Need more BooOty



  • p90x_Dude
    p90x_Dude Posts: 332
    Hello sister, you're looking to add muscle mass so walking won't get it done. Walking is cardiovascular in nature so it's going to make the muslces lean and geared to perform at longer time periods. To build more booty, you need to get into squats but the draw back is form is crucial with them because of risk for injury. Your next best thing is leg press and lunges with hand wts to get the resistance aspect of the workout and subsequent increased muscle mass in that area, the famed gluteus maximus.

    Good luck and God bless,
  • shkaki
    shkaki Posts: 234 Member
    yep lots of squats and lunges with want to build that muscle up and make them bigger, so heavier weights, less reps...

    sprints are great for legs too!!
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