Foods Under 50 Calories



  • jeslaughter
    jeslaughter Posts: 131 Member
    hey that is awesome...thanks!!!
  • melissawaters
    melissawaters Posts: 31 Member
    thanks:) bump
  • Angeloftheshore
    Angeloftheshore Posts: 227 Member
    Awesome thread...BUMP
  • ThinkThin85
    ThinkThin85 Posts: 140 Member
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Check first though, navel oranges are 70 calories. The small ones are 50.
  • They make "light bread" that's under 50 calories. There's:
    - Country Kitchen Light Wheat Bread (35 calories per slice) (1 tablespoon of sugar-free jam is 10 calories, so you can even add jam)
    - Sara Lee Wheat Bread w/ Honey (45 calories per slice, and delicious plain too! The dash of honey in it gives great flavor) (you can add half a tablespoon sugar-free jam and it'll be a nice 50 calorie emergency snack)

    - About half of a small/medium banana is 50 calories.
    - Pop Cakes are like thin pancake sized rice cakes and are 16 calories each; you can have 3 of these for 48 calories.
    - 13 Special K Sea Salt Cracker Chips
    - 1/2 c Grapes
    - Many types of Cereals ( 1/2 c Cheerios, Rice Chex, Corn Flakes = 50 calories ; 1/2 c. Plain Kix= 45 calories ; 1 whole cup Kamut Puffs found in organic section= 50 calories ; 1/2 c Organic Corn Puffs or Plain Puffed Wheat Cereal = 30 calories)
    - A few small slices of Cantaloupe
    - I know onions were on there, but I put them in the oven and cook them like onion rings (except without coating) so delicious! (45 calories for whole onion)
    - About 50 Radishes (1 calorie= 1 radish)
    - About 50 Raspberries or Blackberries (1 berry = 1.2 calories or something like that)
    - Homemade Meringue Cookies (I found a recipe for 5 calories per meringue, just google meringue cookies- b/c they're made with egg whites they're almost all under 50 cals per cookie)
    - Graduates Finger Sized Puff Bites (you can have so many of them for 25 calories- check the label)
    - 1/4 c. Ice Cream (certain types)

    So I know you listed your emergency meal foods, and ice cream and cookies aren't really meal-worthy, but hey, I figured why not list them just in case haha !

    *OH about the whole oranges thing- a typical orange is more than 50 calories. I know I've found large clementines for 50 calories per clementine though. If you get the small Cuties clementines (not to be confused with the larger cuties clementines) they are 35 calories each. But I always eat them so fast and am never satiated because they're so tiny!
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