Your thoughts on BMI & ideal weight



  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    the best way to know if your in good shape is , by body fat. theres a lot of skinny fat people out there, and you wont weigh so much if your body fat is low, unless you have a lot of real muscle.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    So Photobucket doesn't like MFP. To reiterate my above post somewhat.

    At 5'4": Target weight range: 107.8 - 145.7 lbs;

    Below image (6 years ago) - weight 140-145, BMI 24-24.9 (Very high end of "healthy", bordering on "overweight")


    This doesn't look borderline overweight. And it's not, body fat was at a perfectly "normal" 25%. But I do have large, dense bones and tend to build muscle very easily (comparatively speaking).

    i.e. BMI is BS, in my opinion.

    p.s. That's also my goal... I want to look like that again. :D
  • cartern1
    cartern1 Posts: 270 Member
    According to BMI the top end of my "Healthy" is 76Kgs (167.5 lbs). Considering my build I don't think i'll ever get to that weight - it's just not realistic.
  • darling_nickie
    darling_nickie Posts: 117 Member
    I agree with everything everyone has said here...I have never considered myself "big boned" because I have small hands and I don't know if the finger's around the wrist work in my case. Or perhaps hand and foot size do not matter in this case...but I have ALWAYS been heavier than other kids my age. I am by no means tall, 5'5" my thinnest I was 150 lbs and I felt like I looked awesome...was a size 9-10. According to BMI I should be somewhere in the 120s...I cannot imagine myself weighing that little even if I pushed myself to lose that much weight...I like having curves, some booty, and shape to myself. So I think if you feel healthy and your body fat % is in a healthy range who cares what that stupid chart says. My goal is 160...I am currently 216 and people ALWAYS guess me to weigh much less. Trust yourself and your can't chart people because we are ALL so different from eachother. And good luck!
  • Lubbird
    Lubbird Posts: 2
    Apparantely my lowest healthy weight is like 118lbs and i'm 5ft 5. I would agree had I not been 100lbs before I started the long gain to where I am now, and being told by my doctor that 100lbs was a healthy weight for me.
  • Serafimangel
    Serafimangel Posts: 174 Member
    wow baisleac, no wonder you want to look like that again, hell, I want to look like that!
    Do you know what BMI also ignores? Boobs, I am a 34 E at the moment and I think they're heavier than if I were an A or B, right?

    At the moment I am 160 and 5ft9, which is not overweight apparently (BMI 24), but in a month I lost nothing, was still at 160 but had lost inches, my arms no longer looked all bingo-wing, so yeah, BMI, meh.

    Also, I dont want to get to my ideal, getting to 150 is good enough for me, I like having boobs and an *kitten* thank you very much.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Do you know what BMI also ignores? Boobs, I am a 34 E at the moment and I think they're heavier than if I were an A or B, right?

    At the moment I am 160 and 5ft9, which is not overweight apparently (BMI 24), but in a month I lost nothing, was still at 160 but had lost inches, my arms no longer looked all bingo-wing, so yeah, BMI, meh.

    Also, I dont want to get to my ideal, getting to 150 is good enough for me, I like having boobs and an *kitten* thank you very much.

    Yeah, BMI doesn't count boobs. I've been a 34D or higher since I was 13. :D

    And Bingo-Wing... I LOVE that term. I always called 'em batwings. LOL. And I'm looking forward to losing some of my "fly power"
  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    I think the BMI scale rings pretty true for me. When I was 135-140 (I was ended up stuck there for about 6 months after losing most of the pregnancy weight)..I had fat rolls and I felt overweight. I'm 4'11" and my normal weight is 115lbs. Well, I gained some weight while pregnant and was really uncomfortable with my body. I have since lost the weight and I'm toning up. I'm 115lbs again with a BMI of 23%....I'm striving for a 21% BMI and I wish I knew how to do a body fat % test, because I would LOVE to know what my % is. Last year I took an Aerobics class for school and she had one of those body composition scales. It said that I had a 27% body fat percentage. I have lost 20lbs since then and have been working out like crazy. I think the BMI is pretty accurate for me, although if it were to take my muscle mass into consideration, I'm certain it would be a little lower.
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