Worst doctors visit EVER! In tears



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Maybe I watch too much House, and always think of the diagnosis, but I wonder with the bug bites (they love chomping on me, too) if you might have gotten a tick bite and have some kind of tick borne illness like Lyme Disease. That can start with painful joints and it can flare up long after you've had a bite.
  • manymuses
    manymuses Posts: 162 Member
    What a Jacka$$! Write a letter of complaint to the HMO or group that you use. That is appalling lack of care and clearly should not be tolerated.

    In fact, send ME his name and address and I'll write a letter too. That kind of bad karma he is putting out into the universe needs some redress. Immediately. Before he harms anyone else. Evil troll.

    xx to you from me.
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    I'm sooo sorry. No one deserves to be treated like that! I agree with what some of the other folks have said, you should report him. What a jerk!! Hang in there :flowerforyou: and def. find a new doctor!
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    Do you mind if I ask what kind of insurnace coverage you're using?
    oh this was a family doctor. and right now i have sooner care (state insurance) because i was recently laid off.

    I will call my step - mom she is in Oklahoma as well and is a PA there in Miami (what location are you, or you could msg. me if you dont want it on the board)
  • tinboy
    tinboy Posts: 121 Member
    I am outraged by his behavior! Unprofessional, negligent, verbally abusive, incorrect about nutrition, a disgrace to his peers, discriminatory, intolerant, and unkind. Not to mention, worse than a waste of time for you and your children. I am so sorry you had this horrible experience. Good for you to stand up for yourself to him. You need a new doctor and a formal complaint towards him. {{hugs}}
  • Briacha
    Briacha Posts: 160 Member
    What an utter and compkete jacka$$. :mad:
    I am sooo sorry you had to go thru that. Definitely file a complaint asap. he is the kind of doctor that may end up killing someone.

    You are doing the right thing. Don't let him get you off your path. :smile:
  • heathercd
    heathercd Posts: 20 Member
    Wow. That is insane. I would have done more than walk out and yell, yes even with my 2 young boys with me lol. You are strong. Definitely do what everyone else is telling you to do. File a complaint. But also. Was this in a "clinic" . You know, several doctors and such seeing tons of patients a day? If so (i use to work in one) complain to the Clinic Manager. The man/woman who runs the show. Show them your blog, write a very long descriptive letter of how emotionally hurt you were and how this "medical" Doctor showed NO bedside manner, and aggressively insisted on not helping you diagnose and treat your medical issue. If this was his own private practice, definitely contact the state medical board and keep going until you get results. He is clearly not good at his job and does not deserve to be seeing patients! It just makes me so mad because at the clinic I use to work at we had a doctor like that, and with just 2 or 3 similar complaints like yours he was quickly fired.... Your healthy lifestyle changes seem like they are the good things to be doing... So just keep them up!

    Just wanted to say that as a nurse of nearly 8 years, I second this!!! I'm so sorry you had to go through such abuse. Sounds like you handled it with grace, self-confidence and pride!! There have been lawsuits for less than this in regards to "weightism", where physicians refuse to see the patient as a whole being and simply see them for a number on the stupid scale. Stick it to him, girl!! :explode:
  • InMyJeans
    InMyJeans Posts: 87 Member
    Oh My Gosh! Im not sure if I would've kept my cool in that situation. Where did he get his degree from, suggesting one meal a day and losing 2 pounds a month? =/ I don't have my doctorates but you don't need one to know thats not right. SMDH. I am so sorry that happened to you. He needs to work on his bedside manner.
  • OMG! that is horrible!!! Report him!! And I would call everyone papers and everything.... how dare he?? I think you were a lot calmer than I would have been.... f that. Stupid people!!! I had the same problem with my knees and the shred the first few days. I took a weeks break and started taking glucosamine chondroitin (sp? it's for joints), and walked. It worked, they still hurt a little if I do to much jumping, but no where's near as bad! They say it takes a bout a month for them to completely stop with the vitamins : )
  • You are a hell of a lot better than I am! Of course, as you said, your kids were there. I seriously wouldn't started screaming at him, and then as I was walking out screaming at anyone who would listen, what a POS he is. One meal a day? Are you serious??? No doctor in their right mind would say to only eat one meal a day. And to quit exercising?? Mmmk that sounds reasonable...NOT!

    My doctor touched the subject of my weight lightly, and ONLY if my visit there has something to do with it. With my knees, no one has ever said it was due to my weight. I still have yet to find out what IS in fact wrong with my knees...but it's not my weight.

    Report him, see a new doctor, and hope he gets what's coming to him.

    i could understand if there was no logical reason behind the issue. (not working out or trying to lose weight- no family history of joint problems, if i wasnt knock kneed) then sure. if all you can come up with is weight- fine be honest! "i dont know what is causing your pain. but itd be beneficial to lose some weight. in the mean time lets get a MRI and make sure there is nothing torn in there" or something like that!
    but my father is 42 and has had 4 hip replacements (same hip), and has bad knees as well. there are several things that could be causing these issues. and again, im trying to lose the weight! humiliating me (or trying to- im been called a fat *kitten* too many times to be affected by it any more) and making it seem as if i am not doing anything to fix the problem, is uncalled for!
  • Maybe he was grouchy because he had only had one meal that day. :laugh:

    I CANNOT stop...laughing!

    All right, to the OP, you officially rock. I'm so happy to hear that you stood up for yourself and your children! I think you handled it perfectly and that man was obviously in medical school circa 1805! I mean he might as well have said that asbestos cures cancer wtf!!!
    One meal a day? What a complete idiot!

    I am sorry for laughing, my sense of humor..it gets me in trouble but when I read that he was eyeballing your children eating wheat thins and insinuating things I was LMAO because my children are super active, slender as a rail, very very healthy appetites! If my children are the slightest bit hungry they eat like ravenous animals that have been starving for eternity..it's hilarious and embarrassing! HAHA. The fact that he did not recognize even that one relatively often known behavior of children when they get a snack they enjoy he should really consider retiring and trying to solve word puzzles for fun instead of dispensing any kind of advise about anything and particularly medically!!

    I would do as others have suggested re: reporting him to the authorities. I would also endeavor to find out if there is an online site that rates medical professionals in your area and writing your complaint there so people will know to avoid him!

    yeah. my 3 year old is about 35-39 pounds (she teeters back and forth) and about 43 inches tall. my 1 year old is 17 pounds (though he is short for his age- his pedi says he is the perfect weight for his height). my son (1 year old) can eat and eat and eat! he is, as we joke, our garbage disposal! he will eat anything and everything you put in front of him- and he never gains an ounce! my daughter (3) is very picky with her food and doesnt eat well at meal time (lunch, dinner, etc) but does well with snacks (usually fruit but today wheat thins). it all balances out for my kiddos! if my kids are hungry i will feed them. whether or not they are "over weight" i will not deprive a child of food. (i wont purposely over feed them either- if i know they are just bored and wanting to eat- i find an active game to do outside) my point is even if my kids were over weight- i refuse to tell them "you cant eat". that causes eating disorders! if im worried about my childrens weight (which i am not) then i will get them more active and make sure they are getting healthy foods.
  • can you report him?
    yes. we tried calling them about 10 minutes after i left but was told the office manager would call back. she never did so my step mother pointed out there is a contact us button on their website so i reported him there. and i will call back monday, and everyday until i can speak with someone over the phone and report him that way as well.
  • Maybe I watch too much House, and always think of the diagnosis, but I wonder with the bug bites (they love chomping on me, too) if you might have gotten a tick bite and have some kind of tick borne illness like Lyme Disease. That can start with painful joints and it can flare up long after you've had a bite.
    we dont have ticks around here (oddly enough). i mean they are here in oklahoma, yes, but they dont seem to be around my house. its more fleas, chiggers, mosquitos, stuff like that.
  • oh my step mother (she drove me, my car is in the shop) just told me that while i was in the bathroom (he was taking forever i figured id have time before he finally came into the room) he was trying to talk to HER about why i was there. what my medical history is like, my weight, etc. This is AFTER i just filled out the HIPPA papers, and said that ONLY my boyfriend, and father can discuss my medical status with the doctor or nurses.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Report him.


    You are nicer than I am. I would have walked out 2 minutes into that effed up conversation.

    Do what you do, girl...most doctors, in my opinion, just google shet anyway.
  • Duuuude, what a ****!!!
    It makes me want to hug you and give you my doctors number. haha. My doctor is such a sweetheart and it makes me mad that some doctors feel they have the right to be complete *kitten*!! :(

    I say lose the weight at the pace YOU feel right for YOU. Poor thing:( No one deserves to be yelled at like that. How horrible.
  • Oh My Gosh! Im not sure if I would've kept my cool in that situation. Where did he get his degree from, suggesting one meal a day and losing 2 pounds a month? =/ I don't have my doctorates but you don't need one to know thats not right. SMDH. I am so sorry that happened to you. He needs to work on his bedside manner.
    i have no clue! i lost over 3 pounds my first week just by cutting out Dr pepper! about 3+ pounds the next week by portion control! those are healthy things to change and do! these 8 pounds are probably just extra water weight and toxins leaving my system, but still!
  • OMG! that is horrible!!! Report him!! And I would call everyone papers and everything.... how dare he?? I think you were a lot calmer than I would have been.... f that. Stupid people!!! I had the same problem with my knees and the shred the first few days. I took a weeks break and started taking glucosamine chondroitin (sp? it's for joints), and walked. It worked, they still hurt a little if I do to much jumping, but no where's near as bad! They say it takes a bout a month for them to completely stop with the vitamins : )
    thanks. ill call my midwife and look into the glucosamine chondroitin. everything now a days says "consult a physician if breadt feeding" so im so paranoid to take anything!
  • fireflyangel22
    fireflyangel22 Posts: 85 Member
    I'm a nurse and work frequently with orthopedic patients. Knee and hip replacements are our specialty. I don't know where you live but if its in or near Wisconsin look up Dr Lawrence. He is amazing and would never put you through an awful doctor's visit like the one you experienced. Another suggestion is to look at biking or swimming as workouts, because they are much easier on the knees than running or even walking. Keep your chin up and don't take anything that doctor told you to heart. You can do it!
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    Not only should you report him immediately to the state board, you should also google his name (including Dr. title) and office location and be sure to leave a review letting others know who are in his area about how horrible he is. I am sorry you had to go through that
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