How do your kids eat?



  • Just kidding. They eat tons of fruit. I don't buy "junk food", so they don't have that option. They pretty much eat what we eat.
  • maserati185
    maserati185 Posts: 263 Member
    My kids still lean towards sugars, because I would unintentionally praise them before "Mmmmm. This is SO good!" BUT... since I've taken most sweets out of the house, they eat a lot of berries, bananas and apples, which I let them have a lot of, although I even limit those sugars for myself. Nowadays, when we go out to eat though, I say "water for me and the boys" and even if the drink comes with the kids meal, we do water. I find the water more valuable anyhow. I DID give them candy for V-day today, but it was a small amount by comparison to what I would have given them in the past. I feel like it's okay in moderation, as long as we're all eating healthier, in general, at meal/snack times.
  • I started eating healthier a year ago. Some of the foods I didn't give them a choice about - brown eggs/rice/pasta instead of white, frozen yogurt instead of ice cream, veggie chips instead of potato chips, water instead of Koolade. Other things I left them decide on their own, like between almond milk or whole. And I stopped going through any kind of drive thru's. A year later and they are making correct choices on their own and we are becoming a healthier family. It was actually harder to get my husband on board then it was to get our 4 kids!
  • It was actually harder to get my husband on board then it was to get our 4 kids!

    Amen to this!!!
  • twogoots
    twogoots Posts: 96 Member
    This is all new to me so I am very interested in this thread. My 3 year old is not the best eater, but I have tried to limit the sugary snacks to more healthy snacks. If she does not eat my dinner( spaghetti, for example tonight), I can usually get her to eat something healthy along the lines of turkey, ham or a turkey dog with a side veggie and fruit options. I am really trying to work on this so I will be checking on this thread often. Thanks for posting this.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Our kids eat what we eat, with some exceptions. We like spicy food but they're not really old enough for that yet, so I'll make them something else on those nights. They also won't eat soup, so I'll either scoop out the solids or make them something else. Otherwise, they eat what we eat. I do let them have treats though -- fruit snacks, canned mandarins, graham crackers, etc. I limit that stuff to two small portions a day, because otherwise they'll just wait for snack and not eat their healthy foods. But mostly they eat what we eat. They've been good about trying new things since we started a rule that they had to try at least one bite, and they haven't hated anything that I've given them yet. They even loved roasted asparagus. :)
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    My kids eat whatever....but only if it`s in the house, so chips and candy is usually a treat on movie nights or around the holidays. They eat what we eat mostly but they do get mcdonalds when I choose subway or edo and it`s not often at all (anymore)

    I don`t want them to be on a diet just because I am.........I think it`s important for them to learn self control when it comes to foods like cake, cookies, chips, etc and I don`t to say no so much that when they do get those things they eat as much of it as they can because they don`t know when mom will say yes again.
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    Ooh.. one of the things I noticed with my 2nd (I was a little more rigid with my 1st - not uncommon) is that kids WILL self-regulate so long as they aren't bieng forced nor is whatever sweet is around all the time. My now 8 year old can serve himself a big bowl of ice cream and he'll only eat 1/4 of it. Not the best idea for learning to SERVE portion control, but really.. I'm not going to stress if he doesn't eat all his ice cream. I think the biggest treats he'll abuse are chocolate candy, gum and suckers.
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,493 Member
    My kids have always loved their veggies and fruits. My 8 year old even love brussel sprouts! Our day consists of 2 snacks, one morning and one afternoon. I try to have both snacks be a fruit or veggie, sometimes a couple slices of cheese and crackers. But they are allowed treats such as candy or cookie as well. But only if they have eaten the healthy foods offered to them that day. I will still bake cookies or cakes on occasion but they will get 1 a day.

    I want them to learn that all foods can be ok in moderation and enjoying an occasional sweet is ok.
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