
  • savvynurse
    savvynurse Posts: 292
    Friday update:
    71 mins for a total of 350/250. I know what I am setting my goals for next week.
    Under cal goal.
    Thats all the workout till sunday night. I work two 12hr shifts back to back and that leaves little to no time to work out. Thank God where I work i have LONG hallways to walk up and down. Too bad I don't count that as exercise though.

    Have a good weekend all. Will check in on Sunday. Will try to tomorrow but no promises.
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    MissDee I'm so excited..............I made my goal and then some!

    Goal for this week: walk 10 miles

    Sunday - 1.5
    Monday - 1 for a total of 2.5
    Tuesday - 2 for a total of 4.5
    Wednesday - 1.5 for a total of 6
    Thursday - 2.5 for a total of 8.5
    Friday - 3 for a total of 11.5 :happy:
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    MissDee I'm so excited..............I made my goal and then some!

    Goal for this week: walk 10 miles

    Sunday - 1.5
    Monday - 1 for a total of 2.5
    Tuesday - 2 for a total of 4.5
    Wednesday - 1.5 for a total of 6
    Thursday - 2.5 for a total of 8.5
    Friday - 3 for a total of 11.5 :happy:

    WOOOOO HOOOOOOOO DEE!!!! That is AMAZING!!!!!! I am getting there but barely!! Isn't it great!!?? You have lost so much already too!! How long did that take you? You inspire me!!
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    WOW!!!!! You girls are ALL doing so wll!! And several of you have lost quite a bit already!!

    You know, I gained 20 pounds in like six weeks and why is it talking me 6 months to lose it????? grrrrrrrrr

    BUT on a good note, it's working much better since I joined MFP!!

    Thank you all for supporting each other!!

    :drinker: YOU GUY's ROCK!!:drinker:
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    @Suzanne - my name is Angela, most people call me Ang. :D

    Sounds like people are doing AMAZING this week! Woohoo! I think I might actually go out and go for a jog tomorrow. Me, jogging...I NEVER THOUGHT I'D SAY SOMETHING LIKE THIS!!!!!
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Grandee - YOU ARE ROCKING IT!!!! I'm with Dee, how long did it take you to lose the 65 lbs? I'd love to be able to walk 2 miles a day but I can barely get in 1 mile every other day. With time I will get there!

    Ang - GREAT JOB! JOGGING!!! That will be phenomenal! Good luck! :happy:
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Okay so I did a grand total of 55 minutes of exercise yesteday! Added to my 75 = 130.... only 20 minutes of exercise today to reach my goal (but since it's Saturday I might do a little more since I have more time!)

    I can't wait to see everyone's numbers tomorrow!
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    Friday check-in:

    Under calorie goal - by a lot: was hoping to get closer to goal, but ran out of time to eat.

    Exercise - 25 minutes 30 Day Shred, and an hour of housekeeping. I actually do about three hours worth at work, but I count an hour of it as exercise.

    Checked out just this page on this challenge, GREAT JOB everyone!
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Okay so I didn't get to the jog. I slept in way too much then had to run errands. Got a great deal on boneless center-cut pork chops and dug through them to find the ones with the least fat possible...the less trimming I have to do the better!! LOL

    On the GREAT news front...I joined a gym today! They're not opening until the end of April or the beginning of May but this place is SO WORTH IT. It's called Planet Fitness and if you haven't heard of it, I seriously encourage you to look it up online. The whole place centers around a 'Judgment Free Zone' - meaning, people of all shapes and sizes are welcome and anyone that's doing anything to discourage other people will be asked to leave. We had one in Syracuse, NY, when we lived there and I absolutely loved it..and now we're getting one in Lansing! We were driving through the parking lot of a shopping center (going to Hobby Lobby) and there was a small sign outside the construction stating what was going in. We ended up signing up right then and there! I'm so excited, it's ridiculous. Free personal training, tanning and massage included, and they'll even have 2 circuits - one just for abs and one that's more like Curves.

    This just made my day! Now to stay focused and keep working on the exercise at home for the next month! Woohoo!!
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    DeeH, great work!

    Ang, excellent!!! I'd like to join a gym when I shed 50+ pounds. Even then I won't feel comfortable... plus gyms with babysitting services are expensive. I am a single mom and no one lives near me to help me out. So unfortunately my only option is a gym with babysitting! I'll just keep walking and playing my Wii and burning the calories that way... but I am so happy and excited for you!!! I've heard good things about Planet Fitness!!! My friends are members there!

    I need some help - I HATE vegetables and I don't love the "good for you" fruits... but I've changed over to all multigrain or grain based carb products. I've chosen the no fat, low fat, reduced fat options for cheese, yogurts, milk, etc. I am trying to stay under my sodium intake and watching the sugar intake but if I stay under in sodium and sugar, I don't have nearly enough calories. If I take in enough calories, I'm over in sodium and sugar. UGH. I am hungry, too... I just REALLY hate vegetables and fruits, lol.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    DeeH, great work!

    Ang, excellent!!! I'd like to join a gym when I shed 50+ pounds. Even then I won't feel comfortable... plus gyms with babysitting services are expensive. I am a single mom and no one lives near me to help me out. So unfortunately my only option is a gym with babysitting! I'll just keep walking and playing my Wii and burning the calories that way... but I am so happy and excited for you!!! I've heard good things about Planet Fitness!!! My friends are members there!

    I need some help - I HATE vegetables and I don't love the "good for you" fruits... but I've changed over to all multigrain or grain based carb products. I've chosen the no fat, low fat, reduced fat options for cheese, yogurts, milk, etc. I am trying to stay under my sodium intake and watching the sugar intake but if I stay under in sodium and sugar, I don't have nearly enough calories. If I take in enough calories, I'm over in sodium and sugar. UGH. I am hungry, too... I just REALLY hate vegetables and fruits, lol.

    Where do you live? I can do some research for you to see what's out there for gyms...I love research, it's kind of my thing. LOL

    As for fruits and veggies...what do you not like about them? I've always said I don't like certain veggies and fruits...and I've actually changed my mind over the years! Spinach was one of them...and then I ended up having spinach on my sandwich today with lunch! :D
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Well... I am not a good cook... and I hate cooking. I don't have much time for it so I don't really know how to "make" vegetables taste good. I just don't like the taste and some of the consistency makes me gag. I have a very sensitive gag reflex. I do like asparagus, cooked, with some butter spray on it... I like lettuce. I like cooked mushrooms and cooked onions. I don't mind raw spinach if it's in a salad but cooked spinach makes me gag. I like sweet potatoes and regular potatoes. I like corn. Obviously if they're starchy veggies, I like them... since they aren't great for you, LOL. I like strawberries, bananas, mandarin oranges. I don't mind blueberries but I wouldn't buy them just for myself. I don't like any of the melons or kiwis or pomegranates. I don't love apples but I don't mind them either. Maybe I'm just so used to stuffing my face with garbage that it's going to take time to reinvent my tastebuds?
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Well... I am not a good cook... and I hate cooking. I don't have much time for it so I don't really know how to "make" vegetables taste good. I just don't like the taste and some of the consistency makes me gag. I have a very sensitive gag reflex. I do like asparagus, cooked, with some butter spray on it... I like lettuce. I like cooked mushrooms and cooked onions. I don't mind raw spinach if it's in a salad but cooked spinach makes me gag. I like sweet potatoes and regular potatoes. I like corn. Obviously if they're starchy veggies, I like them... since they aren't great for you, LOL. I like strawberries, bananas, mandarin oranges. I don't mind blueberries but I wouldn't buy them just for myself. I don't like any of the melons or kiwis or pomegranates. I don't love apples but I don't mind them either. Maybe I'm just so used to stuffing my face with garbage that it's going to take time to reinvent my tastebuds?

    That's possible. I've honestly started to LOVE the taste of steamed veggies, especially carrots, cauliflower, broccoli and green beans. Nothing on them at all, just them the way they are. I wonder how they'd taste with one of the light laughing cow cheeses over the top now though...hmm! You could make one heck of a fruit salad with those choices there! That's not bad at all. Although I'm a melon freak myself, I have to say. What about any other of the citrus fruits? Lemons are great for seasoning, limes too. And oranges, tangerines, etc are just yummy! Since you like mandarin oranges you may like those too. Pears are great too, I think you might like them!
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    That's possible. I've honestly started to LOVE the taste of steamed veggies, especially carrots, cauliflower, broccoli and green beans. Nothing on them at all, just them the way they are. I wonder how they'd taste with one of the light laughing cow cheeses over the top now though...hmm! You could make one heck of a fruit salad with those choices there! That's not bad at all. Although I'm a melon freak myself, I have to say. What about any other of the citrus fruits? Lemons are great for seasoning, limes too. And oranges, tangerines, etc are just yummy! Since you like mandarin oranges you may like those too. Pears are great too, I think you might like them!

    I used to love to squeeze the lime on my McDonald's Southwestern Chicken Salad (I wonder how bad for you that salad REALLY is, lol!!!) and it kicked up the flavor... I don't really care about oranges. I probably like the mandarin ones because of the "light sugar syrup" they're in.

    I'm a food addict and I became addicted to sugars and salty foods... bad for you, fattening, disgusting foods. It's going to take a LONG time to break that habit and I am really proud of what I've broken so far!

    Today I did eat some mac and cheese. However, I am still not near my calorie goal AND I exercised so I am okay with the fact I ate that crap today!
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I used to love to squeeze the lime on my McDonald's Southwestern Chicken Salad (I wonder how bad for you that salad REALLY is, lol!!!) and it kicked up the flavor... I don't really care about oranges. I probably like the mandarin ones because of the "light sugar syrup" they're in.

    I'm a food addict and I became addicted to sugars and salty foods... bad for you, fattening, disgusting foods. It's going to take a LONG time to break that habit and I am really proud of what I've broken so far!

    Today I did eat some mac and cheese. However, I am still not near my calorie goal AND I exercised so I am okay with the fact I ate that crap today!

    Ha! I eat the mandarin oranges in water, just to cut down on the calories and stuff. :D I didn't like them when I was younger but now I LOVE them.

    Trust me, I'm a fast food junkie. Every once in awhile I just go ahead and get it anyway (about 3 times since I started this journey) and just deal with the consequences! There's no way I'm going to be able to spend the rest of my life never walking into a fast food place so I try to stick with the 'moderation' theory. As for mac and cheese...take that away from me and I will probably cut off someone's arm. LOL! That's my favorite thing in the world.
  • savvynurse
    savvynurse Posts: 292
    I made one goal for the week... I did 360 mins of exercise when my goal was 250. I didn't stay under my cals every day like I wanted so will have to work on that one next week.
    For my NS goal... I got my pantry cleaned out like I wanted to :) Now I know how much canned fruit and vegetables I have in the pantry. Will make it easier to go grocery shopping soon :)

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend. I unfortunately have to work another 12 hr shift tomorrow. But I do plan on working out tomorrow night to get a start on next weeks challenge :) have a good night all
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Goal for this week: walk 10 miles

    Sunday - 1.5
    Monday - 1 for a total of 2.5
    Tuesday - 2 for a total of 4.5
    Wednesday - 1.5 for a total of 6
    Thursday - 2.5 for a total of 8.5
    Friday - 3 for a total of 11.5
    Saturday - 1.5 for a total of 13

    I weigh in tomorrow morning! Keep your fingers crossed. I'm hoping for a pound off.
  • OhItsOn
    OhItsOn Posts: 36
    Well... I missed this challenge.. but I like the idea of it. I'm going to challenge myself for next week. Thanks. If you do it again, count me in. smil.e
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Well... I missed this challenge.. but I like the idea of it. I'm going to challenge myself for next week. Thanks. If you do it again, count me in. smil.e

    WELCOME, I just got on to post my results and to start a new week up. Soooooooooo once I do that I will post the new link here. Feel free to friend me or the others. They are all very supportive and motivated!!

    Good Luck!!
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Well at least you THOUGHT about joggin!! That would only be a DREAM for me!! I slept in this morning and LOVED every minute of it!! LOL

    Ohhhhh we must talk!! I LOVE to cook. Maybe I can help you out sometime. I WAS a single mom. I raised three daughters all by myself with NO help from their daddy!! So I can actually tell you I have been there!! My girls were 1, 3 & 5 when I wnt on my own. I APPLAUD YOU!


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