when did you realize you were overweight.



  • michelca
    michelca Posts: 41
    I've always been fat, but it didn't really hit me until my niece told me I had a big tummy over the Christmas holidays. That was truly an eye opener.
  • bentobee
    bentobee Posts: 321 Member
    Of course I've known for awhile now that I was overweight (started gaining after getting married - was in college and working and nearly all meals came from a drive-thru), but the knock in the head I needed to start making healthy changes was a few months ago my three year old daughter asked me what skipping was, so I tried to show her and I couldn't do it. I couldn't skip. I was too heavy and out of shape. It was a hard hit of reality and I began making changes immediately.
  • julsofdenial
    julsofdenial Posts: 225 Member
    What?! I'm overweight?? OMG.. I NEVER realized it! ;)

    Always have thought I was actually.. just at a new level now and with facebook being a reality, I can't go anywhere without ending up in photo someone posts that I didn't approve and I can't stand looking at myself. SO basically, I am trying to lose weight so I can go out in public and end up on someone's facebook photos!
  • I've always been overweight but when I knew I had gone to the breaking point was when I was being intimate with my hunny and I couldn't catch my breath...I was so mortified!
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