30 Day Challenge



  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 562 Member
    30-day Challenge SW 210.0
    30-day Challenge GW 200.0
    2/21/11 CW 206.4 Down 3.6 lbs

    I'm sure part of my total loss is water weight. By avoiding processed and salty foods for the most part, my daily sodium intake has been 1500mg or less this past week. Upping my water intake has helped too, I think.

    Congrats to all who are sticking with the Challenge!
  • EmRN06
    EmRN06 Posts: 85 Member
    30 day Challenge SW 188.9
    30 day Challenge GW 182.0

    2/21/11 CW 185.2!!!

    Thanks for keeping me motivated!!!
  • SW 149
    GW 139


    On my way!
  • lwilliams83
    lwilliams83 Posts: 13 Member
    SW: 149.2
    CW: 148.2

    1 pound lost!
  • jsa_momto3
    jsa_momto3 Posts: 25 Member
    SW 130
    GW 125 for 30 days

    2/21/11 128
  • jackswife1207
    jackswife1207 Posts: 59 Member
    Lesleed-so sorry for your loss. Don't beat yourself up over 1 day. We all have off days! You'll get back on track!

    Jules-it has to feel good to see that one in front of your weight! Congrats!

    Here's my statistics:
    SW: 181
    GW: 175
    CW: 178!!

    I had a hospital stay this past week which resulted in 2 pounds lost but I've kept it off and lost another pound since getting home. So I'm already half way to my goal!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    Here's the updated list of the weigh-ins so far today:
    nikki8marie (I have you down as a pass for this week :wink: )

    If there is anyone who has checked in that I missed, please let me know, I don't want to accidentally leave anyone out.
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 562 Member
    40 minutes and 2.2 miles walked at 3.3 mph on relatively level terrain. Started out in light drizzle, but the sun came out for most of my walk. One benefit from the walking is that my hips seem to be loosening up/strengthening and don't hurt after 5 minutes anymore. My main motivation for walking is that it's a low-impact exercise that gets my out-of-shape heart pumping at a safe level, plus gives me more calories to add to my meal planning. It's also a practical exercise, since when I get back into horse-keeping, there's lots of walking involved doing chores around the barn.

    I've been using Google Maps to track my route and miles walked, since I don't have a pedometer.

    My near-term weight loss goals are listed in my signature, but I may have to revise some of them if they prove to be unrealistic. I would like to be at or near my goal weight and reasonably fit by the time I retire in Spring 2012. I have 65 lbs. to lose in about 14 months, or an average of 4.5/month.
  • 2/14 start weight - 196
    2/21 weight - 194 (down 2)

    3/14 Goal - 188
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    good monday! Ran 2 miles straight in 24 minutes. I was a lot faster when I ran the NYC 1/2 marathon August 2010, but I'll get back to that before long, I know it. Just proud of myself for being able to go for the 2 straight miles and not stop. Also jogged in place another 10 while baby was bathing. This is my new fav way to burn a quick 100 cals!

    Will do 30 mins of pilates with my neighbor later tonite and will definitely finish today under calories, even after enjoying a skinny cow ice cream sandwich.

    After doing pilates workout tonite, I'm going to sit down and work on today's challenge. I've been pondering these goals, but haven't made 'em solid. I think it's a fear of failure thing. If I write it down but don't meet my goal then I've failed. But I'm changing my ways, and getting a healthier body, so I need a healthier mindset to go with it. I'm going to think of this as: WHEN (instead of if) I meet my goal I will be so proud and will have the little piece of paper that I wrote my dream on as a reminder that I CAN DO IT! :heart:

    (BTW, don't forget to report on your weigh-in! I'll list stats tomorrow for everyone to see. Great job everyone!)
  • Ultrawomanll
    Ultrawomanll Posts: 18 Member
    Okay Challenge starting weight was 169
    and Challenge current weight is 165
    Challenge Goal weight is 159

    So four pounds down and six more to go Whoo hoo :)

    I just got the 30 day shred that everyone is talking about Im probably not going to check it out until Wednesday or Thursday b/c I will be away till wednesday night. I've been doing good with my water but this weekend i was lazy b/c we were out running errands so I was slacking.

    So I have a mini chalkboard in the kitchen where I will write my lil' goal note. "Less is more" I always OVEReat. I've been cutting most of my meals in half. Like I made cornish hens yesterday and I could normally eat a whole one for dinner (they are so tiny and delicious) but I ate half of it, and didn't have a second helping of sides. I've also been snacking on alot of little healthy things during the day yogurt, fruit, raisins, etc. so im eating alot but alot of little things.
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    I also need to write down my goals to really set them in stone, I have never done that. I have an idea in my head of where I want to be but it would be so benefical to write that down. I love the notes too, I need one that says "Don't give up, if you have a setback get back up and try again!! " I tend to beat myself up at times and then I'm back to my old mindless eating but this time I want to make a permanent lifestyle change, I love this new way of eating and holding myself accountable!

    Great job on weigh ins today! Even if you didn't lose just read what I wrote above about what I want my little note to say.

    Tomorrows Challenge:

    I never thought about sneaking exercise in while I'm doing something mundane or while I'm just sitting somewhere for a few minutes. Like Olivia says, she jogs while cleaning! I did it today while folding laundry! I'd love to see you do that and dishes though, lol! And tonight while I gave my 3 year old a bath, I did pushups, crunches, and ran in place for 5 minutes while he played, he may have thought I was silly but hey, whatever!

    So tomorrows challenge is: try and "sneak" in exercise where you can....if you are at the office, take a walk on your lunch break, climb stairs, walk the parking lot, walk in place for a bit if you can....Angela did it at her office on a slow day....or do something while giving your kids baths, while cleaning, run in place while cooking standing in the kitchen, do something quick after work, whenever...something you wouldn't normally do and then report back to us tomorrow evening and tell us what you did! Good luck!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    Update from Monday weigh-in (if you didn't report on Monday, it's not too late, you can post anytime and I'll add it to the tracking). We started with weights from 63 people. As of now, 22 have checked in. Good for all of your who made it through week 1 - 1st week's always the hardest, right? Even if the scale moved in the "wrong" direction, stick with it. That same thing happened to me the week before we started this challenge, and now I'm down over 4lbs! Here's the progress on the 22 of us who have reported:

    nikki8marie - no info this week
    hoosteen84 +.4
    singer201 -3.6
    julesandrich -1.2
    Bellser -1.1
    roselynsy -2
    julesnpdx -2
    sheilabennett -2.4
    EmRN06 -3.7
    oliviawink -4.5
    jackswife1207 -3
    jessicamarie81 -2
    Ultrawomanll -4
    misserrint -2.8
    SunLovin1 -2
    lesleed -3
    breakmedown -1.8
    lwilliams -.8
    hnason -2.6
    swtchrypie -1.2
    jsa_momto3 -2
    microem1 +4.5
    And the amazing part comes when you add us all together; together we 22 have lost a whopping 40.8 lbs (that's 18.5kg, for our European buddies)! So when you're getting down on yourself that your weight loss isn't fast enough or you don't yet look the way you want to, think about the power of 22 women supporting, encouraging and challenging one another to get healthy. 40 lbs, that's equivalent to a large bag of dog food or a 5-gallon bucket of water. Which leads me to the nasty image of 40 lbs of fat sitting in a 5-gallon bucket. Man am I glad we're rid of that filth!

    Good job ladies. I wish you all well on your challenges this week!
    (If anyone objects to their loss/gain being posted on this list, please feel free to send me a message telling me so and I won't post your info. I want to respect anyone and everyone's comfort level.)
  • Twelve minutes until Monday is over....

    And the weigh-in results are...I am up 1 pound. Wah Wah.....

    Tatiana: +1

    So, I am 7 pounds, instead of 6 from my goal. But, my scale has been going back and forth within the 2 pound range for the past month, so...I'm not terribly surprised. I wished I could say my goal was unrealistic and just be happy where I am. My current weight looks great...until you put it on a 4'11" person with small bones and a big gut. (If I could just grow 1.5 inches instead...)

    But the scale will move sometime. It must. I just need to keep at it.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Thanks so much Olivia for your help and an amazing job on the weight loss information!! I think 40 lbs weight loss together is awesome for such a small group. We lost some and yeah the first week is usually the toughest but we are going to do this together and help each other stay motivated. We all need cheerleaders in our corner and this group is AWESOME!!!:) Oh Olivia, I didn't see my name on the list lol. I'm down 3.6 for the week. Goodnight everyone and good luck on our continued success!:)
  • Wow it looks like everyone is doing really well! This makes me feel like I should be working out more ;). Sorry I did not post earlier. I have lost 1.8kg(4 pounds) in the first week. I am right on track to reach my goal, but the first week is always the easiest. I hope I can keep this up!
  • iishnova
    iishnova Posts: 259 Member
    Parked my car and ran all of my errands on food rather than driving around. I was so tired at work yesterday and I knew that moving would wake me up so I went up and down the stairs, sneaking in a bit of a work out. I also went to the local gym and checked out the group classes and found classes that I can attend around my work schedule! I have no excuses not to go as its a free gym so I hope i can stay self disciplined ! Good luck everyone!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    Thanks so much Olivia for your help and an amazing job on the weight loss information!! I think 40 lbs weight loss together is awesome for such a small group. We lost some and yeah the first week is usually the toughest but we are going to do this together and help each other stay motivated. We all need cheerleaders in our corner and this group is AWESOME!!!:) Oh Olivia, I didn't see my name on the list lol. I'm down 3.6 for the week. Goodnight everyone and good luck on our continued success!:)

    sorry I missed it angela. I thought I had put it in, but when I went back and looked this morning it wasn't there. Which means that as a group, when you add in scarlettestar's loss of 4 as well we've lost 47.7 lbs! Almost 50- Rock on ladies!

    Keep up the great work. I look forward to hear how everyone sneaks in their extra cal burners. I love getting new ideas

    I got some great motivation this morning. After stepping on the scale and seeing another drop since yesterday, I decided to try on a pair of size 12 pants. THEY FIT and NO MUFFIN TOP! I am feeling so motivated this morning.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    Wow it looks like everyone is doing really well! This makes me feel like I should be working out more ;). Sorry I did not post earlier. I have lost 1.8kg(4 pounds) in the first week. I am right on track to reach my goal, but the first week is always the easiest. I hope I can keep this up!

    Great job Scarlette! I don't have you on my initial list. If you are ok with providing your SW on 2-14 and GW for 3-16, I'll happily add it to the list. I have set up the spreadsheet to do auto calculations, it's pretty sweet. If you're not ok with broadcasting that info, it's cool, you can just check in with # of lbs (or kgs) lost each week.
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I know I haven't posted for a couple days, but I have not forgotten about all of you :). My sister-in-law had a beautiful baby girl on Saturday (my first niece, and my parents' first grandchild), and I jumped on a plane to New York to go see her! She is the most adorable person I have ever seen :). I was so sad to leave her and the rest of my family last night, but now I am back.

    Being away this weekend was tough as far as sticking to a diet and exercise schedule. We ate out almost every meal, and I tried to be healthy, but it was not easy. I definitely didn't get my exercise in, which was a bummer. Anyway, I'm back now, and I have not given up despite the small interruption (albeit a good one!). I didn't get to weigh-in yesterday, but I did this morning:

    SW: 155
    CW: 154 (-1 lb)
    GW: 147

    Not quite what I was hoping for, but I will definitely take it. Time to keep going :)

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