Overdid it?

adriayellow11 Posts: 140
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
Until today I don't think I've ever done 4 hours of cardio with no break even though I've put my body through the ringer in all sorts of other ways. It was an International Dance Workshop with an hour each of Zumba, Hip Hop, Salsa, and West African Dance. Halfway through the workshop I thought I was going to hurl :/ I wore my HRM and I totalled 2301 calories. As soon as I got in the car to come home the nausea became very obvious. I managed to eat a healthy dinner but could not indulge in wine or girl scout cookies as I had planned all week. My stomach started feeling really bad. My fiance got the brilliant idea that I needed sodium and brought me a pickle. It made me feel better enough to sleep! Can that be possible?

Now I know I may have gone "full out" more than the other girls but I wonder if they all had a wave of sickness after the workshop too. Is this a normal reaction if you overdo it on cardio? (I assume feeling sick means I overdid it.) It felt so worth it until the nausea! I had such a great time and haven't been able to push like that b/c of my back in a couple of years. :)


  • wiggleroom
    wiggleroom Posts: 322 Member
    You fiance is brilliant. Keep him! You totally lost sodium with all the sweating. I don't know if you overdid it technically, but I can definitely say that I bow at your feet: "I'm not worthy!" You're seriously a rock star.
  • spaboleo
    spaboleo Posts: 172
    Such a hard workout needs preparation, aswell in training (increasing the workout length step by step) and nutrition (eat more the day before the workout).

    Between the classes you should have provided your body some extra uncomplex carbohydrats. Eating a banana would have helped to support quickly excessable energy.

    If you burn that much calories you will of course end up sweating a lot. By that you will lose minerals. Drinking one or two glasses of an isotonic drink would have helped, too. (They contain sodium aswell.)
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I'm never hungry after too much exercise (not that I get that these days!). I used to play tennis a few times a week, but only be in one tournament a year. After the tournament I could hardly eat at all.

    I'll have to remember the pickle. Isotonic drinks make me feel sick!

    Did you never get sick when you were dancing professionally?
  • sauza
    sauza Posts: 159 Member
    I do believe Gatorade was 'invented' to replace those lost electrolytes, your older friend sauza has worked out 'til she has thrown up many times. Are you a member of Team Sheen, tiger blood in those veins? Hope you feel better really soon, gatorade or a healthier alternative. Next time you marathon, have some recovery fluid, I like the P90 replacement
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    You should have been re-fueling every 90 minutes during that effort. You felt ill from depleting electrolytes and glycogen, etc... If you did not take any fuel in during the effort you also burnt up some muscle.
  • kkwellness
    kkwellness Posts: 55 Member
    Good point regarding replenishin- you need to refuel the electrolytes during a 4 hour cardio session and perhaps consider protein of some sort
  • I did have a banana, orange slices, and some almond/cashews during the workshop. But I didn't think of it like a marathon. I'd like to try something like this again and see if I can fuel properly so I don't get sick like this. Yes, I've gagged while dancing professionally (Sugarplum always got me) but it never lasted. I've officially been nauseaus and out of commission for 24 hours now. Lesson learned!
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    You would want fast sugar (Dextrose/Glucose) and protein. 4:1 carb/protein. They make drinks for it. Endurox R4 and AMP Endurance Booster are two I've used in the past. Sometimes protein upsets peoples stomachs during work like this. You ate in a manner that would be slow absorption
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