Losing 10 lbs in one month – Am I being realistic?



  • wmartin8
    wmartin8 Posts: 22
    My goal is to loose around 20 pounds as well, and after about 6 weeks I've lost 9 pounds. that's a little more than a pound a week. Which I'm pretty happy about. I think it's definitely possible to lose 10 pounds in a month for a lighter person but it would take an extraordinary effort than in the end might just be unsustainable. Take myself for example, my main goal at the gym for the first couple of weeks was just to burn 500 calories and eat a little under 2000 calories a day. I would do 3 circuits of a full body workout every other day and run about 5 miles every other day, 6 days a week. While doing all of this exercise sometimes 2k calories didn't seem enough, there would definitely times during the day in which I felt really really hungry! I stuck to it however, and I lost weight. However, now that i'm on week 6 I'm definitely starting to feel the effects of overtraining. I haven't slept well for a couple of days, and my body just seems to wanna eat absolutely everything. There were a few times that I completely binged. which is pretty depressing. To my surprise though, the weight that I lost hasn't come back at all i'm still 9 pounds lighter which makes me think a slower weight lost process is the only realistic way to keep the weight off for good. So, now I've had dialed down my calories and have pretty much cut out my gym time in half still focusing however in achieving a daily 500 calorie deficit. So, although I think it's possible, I think you should probably give yourself a little bit more time. At least 3 months. Which is what I have done. Plus, you don't wanna starve yourself for a month and then stuff your face come vacation time now do you?? temptations have a weird way of appearing the more you deprive yourself of them.
  • squeaktones
    squeaktones Posts: 195 Member
    i lost 10 pounds from feburary 14th til now so i think you can.. i am not sure how many calories i was eating before i found this site. i started out trying to the 1500 calories thing with exercise but had to lower my calories to between 1200-1300 because i was not eating my calories and was having to stuff myself at the end of the day. i talked it over with my doctor first he said it was ok to do it as long as i added a multivitamin to my diet. i get the smart pack of gummy vitamans from sam's they have the multivitamin, plus a calcium, omega 3, vitamin d3 and a b6/b12 combined. they are fruit flavored, taste great and make me feel like i am getting a candy treat. they are 50 extra calories though. i saw the nutritionist last week too and she said to try to eat 4 serving of fruits, four servings of vegetables, 2 servings of whole grains. and 3 servings of protein a day. to lower my salt intake and try to add some healthy fats like 1 tablespoon olive, walmut or flaxseed oil and or 1/8 of an avacado's, a couple of tablespoons of nuts to my diet.
    for you 10 lose your 10 pounds you are going to have to lower your calories and boost your exercise quite a bit and not eat your exercise calories. i would not suggest you do this long term though without asking your doctor.
  • ChristineM1953
    ChristineM1953 Posts: 135 Member
    If this is your first month trying to loose weight, it may come off pretty easily. The first 10 (or so) pounds is water weight and you will start to feel better. I have a personal goal of 10lbs per month and it becomes more challenging as each month goes by.
    Good Luck!

    She's right, especially with women. We tend to hold onto water more and that is what will come off first. But make sure you eat your calories, or you will go into starvation mode and you just won't do yourself any good. If you lose the 10#, don't expect that in the future and take your time losing the rest. It took you nine years to get here- you aren't going to lose it in 3 months.
  • DaisyJane82
    DaisyJane82 Posts: 32 Member
    Thank you everyone for your advice, suggestions and weight loss tips. I truly appreciate

    I read through everyone comments and took your experiences into account. You're right, based on my weight and what I have to lose. It might be unrealistic albeit not impossible to lose 10 lbs. I'm inspired by those that have, but also acknowledge those that say it might not be good for my health to push myself to hard, eat too little calories..etc.

    I'm still hoping that I can lose 10 lbs before my vacation, but I'll be focusing on toning my body more than losing the weight. That's a good suggestion and it sounds like the best thing to do.

    I realize that I'll probably gain a lot of weight back DURING my vacation and I'm okay with that. This vacation is a once in a lifetime thing for us. I'll pick myself back up and keep on going.

    The weight loss technique I use AFTER the vacation will be a lot more relaxed, health conscious and long term than the diet leading up to it.

    Thank you so much guys for all of your help! (I'll let you know if I achieve my goal)
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    I'm still hoping that I can lose 10 lbs before my vacation, but I'll be focusing on toning my body more than losing the weight. That's a good suggestion and it sounds like the best thing to do.

    I think this is your best bet... the number on the scale doesn't make the bathing suit fit better - the shape of your body does.

    I would suggest Jullian Michaels 30 day shred. I'm fairly small and I lost 2+ inches off my waist after the first 20 days
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