Yikes!!! Miso Soup!!!

Rupeedoo Posts: 46
edited September 24 in Food and Nutrition
Oh dear...
I found a really nice instant miso soup and it's so low fat that I've been having a mug full with lunch every day. I noticed today that the sodium wasn't in the database, nor on the packet...further investigation tell me it has 650 units per mug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aargh! Bye bye Miso!


  • Oh dear...
    I found a really nice instant miso soup and it's so low fat that I've been having a mug full with lunch every day. I noticed today that the sodium wasn't in the database, nor on the packet...further investigation tell me it has 650 units per mug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aargh! Bye bye Miso!

    Yeah, sad sodium is the hardest thing to monitor, prepackaged foods (specially instant foods) are loaded with sodium :ohwell:

    I am making it tonight as a side, with our sesame chicken skewers and veggies, once in a while doesn't hurt....
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    Most Asian soups are incredibly salty; if you can portion the salt into your diet realistically, Miso soup has a lot of great health benefits.

    It is a great source of dietary fiber and protein and has a lot of amino acids. It also is very high in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. Miso soup has also been linked in studies that suggest it is great for curbing appetite and helping a person fall asleep.

    I would see if you could find a low-sodium instant Miso pack. I actually keep a few at work if I want a mid-morning snack to tide me over until lunch (no mid-morning nap though). Some days I will even have it for breakfast.
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    All soups are ridiculously salty. I think most of the salt is in the broth though. So if you don't drink all of the broth, you aren't getting all of the sodium.
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    My first week I wasn't tracking sodium, and went over 6 of 7 days (only once by much). Since then I've been under all but one day. We will inevitably have some meal that is fairly high in sodium (as in the 600-900mg range), but I'm usually pretty good about it the rest of the day, so I can do that and still stay under my daily sodium goal.

    The girlfriend likes to make soups, chilli, and such, and once you add up all the canned tomatoes, and such, all that sodium piles up. Eat fresher or lower sodium foods for a good chunk of the day, and you can afford to have your Miso soup and still be ok.
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    Tell your girlfriend to try the no salt added tomatoes. It really helps keep it in check and control the flavors.
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    With a couple of exceptions, I make my own soups and chilis, especially @ this time of year. They can be a bit time consuming to make, but they are relatively easy and the best part is you can control what goes in there. There are tons of low sodium/no sodium alternatives for them too!!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Miso is supposed to be really great for you. I love it! I always make my own. I bet you can find low-sodium miso paste in a health food store or an Asian market / store. There's an unbelievable amount of sodium in Tamari / soy sauce too, but it doesn't stop me from the occasional (or semi-daily) treat! :bigsmile: You could also water down a bowl of miso with water, to reduce the sodium per cup.
  • It's the only packet soup I've eaten to be honest. I make fresh soups semi regularly...I tend to steer clear of tins as well where possible. Much nicer to have fresh veg :)

    I'm a little sad about this soup fail though...easy and i liked the seaweed. I won't really have a chance to make it at home because my other half hates the stuff and I rarely bother making food just for me.

    Oh well... lesson learned :s
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