Who want to LOSE 40-50 lbs in 4 months?!?!?



  • femme62209
    femme62209 Posts: 327 Member
    marsts: I love your idea! I think it will be really helpful in keeping the conversation going. What does everyone else think? You would just answer the question in the post above you and then pose a new question for the next person. I love it!

    tryinghard2012: awesome job on your weight loss! That is so amazing! Keep up the great work, we're all so proud of you!

    ravenclawseekergirl: I'm sorry you've been struggling lately, but that's what we're here for! I'm proud of you for being brave enough to ask yourself if you're hungry, and then when you realize that you're not, not eating. This is hard...maybe the hardest thing any of us will ever have to do. You are doing so amazing though. Don't let one or two weeks get you down. You can do this! Look the scale right in the eye and calmly tell it that you're going to kick its *kitten*!

    And again to all those newcomers out there...welcome to our group! Please jump in at anytime...and try to be active! We don't want our group to die!

    So I'm going to go ahead and use marsts' awesome idea and pose the first question, whoever posts after me...answer it! And then ask a new question! I hope this works!

    Question: What do you use for inspiration on this journey? Is it a pair of pants you'd love to fit into? Your family? A beach vacation? Thanks for sharing and I can't wait to hear your answer!
  • skylar1907
    skylar1907 Posts: 156
    My beautiful horse. Cody & I have been together almost a year now. My weight (and adding to it) over the last 6months has been bad for us- as a team. I can't mount from the ground any more. I can't ride for more than 2 hours without my lower back hurting. And I'm 20lbs heavier than I was when I bought her. She's getting older and so am I. We can work longer, harder & better if I do my part and get to a healthy weight. She's doing her all when I ask - time for me to step to plate so we can compete next year.

    I haven't bought chaps or other gear to compete because I want to get to a stable & permanent healthy weight first. And we can't work on jumps (even low ones) because I'm too heavy & I'm scared of the impact on her knees. When these 70lbs go, we are going to be jumping (low) in trail classes, riding trails for hours on the weekends & competing with our friends - in full western gear!

    New Question: What is the one food that you will do extra exercise for so you can fit it into your calorie count?
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 801 Member
    So I know I am a little late but I just joined MFP. I would love to join this group and lose 40-50 lbs in 4 months.

    How is everyone doing this? Following a workout or diet plan? Following MFP plan?

    I am thinking about starting 30 Day Shred.... and maybe Slim in 6. I am trying to find reviews on both of those to figure out which one would be best to help kick start and lose some major lbs and inchs.
  • skylar1907
    skylar1907 Posts: 156
    No worries - welcome to MFP!

    I personally ride (as you've probably noted from my above posting) 3-4xs a week, work out on Wii Fit Plus & Wii EA Sports Active, and take my roommate's puppy on long walks. I consistently follow my MFP food log and come in under my calories allotment.

    I've lost 7.5lbs in 2 weeks.

    Feel free to reach out if you have questions!
  • ravenclawseekergirl
    ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member
    Erm well the one food that i woulddo exercise to have is probably my horlicks light malt drink with a bit of galaxy hot chocolate in. MMMMMmmmm. So tasty and a great way for me to get in the calcium that i so desperatly need at the moment. It's got quite a high calorie content because youre supposed to make it with only milk so...*cough*200 cal a mug *cough* and that's with skimmed milk! But it's worth it.

    skylar1907: Congrats on losing over 7 pounds in such a short time. :drinker: Your horse is really beautiful, makes me wish that i could ride.

    Femmme62209: I'm feeling the :heart: over here.:blushing: Thanks for the support, i really needed it, i just felt like i wasnt getting anywhere. I'm just a really impatient person. :grumble: But this morning i decided to take some measurements and
    Start (Current) (in)
    Neck: 17 (16.75)
    waist: 44.5 (43)
    Hips: 48 (47.5)
    Thigh: 27 (25.5)
    This has given me back the motivation to keep going! :bigsmile:
    My question is ...what is the one thing (or more) that you have done on this journey that makes you feel really proud of yourself?
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 201 Member
    Hi all, if it's not too late I'd love to join and loose 20kilos in 4 months.
    I'm planning a trip to Canada and would love to reach my goal weight before then.
    Current weight: 77Kilos
    Goal: 55Kilos

    I try to get to the gym 6 days a week, more like 4-5 at the moment, the hardest thing I'm having real problems with is eating my calories. So now I've hit a stalemate and sat at 77kg for the last 2 weeks, it's driving me nuts. Anyone got any suggestions?
    I am so glad I found this topic big hugs to everyone you inspire me =)

    The one thing I've done on this journey...is accept myself and my own uniqueness.

    Next Question: What piece of clothing are you most looking forward to wearing when you reach your goal?
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member

    tryinghard2012: awesome job on your weight loss! That is so amazing! Keep up the great work, we're all so proud of you!

    Question: What do you use for inspiration on this journey? Is it a pair of pants you'd love to fit into? Your family? A beach vacation? Thanks for sharing and I can't wait to hear your answer!

    Thanks so much, that meant a lot!!!

    To answer your question: I use health and others' successes as inspiration. If I embed in my mind that I am ultimately doing this to improve health and wellness, then I stay motivated longer than just for vanity purposes. Also seeing other people achieve and triumph really inspires me to "press on."

    I would love to fit in a size 8 as well :bigsmile:
  • femme62209
    femme62209 Posts: 327 Member
    Next Question: What piece of clothing are you most looking forward to wearing when you reach your goal?

    I am most looking forward to wearing a bathing suit (fingers crossed for a bikini!!!!) when I finally hit my goal weight! I have always felt really self-conscious whenever I'm at the pool and so I'm hoping that I can put on a bathing suit and feel amazing. I am also going to Mexico in December with my family...so I want to be ready by then!!! That was a good and fun question :)

    Next question: What is your favorite part of your body? :)
  • cubanasusana
    cubanasusana Posts: 24 Member
    Count me in!!!!
    Current weight 182
    Goal weight 140!!!
  • SweetBeth
    SweetBeth Posts: 87 Member
    I'm in! My husband will be coming home from his depoyment in August and I want to make his jaw drop! I have 42 pounds to go to get to my goal.

    SW: 183
    CW: 172
    GW: 130
  • misnik22
    misnik22 Posts: 1 Member
    Count me in!!! I want to lose between 40-50 lbs and be toned up!!!!

    CW: 180
    GW: 135
  • Yes I want to be down to 150 by Aug 1 by 30th birthday

    Current Weight 190

    Goal weight 140

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • ravenclawseekergirl
    ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member
    Next question: What is your favorite part of your body? :)
    Erm ths question i really hard to answer...i like my eyes! It's a bit lame i know but there is a lot here that is going to change on this journey lots to improve on. I like the fact that i'm tall as well 5ft 11 . Well that's all iv'e got at the moment.

    What i the biggest change that you've made since the begining of your journey?
  • marsts
    marsts Posts: 85
    What i the biggest change that you've made since the begining of your journey?

    Well...since restarting only 2 weeks ago, I'd say I'm more determined and try to make healthier food choices...
    Before, for meals such as lunch or breakfast (not everytime) but more than enough times would just eat chips or a donut or something junky instead, but now -even tho sometimes i may go over my calories..i still am eating healthier- will eat eggs and toast or cereal or fruit and yogurt or w.e. and during dinners i dont take seconds -most of the time- =P

    Next question: What made you realise you should finally take that first step into changing your health?
  • redhead91
    redhead91 Posts: 251
    I'm in! My start weight is 181 and my goal is 135 by that time!
  • SparkleLisa
    SparkleLisa Posts: 42 Member
    Me! I'm in! I may not get 40 off by August, but 30 would be awesome! Let's do it!
  • luzzell
    luzzell Posts: 3
    Count me in!!:wink:
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 201 Member
    In answer to - What made you realise you should finally take that first step into changing your health?

    I realised I needed to make this change after I finally got the all clear to start exercising again. I had a car accident 2 years ago and it was so hard not being allowed to much or only do little exercises. I know the physio was doing it right but I am so impatient I wanted all the weight gone now!! Have to admit during that time I wanted to find the guy who ran the red light and punch him...HARD!!
    Now I'm concentrating on me and trying to exercise my butt off (literally lol). I discovered today what others have mentioned about calorie deprivation, I have had trouble eating close to 1200 cals. Today I paid the price, the shaking and dizziness was scary. So I made the effort to eat today and am feeling heaps better hopefully my weight loss will kick in again.

    Question: What made you smile today?
  • SweetBeth
    SweetBeth Posts: 87 Member
    I was really frustrated today after not seeing the scale move yesterday, so I worked my butt off last night for the first time in a couple weeks.

    So what made me smile today? Being proud of myself. And reminding myself that it's beautiful outside and I'm going to be able to fit in all my summer clothes from years past pretty soon.

    What is the one moment you look forward to once you've reached your goal? (For me it's the look on my husband's face when he gets back from deployment.)
  • ravenclawseekergirl
    ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member
    I hope that i'll be able to walk through the doors of uni on my first day wearing something kickass in January. Yeah my weight has ruined my confidence through secondary school and college. So i want a new start with a new me. I've got a cute dress that i'm hoping to get into by then.

    New question: Have you found a new food that you love, what is it?
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