Voila! New Hair!



  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    I love it! It looks so fun and flirty!!! Great choice!
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    hubba...hubba....I love it!!!! :heart:

    omg girl...perfecto!!!:flowerforyou:

    you look soooo beautiful....omg...that is perfect for you!!!:love:


    super cuts is actually SUPER! lol....to you anyway!!!:drinker:

    oh wow bellisima...don't know how I'm gonna keep all these studs up in Boston away from you...but I'll do my best LMBO:wink:

    hugs and love ya!

    Thanks sissy!!!! I didn't think I would love it as much as I do!! And the responses are making it that much better! :bigsmile: This is exactly what I needed to feel extra happy for my vacay!! Now, I DO leave this coming Tuesday!!! lol I will miss you and MFP! Hopefully I can get on and say hello here and there.

    Yeah, the Boston men going after me will be like Norm from Cheers!! :laugh: :laugh:

    Hugs! luvs ya!!! :heart: :flowerforyou:

    :noway: we kicked out all the "norms" around the same time cheers ended..................

    Cliff's...yes...they'll be on you like white on rice:laugh: ...but ya know....we'll deal w/ that best we can...plus you'll learn a lot of nonsense facts! lmbo....:laugh: silly girl!

    hugs and :heart:
  • chiefiron
    chiefiron Posts: 305 Member

  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    tam your hair is literally JUST LIKE mine! that cut is super cute... i know what you mean about havint to take a day for it to calm down...its like the 'springs' have to relax...lol.

    that is a very cute cut on you!

    Thanks Em! Yeah, those with curls understand how your hair has a mind of it's own sometimes!! And especially when just cut...it's like they go a little nuts!! :laugh:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Super cute!! And...just remember, Norm will probably buy you free beer!

    True!! Hey, that could come in handy!! :wink:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Thanks again to everyone for the positive feedback! It really does mean a lot to me! I have not had short hair very often in my life. I would tend to hide behind my long curly hair, but now that I am feeling different about things and viewing myself differently, it was time for a change! Not to say, I won't grow my hair out ever, but I definitely won't be hiding behind it again!

  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    Super cute!! And...just remember, Norm will probably buy you free beer!

    True!! Hey, that could come in handy!! :wink:

    whoa....we better get some of those Norm's back asap! lol

    :drinker: :drinker:

    seeing you all gorgeous and all this talk of short hair is making me want to take the plunge....but I"m sooooo scared....lol...ugh...you're looking amazing though...hmmmm lol
  • dedelen0
    dedelen0 Posts: 21
    cute I did away with mine about 9 months ago! it was hard but i loved it:flowerforyou:
  • ty_bradley01
    ty_bradley01 Posts: 321
    Love the new hair Tami! :bigsmile:

  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    I love it!
    You look so young, like 23 instead of 33!

  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I love it!
    You look so young, like 23 instead of 33!


    Woooo! Even better!!!! :wink: Thanks!!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Love the new hair Tami! :bigsmile:


    Why thank ya Tyson! :happy:
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,646 Member
    Thanks again to everyone for the positive feedback! It really does mean a lot to me! I have not had short hair very often in my life. I would tend to hide behind my long curly hair, but now that I am feeling different about things and viewing myself differently, it was time for a change! Not to say, I won't grow my hair out ever, but I definitely won't be hiding behind it again!


    Can you believe that 'before' picture is the same person! Incredible!!
  • Super cute!
  • Rachael2179
    Rachael2179 Posts: 148 Member
    Love it... It looks great on you :happy:
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