Lots2Lose & over 40 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    *** I got a question**** Do you guys talk/ yell at your computer when you hit the button to complete your food logging for the day and it says " if everyday was like today you would weigh
    ??? I am always like " yeah right!" or " liar liar pants on fire" and if I've been stuck for awhile....&%$##@*! ????

    LMAO...I am so there with you, I don't even look at or pay attention to that anymore....If the "if everyday" was accurate I would of been in the 260s over a month agao...but then again I dont think I have had 5 weeks straight of "similar days" :noway: :laugh:

    If "if everyday" was correct I would weigh 205 lbs by now. grrrrr I know it's suppose to be encourging but it plain ticks me off. haha
  • cathyv0409
    cathyv0409 Posts: 230 Member
    Thanks to everyone for your suggestions about my husband's weight loss journey. Sara, even "quite set in his ways" is a major understatement :smile: I feel better that you agree waiting for him to ask for advice is the way to go. At least he is conscious of when/what he is eating.

    Jolene, I hope you have a beautiful new spot for your home. Congrats on moving without incident!

    Melissa, looking at food for survival and not as comfort is a HUGE triumph in my book. I hope I can get to there at some point. I have never quite understood people who "eat to live" :laugh:

    Cassie, walking 20 minutes is great...and 5 out of 8 days is great consistency! I'm so proud of you!

    Charmaine, Kudos to you for getting back on track. Why is it that it is so hard to build the habit of living a more healthy life and that habit is SO easily derailed?

    Jackie, Shelly, my heart goes out to you that your are struggling! I'm very proud of your for hanging tough and sticking with it!!

    Linda, I don't know what to say. Please don't feel like you always have to be positive...remember, we are here to support YOU too!! I wish lived close so we could get together, have a chat, go for a walk and hugs if you need one. You brought us all together and are so supportive, I feel like I let you down when you needed support. Please let us hear from you and let us know how you are doing and feeling. On the up side....I think stopping at 3 cookies last night was HUGE!! If I could have gotten my hands on a bag of chocolate yesterday I would have done some serious damage...and that was just because of dumb computer problems on my work computer. I'm just thankful I don't keep chocolate in the house (I work from home) and it used to be a "staple" in our house.

    Mollie, Thanks for putting the weight chart together and tracking our goals/progress!

    Kelly, GREAT TRIUMPHS!!! I love the smaller jeans and also that your blood sugars are coming down!!

    Thursday triumph for me -
    1. I got back to exercising after 10 days of no exercise.
    2. I realized I was subtly sabatoging myself when I got close to the 250 mark and stopped the negative behavior
    3. I DIDN'T eat my stress away yesterday - OK it wasn't a big thing, just work computer problems but they were about to send me over the edge! I kept thinking I was hungry and used postive self-talk to tell myself it wasn't hunger, it was stress
    4. I realized my sweats are getting baggy (I have been wearing them since I started this journey and hate to think how tight they must have been in the beginning)
    5. I stuck to my plan of going to exercise after work even though we had friends stopping by in the evening and it would have been so easy to use that as an excuse to skip. They are good friends and "know the deal". I also know they understood but it would have still been easy to use them for an excuse.

    I hope everyone has a terrific Thursday!!!
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    I have a quick question for everyone before I head off to work.

    What is the one silly thing that you are looking forward to being able to do when the weight shifts?

    Mine us being able to cross my legs! My thighs don't allow that at the moment! :)

    Have a lovely day everyone x
    crossing my legs was HUGE! My goal now is to walk into any store and buy a size 16, go home and it fits perfect. Needless to say that is about 40 lbs or so away.
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    and yes, I do yell at my computer, actually I generally flip it off


    hahahaha luv it! I don't flip, but I do curse it and my scales too! hahaha
  • cathyv0409
    cathyv0409 Posts: 230 Member
    I have a quick question for everyone before I head off to work.

    What is the one silly thing that you are looking forward to being able to do when the weight shifts?

    Mine us being able to cross my legs! My thighs don't allow that at the moment! :)

    Have a lovely day everyone x

    Joanna, I had to laugh at myself because I actually "practice" crossing my legs in my office just to see what it will feel like when I can actually do it. You should see the contortions I go through to make it feel "natural" to me.

    One thing I'm looking forward to is going on amusement park rides. I hope to be able to take my grandson this summer when he visits from Washington and ride the rides with him. Another thing I want to do is go canoeing. I have always been afraid of falling out of the canoe and not be able to get back in so wouldn't go.
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    Its a little after midnight here in Washington but I wanted to check in anyway. I was up 2 pounds this week! I am upset, but at the same time...I am motivated to work even harder this week. I am going to adjust my calories, so I am allowed less..drink more water, and exercise more. We'll see if that'll work. It should right? Going to the dr on Monday for a complete physical as well...maybe its my thyroid....thats a joke by the way! lol. Parf of my problem is...I dont eat much during the day...due to Im working..and I just dont have time. Then...I spend my evenings on the couch...snacking. I need to break that habit. OK>>>everyone...its a new week! thanks for all your support!:flowerforyou:

    Jackie: I don't know if this will help, but when I first started I had the snacking after supper problems also. I started drinking caffine free coffee or hot tea. The sipping helped occupy my mouth and the water helped me feel less hungry. I still drink green tea with splenda to satisfy my sugar cravings in the evenings sometimes.
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    good morning ladies,

    sorry I wasn't around too much yesterday, I had a bad day, was feeling really down, so I did what my therapist said (for a change LOL) and turned off all external stimuli. No TV, no computer, just an old book and bed. It really helped to recharge my brain. It's something to think about doing when you feel like you're in a dark place.

    I also fixed my setting on FB so people can find me, I guess I didn't realize how locked down I was.

    Katz - I'm reading The Six Daughters of George III again, because of your talk about Kew gardens and Richmond Park. If you take pictures I'd love to see them.

    I am caught up on posts, but I'll be back on later for comments, etc.

    and yes, I do yell at my computer, actually I generally flip it off.

    My grandson has the lego star wars and indiana jones games for the wii, they are so funny to watch.


    I only have a few good photos, though not as many as I'd like. Our digital camera died and we haven't replaced it yet, so we only have the mediocre cameras in our mobile phones. As soon as I get a new camera, I will be snapping shots all over London. I've already planned a few outings just to take pictures.

    Another book you might enjoy is "Mary Tudor" by Anne Whitelock. It is an historical account of Henry VIII's daughter Mary, who later became known as "Bloody Mary." After visiting Hampton Court Palace last year, I couldn't get enough of the Tudor period.

  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    @Cathy0409: Congrats on avoiding the stress eating! That is a major success! Also, congrats on your sweats getting baggy. I'm considering putting more emphasis on my clothing size than my weight. If only my doctor would do the same!!

  • akaDumbo
    akaDumbo Posts: 187
    Today is Thursday triumph day and I have not 1 but 2 triumphs to report which is most unusual for me.

    Firstly I have a real problem with steps and have not been able to go up a ladder for years. I have fold up steps ( only 2 very wide steps) in my kitchen for reaching the top of cupboards but I couldn't even use them. Today I took them into my sitting room, climbed the 2 steps and reached up standing on my toes and managed to get one of my curtains down which is now in the washing machine. This may seem rather trivial but for me it is a big thing.

    My second triumph also happened today I measured my blood glucose, admittedly it was just before I ate my lunch, and it was 5.4 mmol (I think that is 97mg/dl for those of you in the USA). It is the first time I've had a normal level since being diagnosed and it wasn't even a fasting one woohooo
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    Today is Thursday triumph day and I have not 1 but 2 triumphs to report which is most unusual for me.

    Firstly I have a real problem with steps and have not been able to go up a ladder for years. I have fold up steps ( only 2 very wide steps) in my kitchen for reaching the top of cupboards but I couldn't even use them. Today I took them into my sitting room, climbed the 2 steps and reached up standing on my toes and managed to get one of my curtains down which is now in the washing machine. This may seem rather trivial but for me it is a big thing.

    My second triumph also happened today I measured my blood glucose, admittedly it was just before I ate my lunch, and it was 5.4 mmol (I think that is 97mg/dl for those of you in the USA). It is the first time I've had a normal level since being diagnosed and it wasn't even a fasting one woohooo

    Way to go on both of these triumphs!! You're doing great, keep it up!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning everyone!:flowerforyou:

    Here is the chart for yesterdays weigh-in. If I made an error please let me know and I will adjust.

    Everyone have a good week!:heart::flowerforyou: :heart: We can do this!

  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Morning everyone!! I hope everyone had a great evening and has an even better day today!
    My Thursday triumph? It has to be that I have been doing the 30-day shread for SIX days straight. I am so horrible at sticking to the same routine because I get bored with it, but I am determined to finish this! Weighed in today and lost 0.2lbs. HA! I laugh at those 0.2!! I wish I was still losing 1 - 2.lbs a week, but I guess those days are over. I suppose I'll take whatever loss I get and be happy it's not a gain *sigh*

    Joanna: I too am looking foward to being able to cross my legs. I can't remember how long it's been since I've been able to! Also can't wait until I no longer have to shop in the plus-size section!!! ahhh, to be able to pick out ANYTHING in a store and have it fit!
  • mainey65
    mainey65 Posts: 343 Member
    Thursday Triumph: I'm celebrating a few things today.

    1. I'm almost finished with Spring Cleaning Projects. There are still a couple of really big jobs left, but most of the little stuff is done.
    2. I've exercised nearly everyday for the past three weeks!!
    3. I'm still excited about being down another size in jeans. I only have one more pair that is a size smaller than the ones I"m in now. I'll have to go shopping soon!!
    4. While my weight hasn't dropped as quickly as I'd like, it is coming down, and with my blood sugar numbers as well!!

    Enjoy your week every one; the weekend is almost here!


    Super Congrats on all your triumphs!
    Keep up the excellent work!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    My 4 letter word is CAN"T my kids are always saying, " You can't have that, huh mom" I tell them I can have whatever I want it is a matter of is it worth it to me to eat it. How many calories is it going to cost me?

    Screen name: themommie
    April 27 GW = 196.5
    March 30th: (SW) = 189
    April 6th:
    April 13th:
    April 20th:
    April 27th

    My goal for April will be 7 lbs because I want to get out of the 190's , if I make it that would be great but as long as it is less I will be successful. I have alot going on in April so it will be tough. I have 4 kid bdays in april and Easter and we are going on a mini vacation for 3 days to the ocean ( Monterey) So it will be a busy month. I will have to plan well and make sure I get my exercise in. Walks along the beach sound wonderful and I need to see if there is a gym at the hotel. If I eat cake I need to make it one or two bites.I can do it the secret I think is to plan , plan, plan

    Sounds like you do have a few challenges this month but your right planning is key. I know you can do it. Wow, 4 birthdays, I love cake, but I have slowly learned to have smaller pieces. I was in Florida recently and we walked the beach every morning and it was really nice, I highly encourage that :)

    Shelly thanks for the encouragement. I am glad you enjoyed walking on the beach. I love walking on the beach, it is so nice and peaceful. I love watching and listening to the waves......
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    Daily Inspiration for March 28, 2011
    Katie Jay,MSW

    Be willing to go to any lengths.

    It's not uncommon for a us to say, "I know I should do that, but I just can't." Drinking water is one such example. Success involves being willing to go to any lengths to achieve your goals. Going to any lengths means doing something you need to do, whether you want to or not, until you have a change of heart and want to do it.

    If you can't handle plain water, put mint leaves or cucumber in a jug to flavor it. If you're too busy to drink water, prepare four 16 oz. servings and drink one on the way to work, one during the morning, one during the afternoon, and one on the way home. Use things you do regularly (like driving to and from work) as triggers to drink your water. To say you "can't" is often saying you "won't." Is that how you want to approach this new life you've been given?

    Action for the day: Pick one area in your new healthy lifestyle in which you can improve. Today, make the change you need to make, and resolve to keep doing it until you want to do it.

    thanks for sharing these inspirational readings. I love them. This one is really good advice and so true. I cant is no longer part of my vocabulary.....
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I have a quick question for everyone before I head off to work.

    What is the one silly thing that you are looking forward to being able to do when the weight shifts?

    Mine us being able to cross my legs! My thighs don't allow that at the moment! :)

    Have a lovely day everyone x

    Mine is being able to go the waterpark and amusement park this summer with the kids and actually be able to ride the rides, walk the whole thing and participate. I cant wait
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    Its a little after midnight here in Washington but I wanted to check in anyway. I was up 2 pounds this week! I am upset, but at the same time...I am motivated to work even harder this week. I am going to adjust my calories, so I am allowed less..drink more water, and exercise more. We'll see if that'll work. It should right? Going to the dr on Monday for a complete physical as well...maybe its my thyroid....thats a joke by the way! lol. Parf of my problem is...I dont eat much during the day...due to Im working..and I just dont have time. Then...I spend my evenings on the couch...snacking. I need to break that habit. OK>>>everyone...its a new week! thanks for all your support!:flowerforyou:

    It's hard to get a balanced diet when you have such a hectic schedule. We've all been there! Keep trying and don't give up. Perhaps you could make one or two small changes, to gain some momentum. That would give you a foundation of success from which to build. Good luck with your doctor's appointment. Hang in there!!


    I have the same problem with wanting to snack after the kids go to bed. But instead of denying myself snacks I have just replaced the things I use to eat with good choices and limit my amount of snacking. ex my favorite thing to snack on use to be ice cream, now I have a weight watchers ice cream bar, or mini rice cakes or an orange
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    I just realized something!!! I guess this will go toward my "Thursday triumphs" too! So like I've mentioned before, I've been doing Jillian Michael's 30-day shread and last night was day 6 on level 1 for me. Anyway, As I was throwing my hair up in a pony tail just now (bad hair day UGH) I realized that the flab under my arms, the stuff that keeps going even after you're done waving, is not so flabby anymore! WOOHOO!! I keep cursing at Jillian for being such a b!t3h, but I think I'll start thanking her instead! :laugh:
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    thursday truimps
    joining the gym and actually sticking to it and going the days I said I would go , also walking the other 2 days a week

    everyone is doing great on their truimps congratulations
    Mollie thank you so much for doing the chart it looks great

    I am reading Chicken Soup For The Soul Shaping The New You and wanted to share some of the quotes from it that I thought were encouraging

    I dont want to blame my genes for not fitting into my jeans

    If we are not willing to settle for junkliving, we certainly shouldnt settle for junk food Sally Edwards

    the rewards for those who persevere far exceed the pain that precedes victory.......Karen Bliss Livingston

    there are no shortcuts to any place worth going....... Beverly Sills

    you are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream,,,,,C.S. Lewis

    no matter our age or condition there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born......Dr Dale Turner

    I hope these help to motivate and encourage you, if you like them there are alot more I can share. Everyone have a great day. My weigh in is tomorrow. I have done really well this week and have upped the exercise, so I am hoping for a loss
  • mainey65
    mainey65 Posts: 343 Member
    Hapopy Thursday Everybody!
    Mollie - I think keeping a jounal is a wonderful idea. I used to keep a journal many years ago and for some reason I stopped. Maybe I should think about starting again.
    Sue - I hope today is a better day for you. I think you're right, sometimes we just need to take a day to just "chill" and what better way to do it than to snuggle down in your comfy bed with a good book!
    Cathy - What as long list of triumphs. You should be very proud of yourself! Keep up the great work!
    Sara - Congrats on the blood glucose reading! What an accomplishment! Isn't getting healthy a great feeling?
    Joanna - On your qyestion about what one thing I look forward to when the weight shifts, I would have to say I'm with Jolene. I just can't wait until the day comes, AND IT WILL, when I can walk into any clothes store and pull a size 16 (or even 18) off the rack and have it fit! That is going to be the BEST feeling!
    Well, I guess my Thurs. triumph is that I have been doing my weights about 3 times a week. I know it's not much, but it's more than I was doing so I guess that counts a a triumph, right?
    Hope everone is having a great day
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