In a bit of a pickle



  • Oh yeah? Guess what? EGGS ARE GOOD FOR YOU. I should know, I eat at least 6 a day and I couldn't be healthier.
  • Court7898
    Court7898 Posts: 37 Member
    Me and the OP talk quite a bit, She knows I reccommend Kashi Whole Grain crackers with complex carbs, fiber, and a bit of protein. And low in calories which is what she is looking for. Just a snack.

    Cool that you are certified blah blah blah.
    I dont see how you are going to help many with the kind of information you are giving out. More like a parrot repeating something you found in a google search.

    I can give information that I have learned from instructors at my university, case studies I have read, Studies I have participated in, and personal experience from being an athlete.

    Done arguing. kthxbai.


    This is exactly what needs to stop.

    That's not helping anyone.
    Act like an adult please.
  • Court7898
    Court7898 Posts: 37 Member
    Sorry, can't resist...

    I used to be a runner and I still subscribe to Runners magazines and runners websites..............I guess these websites dedicated to running don't have a clue as to what they are talking about????

    Post-Run Recovery Starts with Protein

    LMAO. Great link. Here are some highlights

    * The key is taking the right amount at the right time, and not skimping on fluids and carbohydrates in the process.

    * Dietitians are careful to note that hydration is still king, followed closely by replenishing carbohydrates, with most studies suggesting a 3:1 or 4:1 carbohydrate-to-protein ratio.

    * Protein repairs exercise-induced muscle damage, reduces the response from the stress hormone cortisol and even helps speed glycogen replacement, the goal of taking in carbohydrates

    But hey, you're the certified expert

    PREACH TASO! woo!

    And again.
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    um your wrong about the glycogenesis thing people who do clyclogenic keto diets have very little carbs and lots of protein if your theory was correct they wouldnt need carb up days to replenish glycogen stores and energy because protein would do that but your wrong!
  • jen0619
    jen0619 Posts: 414
    Post-Run Nosh Necessities
    Eat right today to train better tomorrow
    By Jackie Dikos, R.D.
    As featured in the Web Only issue of Running Times Magazine

    For anyone that is involved in this debate. It is by a Registered Dietitician best advice you can get about nutrition because they have a bachelors degree or more and have been through an internship. They are the more than qualified.
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