walking and jogging 5.0 mph???



  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Okay, so when doing the 12 min miles, then I'm really supposed to log those by that? I'm doing the Leslie Sansone 5 Mile Fat Burning walks. And on here it's jog, 5.0 mph 12 min miles. It just doesn't seem like I'm really burning that many calories. Great if I am, but maybe I should get a HRM... so confused.

    You aren't. But don't obsess about it -- and don't get an HRM just for that reason, because it won't be any more accurate. For the Leslie Sansone video--multiply your weight in kilograms by 4 or 5. That's your calories burned per hour. Multiply that by the hours worked (e.g. .75 for 45 minutes, 1.25 for 75 minutes, etc) for calories burned during the workout.

    That's as close as you need to be.
  • Sway
    Sway Posts: 100 Member
    Thank you Azdak well yikes, from your calculations that means up to 295 calories, and here it's saying 470+... I will say, that I think your calories are more accurate to what I feel I'm burning. Thank you!!
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