Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - April Challenge!!



  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    So I haven't been on all month basically but I thought I'd check with everyone. Workouts have been non-existent and diet hasn't been 100%, but I am still finally finally below 140. This morning I weighed in at 139! I also started a new job working at home depot and walking around that store a bunch, along with less time to eat while I'm bored!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Meag-enjoy dinner...good luck on your job interview, and way to keep on kickin it!!:happy:

    Bethany-so....didya do it?!?!? LOL I sure hope that you liked it if ya did...and you're right, you never know it just may be the thing that gets you moving again! Have fun with date night tonight! :bigsmile:

    Cait-I will keep my fingers crossed for you and your measurements this week!! And I think it is a great idea to find a happy balance between the running and the strength! :wink:

    Shannon-I have that 30 day shred is super hard!! LOL and I also have a few more Jm and BL workouts....guess what...they are ALL hard! :laugh: good luck with the double workout tomorrow!

    Megan-sorry ot hear about your may be the perfect opportunity to get in an upper body workout though!! Maybe that will make you feel not so cranky and it will definately get you some extra cals burned too! :drinker:

    Erica-congrats on being in the 130's!!! finish out strong these last 3 days of the month and you will for sure have that little cushion as to not bounce back to the 140's ever again!! :flowerforyou: weigh-in was today, and although I know that I had 2 "cheat" days this week I still felt like I made up for it the whole rest of the week?!?!? Regardless to say, I am not thrilled with my -0.6lbs lost but I will take it I guess!! 1 more WI for me to close out this month and 2lbs to go! I am not only gonna have to push it hard this week to reach my goals...but my b-day is next week also, and I will be having at least 1 day over for sure so I will need to kill it before then just in case! :noway:
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Maybe I got my workout in a little early this morning cuz I thought I kne where I was in this posting business but now I feel lost... maybe its the lack of coffee. I am trying to slowly get down to one cup!~! Cutting it off all together was BAD BAD!~!.

    Ill try to get back to you wonderful ladies later on tonight when I can gether my brain together!

    Have a fantstic Day!~! 2 more days!~!... get in everything you can!~!~!
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Well sounds like it has been crazy with the tornadoes and storms in the states last night. I hope everyone and their loved ones are safe. J had the car this morning for a interview/trial at a new part-time (potentially full-time down the road) as a chef at a local soup kitchen. I managed to get to work walking in between crazy downpour storms! I am really anxious to hear how its going for him. This could be an AWESOME job that he would love. They are completely funded through grants and donations and they do a lot of cooking with local and organic produce. He is miserable at his current job so if this gives him a potential other option even if it just starts as part time it would so awesome. Ok enough random stream of consciousness.

    Did a killer run yesterday on the rail trail. 400m runs as fast as I could alternated with 90seconds of walking. Last week I did four runs with 1min of walking. This week I added a 5th run in there and just gave myself a little extra recovering time. Felt pretty good and it was nice and muddy. Felt like I was getting ready for our warrior dash in august... heehee!

    Anyway, going to take a rest day today. Just walked to work and will do some good stretching tonight. Have a great Thursday everyone!

  • shelsab
    shelsab Posts: 138 Member
    Good morning!

    Cait-have you done a warrior dash before? I have always wanted to do one...maybe this year I will try one! lol. Good job on the training and the 5k coming up! We will rock it!!!

    Kandace-I definitely worked out too early. Woke up at 5:15am to get to spin class at 5:45. Got there and it was full. Made me start my workout bad and I really just wanted to go home after that, but I made myself stay there and get a good workout in. lol Now I am focusing on staying positive because I have decided it's going to be a good day! :]

    Tara- your still doing great with your losses, even if they are not at exactly what you want! You have done so good for yourself, just keep thinking positive. Yes, Vegas definitely made me appreciate the flatness lol. Yay for your BIRTHDAY coming up next week!!!

    Erica-Congrats on being in the 130s! Keep it going!

    AFM: Nothing too new, just planning some trips over this summer and hoping they all go according to plan. I have a friend's wedding coming up at the end of May, I am very excited to see friends from college, I have lost about 60 lbs since I have last seen them and I definitely feel good about myself these days. Everyday is not perfect, but it's what I make of it that counts. Have a good day everyone!!

  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Shelsab- that is going to be a great trip at the end of May! 60lbs lost and they are definitely going to notice! You should be so very proud of yourself!

    Cait- Sounds like a killer run and tons of fun!! I will keep my fingers crossed for you and the future hubs!

    Kandace- Keep up your amazing work, and there is nothing wrong with having some coffee!! Gotta have what you need to start your day off right!

    Tara- come on know- no complaining when you see a loss onthe scale. that's 0.6 lbs you don't have to deal with any more ;)
    I'm sure you will totally kick it and hit your goal. Maybe your like me and some weight loss takes more like 9 days to show up!

    Meag- Your crappy job is almost over bet you are sooo excited!! YIPPEE!!

    AFM- foot is feeling about 1 million times better today. I have it in a wrap just to make sure I don't accidentally tweak it again today, and I also took today off from working out because I didn't want to push it and end up hurting my self more. So it looks like tomorrow I will be back on- and will be attempting to go for a nice and easy jog. We will see what happens! I am thinking that since I've had the last two days off my run is going to be great- as long as my foot lets me do it! FINGERS CROSSED!

    The storms here are crazy! I am nervous about my puppy being home by herself- she gets a little bit nervous with thunderstorms so hopefully its not to bad. Any ways have a great Thursday! Tomorrow is Friday and May is about to be here- CRAZY!

  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Good Morning all!!

    Cait - one of my goals is to take the kids down to San Diego to watch a game at Petco Park. I'm hoping to make a weekend of it. We could take the train down there, go to Sea World one day, and then watch the Padres another day. Hope J's interview goes well. I guess time and money will tell. And great job on the run!! :wink:

    Shannon - sorry to hear about the weather. I live in sunny southern California and our weather is not quite what we're used to but everytime people start to complain, I remind them that in retrospect, we really don't have it too bad. Glad that you are still finding a way to make it work.

    Megan - hopefully your ankle is beginning to feel better today:flowerforyou:

    Tara - I didn't end up getting a chance to try out the DVD last night. I got home and somehow managed to fall asleep. The nap was much needed before date night with the bf and I think I was tired from staying up til midnight finishing homework the night before. Thats what I get for being a procrastinator...haha! Sorry to hear that your WI was less than you expected but you still lost so thats a win in my book!! :bigsmile:

    Kandace - have a great day!!! :smooched:

    Alexis - starting a WO in a bad mood can definitely set the wrong tone but I'm glad that you stuck it out. And you're right, today will be a great day cause you said so!! :wink: Where are you planning to travel this summer?

    AFM...had a horrible day food-wise yesterday. The store bought us lunch for Administrative Professionals Day. But it started in the morning. I get it in my head that once one piece of bad food passes my lips, its a free for all bad food to pass my lips. I need to shake that mentality. WI this morning showed a .5 gain but I am not disappointed because I know that was well deserved. Tonight is skate night with my daughter's school so I will be able to get some calorie burn in today. I have a busy weekend ahead of me with a birthday party each day, double dating on Saturday night, and getting everything moved out of my grandma's house before we hand over the keys on Sunday. And although its busy, I am very much looking forward to it...just 1 1/2 days til the fun begins.

    Have a great day all!!:bigsmile:
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    Ladies.. sorry to break back into the thread like this but..

    I am super duper pissed at myself!!! And disappointed.

    I am gaining weight... Hardcore! I wi this morning at 165.8!!! That is like 2 or more lbs heavier than I was at my last wi. I haven't been really great about tracking my calories, but I don't think I've been eating THAT much. I've been estimating that I'd at least maintain!! I've been giving my all in my work outs. I could have stuck one or two more in this past week, but I feel like I've been good about doing them.

    I woke up this morning and looked down and my belly and though... dang!! my belly is getting tighter and flatter!! (I was sleeping on my side and my belly didn't droop down toward the bed if you know what I mean) So I figured I'd weigh myself. BAD DECISION!!! Well I guess it might have been a good decision since it just means I can't just eat whatever I want and still loose weight (I don't know why I keep thinking that!!!). My body fat percentage (not totally accurate because it is from my bathroom scale) has come down, so I'm wondering if some of it is muscle but it can't all be!! Or I'm gaining muscle and not loosing fat... I hear some people talk about water retention when you do strength training, but I have never experienced a case this bad... I even did my measurements and the only thing different was that my upper arms are a 0.5 inches BIGGER!! Everything else was exactly the same.

    Its not just that. I feel like I've been at this forever and I still am not really changing my way of thinking. I'm frustrated with myself for eating things I shouldn't. I have been doing this so long and I should have already reached my goals but I'm just a lazy *kitten* that gives myself days off and gives into temptation waaay to easily. Went to hang with some friends last night and one of them is an ex-sushi chef who made us the most delicious sushi ever!!! I ate it. It was awesome... I probably will never have that kind of thing again. Because of that I felt that it was worth it.... But that kind of thing can happen a lot. I honestly don't know how real life fits into a weight loss agenda without you becoming a total hermit!!

    I'm sorry to bring so much negative energy, but I don't really know where to go from here. :ohwell:
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Rachel - so sorry to hear that you are having such a rough time!! :cry: Don't be super duper pissed at yourself either!! Take a moment to sit back and re-evaluate everything. I am sure that Meag, Gonks, and Cait will give you much better advice but here is my 2 cents nonetheless!! I think it is completely possible to live a healthy lifestyle and NOT be a hermit. Unfortunately, it takes a lot mentally to have the control when temptations get in your way. I am a HUGE sweet tooth and once I let one piece of sugary goodness pass my lips then I get it in my head that I have already made a bad decision so I will call this day a waste and eat whatever and as much as I want. But to succeed and achieve the results that you want, I think that it takes a lot of planning and measuring. No guesswork!! And when you are invited out to dinner at the last minute, go have dinner but make healthy choices and remember what you are working toward. The journey won't be easy but what you learn on the path there will make things that much easier. You will learn about food, about exercise, and about you!! I am on still on that long journey and continue to fall off the path on a regular basis. But I really want this so I refuse to give up. I have been thinner and had more energy and the feeling is amazing so I know I can do it. I just need to mentally stay there! I wish you the best of luck girly!!
  • emmarie1630
    emmarie1630 Posts: 58 Member
    Hello everyone! Well even in spite of my attempts not to go MIA on here.. I let it slip for the last week. Things are getting absolutely crazy around here! Last weekend was my bridal shower and Easter.. and lots of family time. Now I'm back at school and exams are starting up- I've already had 2 this week. It's been very hectic and stressful! Last weekend was definitely not productive for weight loss... shower food and family gatherings= trouble. I'm getting back into the groove this week but it's harder than usual. I feel like I haven't seen any results in a while and that's making it hard to keep going. Stressing out probably isn't helping either. :ohwell: hopefully I'll have something better to report soon!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Hey Guys!! I know it has been a long time. My work has been super anal about how much we use the internet and I have just been plain busy every night. I miss you all and I am in the process of still getting back on track and figuring out these headaches. I have an appt with an acupuncturist this saturday and I am back to counting and tracking. I miss you guys and I promise to be coming back hard for May. Other than that I am good, I gained a few pounds this week but it makes sense considering I have just been flaking on everything fitness/health wise. Today is a new day and a new month is about to start. I am mentally thinking of my goals right now. Ill come back as soon as I have some time to see how everyone is doing.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hey everyone - Happy Thursday!

    Today I was a total ball of stress... The last little while I've been trying to teach myself not to need to plan SO much. Not to stress so much about the small, inconsequential stuff, because I know that my stress and anxiety is a) unjustified, b) not productive, and c) potentially self-destructive. I'm doing this by continuously reminding myself of what matters and when the urge to micro-manage crops up, I try to cram it back down and remember to just let things happen. Can't plan out every second of your day. But I notice that some days it's so much easier than others and today the fact that I hadn't made lists and planned heavily yesterday for my day today made me very, very, VERY anxious. I felt absolutely mad, to be perfectly honest, sooo disorganized and generally just completely out of control. I wish I had a dollar for every time I ask my folks what their plans are for the day/night/weekend or every time I make a grocery list, or ask my mom if she needs anything at the store, or hell how many times I go to the store in general! I went to 2 separate grocery stores and a whole foods store today, alone. And then when I got home I made a list of food items we need to get on Sat. I'm just constantly planning my meals days/weeks in advance because I stress so much about what I eat sometimes... I know I need to learn to be OK with feeling uncomfortable like this (it's like Yoga, right?) and that eventually I'll cool down a bit and mellow out, but right now I'm finding it just so overwhelming. Definitely a long way to go. It's so crazy to think that I've been so successful and changed so much of myself and my life in the last 2 years on this journey and yet I can still recognize that there is so much work left to be done on ME, emotionally and mentally. Seems like the physical part was easy in comparison! :noway:

    My interview for summer employment with the Liquor Control Board was today and it was really, really well. Despite all my stress I think I really impressed them. I appeared calm, collected and very sociable. Definitely stressed my communication skills and ability to engage with people from all walks of life and they seemed pretty taken with me. The panel of interviewers were really upbeat and had a lot of interesting questions about my work experience (amid general horror at my current position and work environment) and when I left I could register a sense of genuine well-wishing from them all. Definitely feeling positive about the job and my prospects. I should hear back over the next week or two. Fingers will be crossed! :bigsmile:

    Onto my responses - I've been slacking hard lately and always have a million things to say and never enough time to type them all out, so bear with me!

    Aly - New day, new month, new commitment! It's all about getting back on track when you falter. I know you're going to do great :happy: And yes, we definitely missed you too! So get back here and gear up for some serious *kitten*-kicking! :bigsmile:

    Em - Hope the bridal shower went really well and was everything you wanted it to be! Wedding stress + Easter is definitely tough on the body and the mind, so don't worry too much about your stall in progress. Once things get back to "normal" (whatever that is) I'm sure you'll start seeing results again! Just have to make sure you're committed and motivated and the rest will follow :wink:

    Rai - Positive news is that despite everything weight-wise you are feeling better about how your body looks! Even if you did gain a pound or two, you looked at yourself and thought "Not too shabby, girl!" and that's a majorrrr victory! Whenever I get that "damnnn girl, get the scale, you look GOOD!" feeling I know I'm making progress because the old, overweight Meag would never EVER have seen progress on her body with her own two eyes. All I'd ever see was all the trouble spots. For the first 40lbs or so I was adamant every time my mom said I looked thinner or that I was losing weight - "Nope. Exactly the same. Still overweight." Relentless! We can totally be our own worse enemies, so thinking your tummy looked flatter and firmer is definitely a huge mental victory. Own it! As for beating yourself up about your motivation and falling off track, please consult every post I've made on this board in the last 3 months... I've been at this a long time and I know I've made MAJOR progress physically, but I still have so much work to do on me - It's totally a bummer some days knowing how much work I still have to do, but for some people this journey is just way way harder mentally and emotionally than for others. I often feel that moderation is the ultimate goal but life doesn't ever feel "moderate"... It's either all or nothing. I either give in and ice cream out of the carton every day or I buckle down and really commit to being healthy. Everything is a slippery slope for me and I sense that you are worried about the same sort of behaviours and outcomes. It's a tough balance and I'm not sure what advice to give. The best thing I can tell you is what I am trying to implement myself - Take each day at a time, constantly remind yourself of what's important versus what's inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, and try to give yourself a break. I've found recently that having a break from life and just doing something fun, where I can forget about food and weight and life for even just an hour or two, really helps to ground me again. As Guam said, don't lose sight of the journey, but make sure you give yourself a break once in a while and don't lose sight of everything and everyone outside of the journey while you're at it :happy:

    Megan - Hope the foot fared well on your run today! Sounds like a bummer - I know how foot injuries can be. Take it easy if it's still bugging you. No sense making matters worse. You'll really want to kick yourself (with the good foot) if you mess it up - feet take ages to heal! :grumble: Lots of anti-inflammatories, rest, ice, compression and elevation (RICE) after your W/O if you can. Should be feeling better in a few days. If not, consult a physician :wink:

    OK This is wayyy long and I need to get to work. Eeep! Three more shifts, ladies! Soooo excited to just get it over and done with. Thank goodness! :bigsmile: I've never been so happy to go to work in my life :laugh:

    See you all tomorrow! :heart:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Kandace-you should be very proud of are trying to break so many habits all at once....things that most people can't do very easily even one at a time!! Keep up the great work girl! The caffine is a hard one...I used to drink like 3 or 4 sodas or coffees/day and now I am down to less than 1/day! it's a great feeling not to have to DEPEND on it all of the time! :flowerforyou:

    Cait-good luck to J!! And great job on the run....I love running in mud! LOL Don't forget to practice the cargo nets for the dash in August...I hear that is the most difficult part of it! :tongue:

    Alexis-thanks girl...I'm trying my best to stay positive..I think that I have been doing very well and will take whatever I get as far as losses go! I still have 22lbs to go but they are each getting harder and harder as they drop off!! Hears to hoping for a good b-day party for me and fun times with your friends that you haven't seen it a while!! I am sure that you will get some great positive reinforcement when they see you! :drinker:

    Megan-LOl thanks for making me see the good in my loss!! sometimes I just need a smack to get the point across!! :blushing: My body is definately weird though...when I eat 1400/day I need to really step up my workouts to see even that -0.6lbs lost!! Guess it just goes to show that this truly is a lifestlye change and not just a temporary change to get and keep what you want! I'm glad that your foot is feeling better...good luck on your run!

    Bethany-naps are definately good on occassion!! and so is procrastinating!! LOL How did date night go? Have fun this weekend!! :smile:

    Rachel-I'm sorry to hear about your gain...the key is really just CONSISTENCY, your workouts seem to be under control for that is great! Now as for the eating and logging...the reason that MFP works is because it is here to hold you accountable for EVERYTHING that you eat!! I am a firm believer in logging everything no matter what! It really shows you how much you truly do or do not know about cals and must learn this before you can ever be able to live a "normal" healthy lifestyle! My suggestion to you....log everything-everday, and don't feel bad about ONE cheat meal/week (you better believe that I will be having one during my b-day week)! I am glad that you took your measurements to double check things and if you are doing a lot or strength then water retention is a very realistic possibility...I would recommend re-weighing after a rest day of strength just to see what's up. Do NOT give up and you will get to your goals sooner or later! :ohwell:

    Em-I am glad to see you back at it!! I will tell you the same thing that I told Rachel ^^^ NOT give up!! We all are here because we still need MFP and our pals here to hold us accountable...the only way to get this is to check in on occassion and to log EVERYTHING no matter what...if you do these 2 things the weight will come off!! Keep on goin girl!

    Meag-congrats on the great interview!! I will keep my fingers crossed for you....and be sure to keep us posted! Try to have a great night at work :wink:

    AFM-well....6 days to go until my last WI for the month, and exactly 2lbs for me to reach my goal this month! I shot high for my lbs lost goal this month to try and make up for the <4lbs that I lost last month!! I didn't know if I would hit it or not but it def has made me push myself a lot harder!! I am still doing everything that I set for myself and I am really, really hoping that I can reach the 8lbs for the the meantime I have been working on coming up with some really great goals for May and can't wait to see how this month pans out fo me and for everyone else! Only 2 days until May!! :happy:
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Hey all! where the heck did the month of April go?? I for one blinked and apparently missed it lol. I'm looking forward to May now that I've turned in my application for grad school, and it's one huge thing to not be thinking about for the mean time.. I was so angry at my boss for taking the entire month to finally get my recommendation to me tonight, after countless reminders over the past week. Fortunately I called the school today and they said as long as the app is in, the recs can be in by June 1st, which was nice to hear, but I'll be heading back there tomorrow to turn my last rec in, and then it's up to them!
    So Wed, I started the 30 Day Shred, and wow... It is a tough 20 minutes. She gives you no break, which I guess is good b/c you're only doing 20 min, however I was def sweating bullets by the end. The one thing I don't like is that it's basically 3 levels and the only instruction they give you is that you move on when you're ready. I like having a calendar lol. So I planned on doing 10 days at each level, though today I am sore and had no desire to do it again. I ended up instead being a total lazy-butt and not doing anything and eating the (lower fat) cookie dough ice cream i bought yesterday lol. argh.

    Rai- I'm walking in your shoes girl, and feel like I have been ever since this year started. To date I've lost about 6-8 pounds since Jan, leaving me stuck in the 150's. It's so frustrating b/c I know I'm sabotaging myself and I know that all I have to do is rededicate myself to logging, eating properly, and regularly exercising, but have been pretty unsuccessful at it. I think I've grown comfortable in knowing that while I'm not losing, I haven't been gaining either from the slacking off.. I totally agree with Meag in that this journey is super mental, and I def think that it's easier to change your physical appearance than the mental picture of yourself. I know I've come a long way from where I was, however I think about the 20+ pounds I still want to lose, and look at myself everyday and just see the negatives.. how big my thighs are, how flabby my stomach and arms are, etc... It sucks!! It's hard but do the best you can to push the negative thoughts out and just think of the positives, however small they may be, and again think of the big picture.. We're all going to lose battles here and there but in the end I know you'll win the war! :flowerforyou:

    ok break time for me, but i'll be back to further comment!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Allie-you and I have about the same amount of weight to lose still...if we both stay focused we can FOR SURE finish by summertime!! Let's GET and STAY focused and just do it!! If there is anything that I can do to help motivate you or any ideas/suggestions that you feel like you need help with...please feel free to ask :) otherwise....just keep on movin and loggin and you will get there!!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    ~Alexis... Thanks for reminding me that I have the decision to make today a good day!~!~! I woke up in a good mood but somehow got frustrated and I was going to let that ruin the WHOLE day. Not any more, thanks for the reminder!~! :heart:

    ~Megan... Im glad your foot is ok! I roll my foot ALL the time, I was told when I was younger that I have weak ankles... to this day I cant stand on roller blades or iceskates for more that a half hour without wanting to die! I totally know how that pain feels, and its not fun!

    ~Guam... I hope you have a good Friday!~!, your weekend sounds crazy busy! Good luck with everything!

    ~Rai.... take your gain as a lesson learned! Dont beat yourself up over it and just keep on going. Keep your bad food decisions in the back of your head so the next time you think about cheating too much you will remember how it affected you this time. You lost 2 pounds before, you can loose it again!~!~!~!~! Use it as motivation, throw in an extra workout if it helps. When I have a small gain or if I only maintained when I worked my butt off and felt like I should have lost.... I like to go to the gym and just cardio it up!~!~! Afterwards I feel much better becuase I feel like I am taking a much better step in the right direction. You can do this!~!~! :flowerforyou:

    ~Tara... Good Luck with your next two pounds!~!~ I know you can do it! I hope I can come up with a fun goal for may... what are you thinking that is fun?????

    ~Meag... I knew you would do a great job on your interview!~! I just felt it!~! I am very happy for you, fingers crossed!~!~!~! Remeber to be nice to yourself though... Im feeling like your freaking out just a little bit!~!~:explode: !~!~! I think you need to jump into LessStress May!~!~! (its official cuz I say so) hehe.. no stress for the willing!~!

    AsForMuah!~!~!~!~! I lost 2 pounds this week!~!~!~!~!~! whAT what~!~! I dont think I have lost two pounds in one week since feb! I NeeD to challenge myself this month. I have been going very easy on myself and only needing like a four pound loss a month. Its getting nicer outside, I have NO excuss to sit inside, my withdraw is almost over and I am over my fear of the gym. That means NO MORE excusses. Do we think I can loose 9 pounds in a month>???? is that crazy??? I only say 9 cuz I am 149 and 140 is a round number.. lol... what do you all think??? Too much??? Doable????? :ohwell:

    Random ramble really fast. I have some thoughts going on in my head and I need to get them out. I was going to Army Community Services to volunteer today but when I called they said they had alot of ppl there already and didnt need me. So someone from there is going to meet me and take me to the RedCross and show me how to sign up there. BUT I feel like the volunteer director from ACS doesnt want me because he knows the stupid things I did when I was drinking (like going to work drunk or drinking when I was tending bar) and that makes me paraniod and upset. I know I messed up and made a fool out of myself (on a VERY small army post where everyone knows everyone) but I just want something to do. I am not asking them to pay me or give me a job.. I just want something to do!~! And now I am embarrassed to go down there cuz I imagine that he is expecting me to be drunk and stupid still. :brokenheart: :embarassed:
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    ok continuing on:

    Erica- congrats on the loss! keep it up! can't wait to be where you are!!

    Megan- ouch! sorry to hear about your ankle, but i'm glad you're doing better, and good luck on the run!

    Bethany- happy Administrative Pros day! it's Lab Week for us here and it's been food every day between chinese, pizza, and the goodies people have brought in every night lol. i'm ready for the week to be over!!

    Cait- you're doing so great with the running! i'm looking to do a 5k in the near future, but it's hard to pick since i have to work every other weekend and usually on friday nights, so i'd end up staying up and going into a race with no sleep! also, i just went back again and saw your comments about the 30 day shred lol.. omg i fully agree with you! before doing it i figured i'd do 10 days of each level... now after doing just 1 day.. yeah right! i can def see where people are hurting themselves, and now i know i'll need a day in between workouts!

    Meag- glad to hear the interview went well!! looks like you'll be on your way to a MUCH better workspace! ever since i've been put in charge of my shift i can totally sympathize with your stressing over the little things. in the past several months we've had people get fired, quit, and go to other shifts, and had new people come on.. very stressful, and it's left me with nothing but crappy sleep and therefore a crappy attitude about pretty much everything... i have 2 new poeple on my shift who are basically trying to change the things they don't like, even though there's nothing they can do about it.. it causes other people to get aggravated, including myself, and i've been brought to tears several a time in talking to my manager about them.. last week she told me it's not worth worrying about things that haven't happened yet, and i extend that bit advice to you. just take it day by day girl, and enjoy all that you've accomplished, along with your family and Tyler.. you've come so far, and yes you still may be learning but you've got so much knowledge, and have helped so many people here, including myself, that you should feel so proud and confident in whatever you do! i had more but can't think of how to phrase it at the moment, and my time is running short to comment lol.. but just know that i think you're awesome, and such an inspiration :heart:
    and p.s. the samoas are practically a perfect food, and therefore very dangerous to be around.. i've learned to take 2 out, then put the box away otherwise it'll be haf the box down my gullet lol.

    Tara- yes i def need to STAY STAY STAY focused lol.. i'm so glad a new month is here, and with a little less worry i think... i'm gonna hang up my summer pants next to my bikini, and just get myself back into the old mindset.. one of my friends at work was told by her doc that she needs to lose 60 pounds, so i'm hoping she'll get on the train as well! first stop... back to logging!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Kandace- You should not even think about what he thinks. If he is going to judge you based on your past mistakes when you are completely changing your life for the better then you don't need to be around him. I'm sure the Red Cross would love to have you and volunteering in general is a fantastic thing to do. Keep your head up because you deserve every opportunity but some people are just plain rude!

    Allie- Grad school apps are so nerve racking! I totally feel you because I just finished grad school last year. At least that stress is off your plate and you can now concentrate on bigger and better things.

    Meag- I'm really glad that your interview went well! I will keep my fingers crossed for you!

    Tara- I also like setting lofty goals and really pushing ourselves to meet them. I think you are going to totally kill it this coming week! And you will feel awesome for doing so!

    AFM- Foot is feeling much better. I ran today, only a mile though since the brace was too tight and was digging into the bottom of my foot and making my arch cramp. I am going to try to run this weekend without the brace and see how I feel. Luckily when I did roll it I didn't try to force stop it I just let my weight go with it so it turned out to be not as bad of a strain as it could have been. Anyways- I'm excited for monday and my last weigh-in for April- I think I'm going to crush it :)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Kandace-First off...CONGRATS on your loss!!!:happy: As for your NOT pay attention, or give a f^ck what that guy thinks...or anyone for that matter!! If you wanna put yourself out there and volunteer your time...then do it!! I think it is not only a good thing for people to do period...but it is also a good thing to keep you busy...the past is the past...move forward! Now onto your weight goal...I am all for trying to push yourself...however 9lbs is a pretty lofty goal, for me it would just make me push harder to reach it, and if I didn't I would at least know that I gave a good effort....for some, it does more harm then good, and just makes them be disappointed if they don't reach it! You need to figure out which type of person you are and what effect it will have on you if you DON'T happen to reach it?! As for any fun main focus in May is going to be fitness related...I will be adding in more lower body strength and yoga to my normal cardio and upper body/abs...I have come up with a great upper body workout for the month and a great ab workout for the month so onto the lower body!!

    Allie-well I am certainly glad to hear it!! :wink: I really hope that your friend decides to join you...for some people a diet partner is the key to their success!!

    Megan-I sure hope that you are right about this week!! Like I said...I feel like I have worked pretty hard this month, and deserve everyone of those pounds that I have lost! I'm glad to hear that you got in your run and hope that this weekend goes well with not wearing your brace too. I think that you will for sure crush your WI on are doing great! And I agree with setting the higher goals and will be totally striving for it again this month...lets do this!!:happy:

    AFM-as I am thinking up my new May goals...I have been trying out some new workouts that I may wanna not only did I do my elliptical today but I also added Yoga Burn to the mix...pretty awesome burn for yoga!! I think that I will be adding that yo the mix 2 days per week! I day until the new month begins ladies...have you thought of your new May goals?!?!?
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Lots to comment on today but I am just not up for it, ladies... I'm sorry :ohwell:

    Rough day today. I always feel so rushed because I sleep in on Fridays after work and then have limited time to workout, fit in meals, and get my *kitten* together before work again tonight. I have no idea how you shift workers cope with this regularly... It makes me so, so anxious!

    Weighed-in this AM at 123.2lbs and was pretty crushed. I have no idea why I'm losing. I ate a ton of stuff this weekend that I shouldn't have and definitely felt as though I had put on weight. My clothes were fitting differently and my body just looked "worse", for lack of a better term. I don't know what the hell happened. But I definitely do not want to be teetering too close to the 120 mark and 123 is way, way, way too low for me. Need to re-evaluate, but the stress of moving, last shifts at work, potential new job stuff and trying to organize my life before I head to Ottawa next weekend is consuming a lot of my emotional energy and I'm not sure I can really cope with that right now. So I'm going to log today but at an arms length from MFP and will not be logging on the weekend, once again. Taking some more time off.

    I'll try to stay in touch and will post the new challenge tomorrow night before heading to work (I won't have access to a computer May 1st. I'd really appreciate you vets helping, as always, to keep the lists sorted and organized and to instruct the newbs on posting goals and how the group works. I'll do my best to be as clear as possible in the initial post, but I know that folks typically scan all that junk anyway :tongue: Thanks ladies. Have a great Friday :heart: Much love!
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