my last nerve...makes me wanna lick a pesticide cover apple in front of them! lol! Nah!:laugh:
  • Teemo
    Teemo Posts: 338
    Haha thats awesome. I know people are all different and eat fast foods as well and I mean if its not hurting you then why not its just a different case.. know what I mean?

    Of course! There's also something to be said for honesty... and about hypocrisy. I personally don't claim to eat 100% clean (partly to avoid egg on my face the day I DO accidentally make my diary public) but I do my best to eat -smart-, if that makes sense. That is, I'm constantly aware of what it is I'm eating... and the big downside to fastfood isn't so much whether it's considered "clean" but the sodium, preservatives, and lack of transparency in what it is you're actually eating. (Is it beef? Is it meat?)

    The only thing you'll catch me recommending people avoid -- and I avoid it myself in turn -- is soda. :wink:
  • jen0619
    jen0619 Posts: 414
    Definitely not offended cause I don't eat clean. I eat moderately healthy...cook light,, love veggies cept mushrooms! yuk! I was educated because I never knew there was anything called "eating clean". Reminds me of all the pretentious healthy hippes in asheville who think they eat so great and look down on those who don't eat all organic like they do. gets on my last nerve...makes me wanna lick a pesticide cover apple in front of them! lol! Nah!:laugh:

    Hahahahahahahahhahah :)
  • jen0619
    jen0619 Posts: 414
    Haha thats awesome. I know people are all different and eat fast foods as well and I mean if its not hurting you then why not its just a different case.. know what I mean?

    Of course! There's also something to be said for honesty... and about hypocrisy. I personally don't claim to eat 100% clean (partly to avoid egg on my face the day I DO accidentally make my diary public) but I do my best to eat -smart-, if that makes sense. That is, I'm constantly aware of what it is I'm eating... and the big downside to fastfood isn't so much whether it's considered "clean" but the sodium, preservatives, and lack of transparency in what it is you're actually eating. (Is it beef? Is it meat?)

    Yep. Love this!
    The only thing you'll catch me recommending people avoid -- and I avoid it myself in turn -- is soda. :wink:
  • Great Post. Some good humor as well. I am trying to learn more about "Clean Eating". Sounds like a good lifestyle choice rather than fad.
  • vsangel87
    vsangel87 Posts: 108 Member
    Eating clean is VERY hard. Baked fish, chicken... Green veggies and berries... No butter, gravy, salt, etc. I've been trying to eat as clean as I can for my 3 meals, but I allow myself a piece of chocolate as well..

    That's actually not that can still eat the things you like, just don't go crazy with it. Why can't people understand that?? For example, if you like butter on your baked potatoes, use margarine instead and maybe just use a very little amount. And if you usually like to eat sour cream with whatever, use plain yogurt instead. Like fried chicken? No problem! Eat it! Just eat it in moderation. To me, that's eating clean...eating what you like in moderation and substituting "unhealthy" choices for more healthy ones.
    I totally do not agree w/ this. Eating less of a bad food doesn't make it better. Margarine is processed chemicals. Hydrogenated oils for frying, not clean. I do not eat clean. I eat a heck of alot better than I used to and alot of my food is fresh, organic REAL food. I still use salt, but I grow my own vegetables and herbs and use those for as long as I can in as much as I can. I make alot of my own foods and It is really hard. Making your own bread, gringing your own grains, making all condiments, basically not eating anything that was made by man is very time consuming.

    Well, you don't have to agree with me...that's just what i believe and i stand by it. I still eat things like pizza in moderation and i haven't gained an ounce. Wow, some people are just too hard on themselves. And people say i'm hard on myself...psh. I know this is cliched and all, but life is short...enjoy it while you can. And by the way, not all of us can afford organic food all the time and some of us definitely don't have the time to grow our own vegetables. Let's be realistic here...
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