My take on exercise calories (please read if you are new!!)



  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    As your well aware, each and every member on this site is entitled to their own views and opinions whether you agree to them or not as long as it doesn't break any of the sites rules, I will not change this stance because you don't like it.

    And to be clear, I have NEVER said the MFP plan doesn't work, I said other ways can work just as well and sometimes better (in my experience), I have never stopped anyone from going ahead with the MFP plan but at the same time I will not hide the fact that I have done very well with losing weight using another method but whilst still using MFP to track food/exercise etc.

    I have never slagged the MFP plan off or any other plan for that matter so please don't put words in my mouth...


    I quoted you on every point I made, so I don't believe I put words in your mouth. I think I clearly stated that the implications of your original post were that you were agreeing with the fact that someone else doesn't eat exercise calories. If that wasn't what you were doing, please correct me. For the record, I stated throughout my reply that you are entitled to your opinion. I don't know why you would think that I said otherwise. Again I'm simply saying that in the context of MFP, exercise calories are not built into the program that this site uses, they are add-ons, and as such I am only asking that you be mindful of that when you make replies like your first one. I make no judgement, and am attempting to force no strategy on anyone. If someone wants to use MFP for the calorie counter alone, and use a different formula for their calorie deficit, that's perfectly fine, but that's not how this site implements it's plan, and as such, it can be extremely confusing to new members just looking to learn the system. I have those new members in mind when I make these requests.
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    I have a question...if MFP is asking you how much you plan to work out on a weekly basis, is it taking that infor consideration when calculating how much you should eat. I'm a little confused.:noway:
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I have a question...if MFP is asking you how much you plan to work out on a weekly basis, is it taking that infor consideration when calculating how much you should eat. I'm a little confused.:noway:

    no, you have to put your exercise in when you do it. That is only a planning tool for you, it doesn't actually add those calories until you put them in manually.
  • FK1983
    FK1983 Posts: 186 Member

    I quoted you on every point I made, so I don't believe I put words in your mouth. I think I clearly stated that the implications of your original post were that you were agreeing with the fact that someone else doesn't eat exercise calories. If that wasn't what you were doing, please correct me. For the record, I stated throughout my reply that you are entitled to your opinion. I don't know why you would think that I said otherwise. Again I'm simply saying that in the context of MFP, exercise calories are not built into the program that this site uses, they are add-ons, and as such I am only asking that you be mindful of that when you make replies like your first one. I make no judgement, and am attempting to force no strategy on anyone. If someone wants to use MFP for the calorie counter alone, and use a different formula for their calorie deficit, that's perfectly fine, but that's not how this site implements it's plan, and as such, it can be extremely confusing to new members just looking to learn the system. I have those new members in mind when I make these requests.
  • wow this is great, and the whole time... i thought that if i worked out, i got to reward myself with MORE food, but still at or below my daily budget lol.
  • sandypops
    sandypops Posts: 4 Member
    Great post as was also wondering...................

    Can someone tell me what Bump means????????????? lol
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Great post as was also wondering...................

    Can someone tell me what Bump means????????????? lol

    it's just an internet forum thing, it's a way to bring a topic back to the top of the list.
  • leperleopard
    leperleopard Posts: 7 Member
    This is very helpful... I wasnt quite sure what i should do before!
    Over the summer i was on swim team, and burned about 800 calories a day. I never ate back any of the calories, and even ate under what MFP suggested as my calorie intake.
    Its no wonder i completely failed and almost puked at my championship match! Thanks for the GREAT information!
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    This is so smart and I LOVE the way this site does it! Counting calories was so hard and frustrating before and actually made me overeat because I got hungry thinking about everything I was eating. Now it's SUPER easy and I know I'll get great results because they've done all the math for me! Thanks to you and all who have helped explain this to me! :)
  • wannabefree
    wannabefree Posts: 32 Member
    This is so awesome to know! I was of the belief the fewer the calories the better! I've heard of your body going into starvation mode but never really paid too much attention to that and figured eventually my body would give in and start losing. I've been limiting my calories and working out like crazy and keep wondering why the weight isnt just falling off! I actually gained 2 pounds over the weekend. I bought a new scale about 3 weeks ago and only lost 3 pounds after working out every day. I'm going to try and eat more and see what happens! Thanks!!!!!
  • duckychic
    duckychic Posts: 57 Member
  • 1ArmyMom1
    1ArmyMom1 Posts: 94
    Very well put... I just signed up on here a couple of days ago & you explained that perfectly. And thanks for putting (please read if you are new!!) because it caught my eye. :o)
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
  • Thank you so much for posting this information. I was becoming very, very confused about whether to eat the calories back or if it's an added bonus to burn, burn more calories and eat just the 1200 per day. I have been at this since November and had lost 13 lbs but have gained 5 of those back over the past 3 months......i couldn't figure out why.
  • ccrams2
    ccrams2 Posts: 18 Member
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
  • zornig
    zornig Posts: 336 Member
    I am curious as to how this supposedly works for those who burn 8,000 or more calories in exercise per week. The volume alone makes it nearly impossible to "replace" all of those calories.

    I cycle 5 times per week--last week was 9 hours on the bike, and 135 miles cycles. In my own case, MFP has suggested I eat 1600 calories per day to achieve 1 lb of weight loss per week, based on having a "lightly active" BMR. There are days when I burn 2000 or more calories cycling. On days like that, I'll probably eat 2000 calories (gross, not net), which still leaves me waaaay in negative land. Am I starving myself? I wouldn't think so...
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I am curious as to how this supposedly works for those who burn 8,000 or more calories in exercise per week. The volume alone makes it nearly impossible to "replace" all of those calories.

    I cycle 5 times per week--last week was 9 hours on the bike, and 135 miles cycles. In my own case, MFP has suggested I eat 1600 calories per day to achieve 1 lb of weight loss per week, based on having a "lightly active" BMR. There are days when I burn 2000 or more calories cycling. On days like that, I'll probably eat 2000 calories (gross, not net), which still leaves me waaaay in negative land. Am I starving myself? I wouldn't think so...

    can't answer that as we don't know how much fat you have available for energy. The answer is... Maybe, but maybe not. It's not an all or nothing situation, you could be slightly into starvation mode, or you could be heavily into it and burning lots of muscle mass. Really, we can't know.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
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