Does anyone stay under their sugar goal?



  • The answer to the sugar and fiber question can be found in this video by Dr. Lustig:

    Or, if you don't have time to watch the video, the summary that the writer at does it pretty good.

    As many other people have said, it's the added sugar that you have to watch out for, as well as sugary beverages like soda (diet soda has its own drawbacks) and even fruit juices. Fruit juices are a problem because juicing the fruit gets rid of most of the fiber, which is what prevents the fructose in the fruit from getting absorbed into your system as quickly.
  • JossFit
    JossFit Posts: 588 Member
    I ignore it... I actually looked just now (I don't normally track it) just to see and I'm at 30g... BUT, I'm in bikini competition prep! LOL My sugars come from sweet potatos and veggies ONLY. That's it. There is enough natural sugars in my vegetables and potato to put me over that line, so... it's silly.

    If you eat 'clean' natural unprocessed foods you can still be over without even including fruit and dairy, let alone if you were to have a cookie! Heaven forbid! :)
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