Weirdo? Geek? Slightly Abnormal? Insane mommy? Me too!



  • angiedwill
    angiedwill Posts: 873 Member
    i LOVE crazy people!!!!! they are the greatest kinda people ever!!!!! woot woot count me in!!!!!!!!
  • foodie012
    foodie012 Posts: 11
    Wack-a-do is my middle name. I want in. I WANT IN!!!! Friend me my people!
  • naebear99
    naebear99 Posts: 73
    Weird? Geeky? Not a chance. Just because I like Ren Faires, Maker Faires, and gaming, DOESN'T make me a geek. Nope, what does it is probably my physics degree, the 10-inch reflecting scope that sits in my living room, and my teensy, weensy fascination with technological gadgetry. My humor ranges from the silly to the rather dark, skipping almost entirely over the scatological, and most of the slapstick. I had a lovely time at w00tstock earlier this year, though I also enjoy a good round of antiquing or other more "traditional" pursuits.

    As for parenting, erm, well. My kid is now 15, and is capable of getting herself from our front door to my cousin's place in Hong Kong; I believe in raising capable kids. She's got the access to funds, public transportation, and her passport. We've seen to it she has a solid grounding in the classics: Dr. Demento, Weird Al, Monty Python, Mel Brooks, zombielore, as well as more traditional classics such as a recent Impressionist art exhibit in town, classical movies, and fine literature. Our parenting style is at best eccentric and analytical, but we're very close, and she's not shy about bringing problems or questions of any nature to us.

    In short, yeah - a little bit off-kilter. And very proud.
  • I belong here for sure. :) feel free to add me
  • kbloodworth
    kbloodworth Posts: 107 Member
    On my Facebook profile, under "Interests" I have: "Nerd Stuff."

    There are many types of weird or geeky, so I want to make sure, we're clear. Here are some of the many ways I am strange:
    1) Video game obsession, including playing WoW for five an adult.
    2) Played pen and paper DND, for six an adult
    3) The people at Atomic Comics know me by name.
    4) Love everything Tim Burton (bonus if Johnny Depp is involved)
    5) Watch all the cartoons on Adult Swim/CTN Network: Venture Brothers, Robot Chicken, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Boondocks, etc
    6) Almost wore prosthetic elf-ears to the opening of Lord of the Rings- but my friends begged me not to.
    7) Wore only black 5th-6th grade, and spent summer between 6th and 7th grade reading the compiled works of Edgar Allen Poe.
    8) Listen to System of a Down and Korn to relax myself if I can't fall asleep.
    9) Named my dog Boomer because of the character on Battlestar Galactica. (And spent every Friday night NOT going out to watch each new episode of this show when it was on the air).
    10) Have had a crush on Gary Oldman ever since Bram Stoker's Dracula.
    11) Transferred my OCD to my dog- she now walks around grates on the sidewalk (to avoid the noise), will only eat Japanese rice (not that Calrose crap), and walks a full circle around the car before she will go into it...
    12) Jumped out of a moving vehicle to prove a point.
    13) Read Malcolm Gladwell for fun!

    Oh- and that profile pic- that is me- at work. People did not think it was out of character that I was wearing that to the office. Of course, it was St. Patty's day and I am 1/8th Irish, so I couldn't NOT wear that.

    All of the other freaks, geeks and weirdos can add me.
  • davet165
    davet165 Posts: 13
    I love all the weird, geeky, dark, slightly twisted and geeky things and peoples here.... I've played so many different table top rpgs, WoW, Warhammer (Both versions)...So yeah, I guess I'm kinda a typical metalhead/geek....Especially at my age lol (Because I still play these...)
  • Angela1303
    Angela1303 Posts: 33 Member
    yay a bunch of weirdos :-) feel free to add :-D x
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