Strength Training

Startingover71 Posts: 46
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi everyone,

I got on the scale this morning and have lost nothing, I was shocked, I have been losing at least 3 pounds a week since I started January 3rd. I haven't changed my eating at all, still eating lots of veggies, fruits, proteins and nuts. The only thing I can think of is that I started strength training this week, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday, would that make any difference this soon or am I grasping at straws here? *LOL*

I would appreciate anyone's opinions!


  • craek
    craek Posts: 201 Member
    It can make a difference. You could be gaining muscle. That doesn't mean it will stop your weight loss program. When you do something new, your body will react differently if it's not use to it. It will definitely help you lose inches. Strength training is very important so don't quit!
  • rjlam
    rjlam Posts: 149
    Yes it would make a difference. My son is a personal trainer and has told me also not to get discouraged as muscle is heaving than fat. Keep doing what your doing and it will balance itself. Your doing great.

  • Your body may have hit a plateau. You may have to change things up a bit. Did you not do strenth training before? 3 lbs a week is alot. Maybe give it a week or two if you don't progress try upping the intensity of your workouts and always try to switch them up. Your body gets used to the same routines all the time.
  • 1. Muscle is heavier than fat
    2. When your muscle sore, you retain a bit more water (keep drinking it though)
  • just be patient! yes, building muscle puts on healthy muscle weight... but only 3 sessions? it's hard to know whether that could be the true cause. either way though.. you are doing FABULOUS & losing 3lbs a week is fantastic but you have to know that those initial pounds come off MUCH easier than the rest will. do NOT get down on yourself or give up... you will reach your goals :) just takes determination & patience. besides, the faster you lose it the less time your skin has to recover so always look for the silver lining on those scale disappointment weeks :)
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    Muscle is 3lbs to 1lb of fat. Muscles increase the metabolism so burns fat faster and easier. We all look at the scale as a result of our actions, in truth your measuring tape should be your best friend. When you notice after a week or so you haven't lost, pull the measuring tape out and measure and you are just about sure to see a difference. Inches lost are you good loss, they are you healthy stay off loss. So just keep doing what your doing and don't lose hope. It's going to show up and your going to be estatic...
  • zandhmom75
    zandhmom75 Posts: 58 Member
    Yes, make sure you do your measurements. I started weight training a couple months ago and since then, I haven't seen a big change in numbers on the scale, but there has been a big loss in inches. Also pay attention to how your clothing fits. This is a good indicator of fat loss. You're doing great!
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    When I started my journey here (Jan), I was already doing strength training. I got sooooo discouraged, b/c there were several wks in a row where I didn't lose a thing. In fact, I gained a little! But, I could tell that my clothes were fitting differently. (Btw, I don't have a tape measure).

    I kept at it, and all of a sudden, the pounds started coming off. They were just behind the measurement changes, I'm sure. Honestly, I don't think that 3 sessions is enough for a measureable change, but don't let a stall discourage you or slow you down. Strength training is one of the best things you can do for your body. It will build muscle, which burns more fat. You'll be a healthier, stronger you. It may just take a little time for it to show up on the scale.

    And even if you weren't making changes to your workouts (which is really great for weight loss too!), it's normal to go through periods where you don't lose anything. You've had a lot of weight loss recently, and you won't see that every wk!
  • Thank you everyone for your comments and encouragement! :happy:
    I knew that 3 pounds was a lot to lose in a week as my norm is usually 1 -2, so I knew this wouldn't last forever. I am going to look over everything, I had different snacks this week maybe they might have been part of it. I will just start fresh again, there is no way I am going to let this slow me down (or stop me!), I just have to keep pushing and I will see results soon enough. I was just having a poor me morning! :sad: :laugh:
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