Addicted to Crystal Light



  • dirty_dirty_eater
    dirty_dirty_eater Posts: 574 Member
    By the time I finish writing this response you will be dead.

    Condolences to your family.
    (Can I have your stereo?)
  • raegrove
    raegrove Posts: 37 Member
    I can't quote my source as I can't find it online again, but it said a 150 lb woman would have to drink 20 cans of diet pop a day for the amount of aspartame to be harmful.
  • patsypooter
    patsypooter Posts: 175 Member
    I can't handle aspartame at all. It gives me chest pains. No joke, I was so confused as to why I was having chest pains, read some stuff online about aspartame causing that in some people, immediately quit the stuff and the chest pains have never come back!!

    I stick to water and the occasional tea with honey.
  • seashell709
    seashell709 Posts: 123 Member
    I would be careful with this stuff. It can cause kidney stones if you drink to much of it.
  • Crystal light contains aspartame which is not good for you so drinking that much in 1 day is definitely not good for your health. I'm not judging, I have/had the same issue with diet coke and now I am on to the crystal light energy packets... I am going to try the a drink called SPARKLING ICE, it is naturally sweetened and still has no calories.
  • dawningr
    dawningr Posts: 387 Member
    Addiction to anything is not a good thing. Additives, food coloring and other crap aside.

    Try weaning yourself off it. Alternate a glass of water, glass of crystal light, etc. then two glasses of water for each glass of crystal light.

    Try more natural flavoring in your water. cucumbers, oranges, berries, etc.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    My husband suffers from really bad migraines and has to see a neurologist. The neurologist told him to stay away from Crystal Light specifically because it triggers migraines. I had an epiphany moment. My husband didn't drink Crystal Light but my 13 year old did and she suffered from headaches too. I made her kick the Crystal Light habit and her headaches diminished. They didn't go away altogether but she wasn't getting nearly as many as she had been.
  • I would probably just try to cut back on the crystal lite (I like it too, but hardly drink it anymore) I only tend to have it if I'm craving soda or something else bad for me. It helps me get through my sweet cravings.
  • From my experience, the ratio of Crystal Light powder to water makes the stuff taste a bit strong for my preference- one good way to back off the Crystal Light if you decide that's what your body needs would be to just use like half a packet in that quart of water. Your water will still be lightly flavored, just stick a paper clip on that bad boy and use the other half the next day. It'll save you money, and you'll be ingesting less of the dreaded aspartame, which means your guts won't implode anytime soon. ;)
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