Married But Boring



  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    Viva la lap giraffe!!!!
    I can't wait to get mine. Iv' veen on the waiting list for weeks. I put another on the waiting list for Tami's campaign. I think it will be nice for them to play together. We can video them playing and post it on Youtube and make all the non petite lap giraffe owners jeoulous. Epic Win!!!

    My wife also likes to celebrate the time we met as "one" of our anniversaires. We met at a friends wedding, weekend event. We flirted with each other all weekend, sat next to each other at lunches & dinners, texted each other flirty lil messages, danced at the wedding and talked on the phone all the way on the drive home. Saw each other like 2 days later for our first official date and have been inseperable ever since. We fell instantly in love and have never looked back. Wow, I went on there huh?

    Anyway, I will defineitly have to consider the slip and slide this summer. We have been toying with the idea of a pool but dont want to drop 25K or more to do it. A plastic tarp and water hose is so much cheaper and less maintenance.

    Noting like some quality time with the MIL. Mine lives about a mile or so away form us. It's not as bad as it sounds. She always call before coming over and its s not that often. I have a pretty cool MIL
  • humblemonkey
    humblemonkey Posts: 576 Member
    My MIL is over 24 hours away ;o) haha but i love my husband's family...theyre all amazing. and he gave me a sister and brother i never had that i love to death! i was an only child since my mom had me at 41 and got sick when she had me and couldnt have anymore children. so having siblings in fun!!

    Tami, I'm sure youre burning tons of cals...yesterday night I worked really hard at work stocking stuff, scooping 900 ice creams and cleaning. I was nonstop from 415-1130. fun fun!

    I am number 842,000 something on the waiting list for my giraffe. im kinda bummed! thats a lot of mini giraffes!!!!!!

    i just got home from an ambulance call (rollover motor vehicle crash) and had lunch...gonna wwatch secret life (i know im pathetic...yes) and do some studying... then workout later!! yay for days off!!!!
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    My MIL is really awesome as long as she's not pointing out what a loser her son is... UGH. She really has been great to me, she treats me really well, aside from ALWAYS pointing out that I'm a terrible housekeeper, but whatever. Like this trip she's making here is to stay with my kids while I go to Chicago for 3 days with my bestie. She taking off work and coming up here without complaining about it at all. The problem I have with her is how she treats my husband. I swear if he, GOD FORBID, were injured or killed in Afghanistan she would be A-disappointed cuz that's not good enough and B-tell him it's his own fault and that he was probably doing something wrong and so thats what he gets... and IF she got the life insurance money she'd also blow it like nobodies business, same as she did with his little sisters life insurance... she's a real gem of a mother! So why exactly is he such a mama's boy?!
    Ok enough of that, I could go on for days...

    I am number 852,000 something on the list. but Once we all get our giraffes we'll have 4 and we could totally start our OWN lap giraffe farm! EPIC WIN!

    I watch Secret Life too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • humblemonkey
    humblemonkey Posts: 576 Member
    in THAT case.... ADRIAN AND BEN?!?!?!?!?!?!!?! AHH!

    and we COULD have our own lap giraffe farm. :o)

    i am SO unmotivated today! WHY!? days off are nice but when theyre surrounded by SUPER busy days they make me just want to do nothing all day.
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    in THAT case.... ADRIAN AND BEN?!?!?!?!?!?!!?! AHH!

    and we COULD have our own lap giraffe farm. :o)

    i am SO unmotivated today! WHY!? days off are nice but when theyre surrounded by SUPER busy days they make me just want to do nothing all day.

    I didn't watch it last night! Is there somewhere I can watch it online???
  • humblemonkey
    humblemonkey Posts: 576 Member
    on abc family's site u can watch it!!!!

    taebo is totally not as fun as it used to be. zumba's wayyy better.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    Single person streaking through the thread...
  • humblemonkey
    humblemonkey Posts: 576 Member
    Single person streaking through the thread...

    bow chica bow bowwww:love:

    oh sorry. boring. boring. ok i got this.
    ::giggles uncontrollable while trying not to::
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    on abc family's site u can watch it!!!!

    taebo is totally not as fun as it used to be. zumba's wayyy better.

    that was incredibly random lol.

    tae bo still kicks my *kitten* like nobodies business! OMGEEZERS! I can survive an hour of Zumba a hell of alot better then I can an hour of tae bo lol.
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    Single person streaking through the thread...

    bow chica bow bowwww:love:

    oh sorry. boring. boring. ok i got this.
    ::giggles uncontrollable while trying not to::

    damn it I missed it! I miss all the fun!!!! *pout* *sulk* *whine*
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    Single person streaking through the thread...

    bow chica bow bowwww:love:

    oh sorry. boring. boring. ok i got this.
    ::giggles uncontrollable while trying not to::

    damn it I missed it! I miss all the fun!!!! *pout* *sulk* *whine*

  • humblemonkey
    humblemonkey Posts: 576 Member
    Single person streaking through the thread...

    bow chica bow bowwww:love:

    oh sorry. boring. boring. ok i got this.
    ::giggles uncontrollable while trying not to::

    damn it I missed it! I miss all the fun!!!! *pout* *sulk* *whine*



    @tami-- i agree. taebo kicks my butt. but its not as FUN as zumba. and it wasnt THAT random...i had just finished a taebo workout lol
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    Single person streaking through the thread...

    bow chica bow bowwww:love:

    oh sorry. boring. boring. ok i got this.
    ::giggles uncontrollable while trying not to::

    damn it I missed it! I miss all the fun!!!! *pout* *sulk* *whine*


    I see your winkie!!! LOL
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    Single person streaking through the thread...

    bow chica bow bowwww:love:

    oh sorry. boring. boring. ok i got this.
    ::giggles uncontrollable while trying not to::

    damn it I missed it! I miss all the fun!!!! *pout* *sulk* *whine*



    @tami-- i agree. taebo kicks my butt. but its not as FUN as zumba. and it wasnt THAT random...i had just finished a taebo workout lol

    I have to agree... I've never done any workout I love as much as Zumba!!!
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    Alright... this thead has been limping along for several days now. I am glad it is still going, gives us a chance to chat and comapare lap giraffe notes. LOL.

    My MIL loves me to death and thinks I can do no wrong, but she is a little overbearing on my wife. I guess a mom is always a mom to her children. Sometimes it irritates my wife to the point she gets upset. I of course do the whole, "tell her your almost 27 years od and you can manage your own life" but it never works that way. I am so not a momma's boy. My wife has to tell me to call my mom, otherwise I won't. I actually suck as a son. I figure my phone gets calls as easily as it makes them, so they can call me if they want to talk. Anyway.

    Just glad to have time to chat and find boring common ground with you all.

    If they ever inact the private room feature, then the conversations will be much moe lively I'm sure.
  • humblemonkey
    humblemonkey Posts: 576 Member
    That is true.... I think they should have a message FB or yahoo or whatever--- where you can talk instantly with people online. That would be much easier to keep track of! haha or even online chatroom kinda places!

    So I slept until 11 today with hubby.... INSANE. I havent slept that late in a long time! Bad thing is now my back KILLS!!!! oops. hopefully I can work it out. Right now it hurts to even move!!

    Oh well... gonna go watch House with Matt (because its RAINING!! so no hike:sad: ) and then bake for his bowling banquet tonight....then workout when he leaves at 445. ill be back on to check.:glasses:
  • humblemonkey
    humblemonkey Posts: 576 Member
    where isssss everyone? espcially my 2 favorite MFP'ers?! I feel lost today without you guys! lol
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    I have been MIA all day! busy busy busy... hit the floor running at 6am and JUST sat down for the first time all day about an hour or so ago... whew!

    How was everyones day? I missed y'all!
  • humblemonkey
    humblemonkey Posts: 576 Member
    My day off was...ok. Baked, grocery shopped, worked out, and watched army wives... nothing too exciting. Not looking forward to work 1-6 today!! but am looking forward to getting my hair done tomorrow as a birthday gift from my mother.... and going on a hike in the morning with matty!!!!!! happy (a few days early) birthday to meeee!!
    And while I dont plan on splurging on cake or ice cream on my ACTUAL birthday...I DO plan on having a high calorie asian chicken salad at applebees because i love it and I dont care!!!! One day a year I am going to treat myself to something I really enjoy and not feel guilty about it.
    Ok well... going to do some cardio and weights, shower, head to work, then come home and do some more cardio!! zumba tonight again...thank god for free zumba on youtube!!!!! and just dance on wii is a good workout too!! :o)

    Ok...time to get to it!! Have a good day everyone!!!!!! :drinker: I'll be on tonight after 7 or to y'all then!:heart:
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