How can my fiance get more calories??



  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Thanks guys. I should also mention that he just can't get into the snacking thing. Neither of us can really. I think in order to sustain weight loss we need to come up with a meal solution.
    I'm just praying he doesn't burn thousands of calories on thurs with his badminton session :frown:
    To lose weight yes and he must learn to snack 3 hugh meals like that are really not good for your diegestive systems. Life style changes will make better lifes

    I think you may be right. Although I hardly have enough calories for my meals i think he should definitely take up snacks. How on earth has he put on weight with such a massive calorie recommendation??? I'm not sure I could eat that many every day if I tried!

    But...You're not as big as he why would you want to?

    Right now my calorie goal is 2400....that's before exercise. Don't get too hung up in the numbers. Big people need to eat healthy too. We just need more of it. It's not uncommon for me to eat an entire bag of frozen a snack.

    I will say getting enough protien can be a challenge. 8-12oz of pork or chicken in one meal, protien shake, peanut butter, and nuts are good healthy high calorie options too.

    Meal frequency is one of those things where there is no hard or fast answer. I eat 3 "bigger" meals, and have a snack once an hour. Not because I think it keeps my motabolism "burning", but it helps keep me fron binging during the big meals. This is a personal choice you have to find something that works for you...or your fiance.

    One other thing about cooking. My wife is a member here and we've lost over 100 lbs together. When we cook we always make way more than we need. Then we store the rest for lunches, and dinners later in the week.

    ...and FYI I eat most of my exercise calories most days.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Thanks guys. I should also mention that he just can't get into the snacking thing. Neither of us can really. I think in order to sustain weight loss we need to come up with a meal solution.
    I'm just praying he doesn't burn thousands of calories on thurs with his badminton session :frown:
    To lose weight yes and he must learn to snack 3 hugh meals like that are really not good for your diegestive systems. Life style changes will make better lifes

    I think you may be right. Although I hardly have enough calories for my meals i think he should definitely take up snacks. How on earth has he put on weight with such a massive calorie recommendation??? I'm not sure I could eat that many every day if I tried!

    If he is anything like my husband, he has put on weight because he is eating even MORE than his reccomemnded limit (even though it seems like a lot to us, the bigger you are the more fuel your body needs). The way my husband eats (taco bell, mcdonalds, gas station junk and several pepsi's in a day) it's not hard to go well over the 2400 mark to gain weight.
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