Weight Watchers and MFP



  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    I know I shouldnt be promoting another website but fatsecret.com is pretty good also. Similar to MFP, but it can help you record points for weight watchers. Try it.
  • cerwin
    cerwin Posts: 1 Member
    I followed WW for years and I think it is an excellent program. What I found is that I was almost too familiar with it and I lost interest in tracking the points. Going back to good old calorie counting was a new challenge for me that got me engaged again in journaling my food intake. I still maintain my WW online membership because I have several years of history there (weight chart) and some cool friends on some of the message boards.

    Research shows that the people who are most successful at losing weight and then maintaining are those that track their food on a daily basis and who exercise. MFP and WW (and so many other sites) are certainly excellent tools for keeping food and exercise logs. The plus for MFP is that it is FREE.

    Each person needs to find what works best for them from among the many good and healthy programs. But, we all know there is no secret or magic tool for weight loss. It is simply expending more calories than you take in on a daily basis.

    I love MFP's breakdown of the nutritional information. This is really helpful for those who are trying to watch their sodium intake.
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