

  • kgage1011
    kgage1011 Posts: 11 Member
    Yes Ma'am! You've done so great so far! You must be doing something right!!! :D
  • kaveril422
    kaveril422 Posts: 116 Member
    Thanks! I agree with you. Since I started counting my calories, I have started making healthier choices so that I can use my calories wisely, but at the same time, I eat what I want. I just make sure I stay within my calories. I don't have "Cheat days." I don't think of it like that anyway. I may have days when I eat pizza instead of baked chicken and a salad, but I don't do it everyday, because my body just doesn't like that stuff like it used to, but I eat an ice cream sandwich everyday, and I still lose lbs. I just don't do that overeating thing I used to do. Moderation has been the key to MY success, because I tried dieting and not eating all the stuff that I loved, and that never worked in my favor, but this...I love this, and I have no problem sticking to it, cause the scale still has lower numbers on it and I can still enjoy what I'm doing. I also have a public diary, because I'm not ashamed of anything that I eat. I don't feel guilty. If I go over on something like sodium or fat, I make a mental note that I need to watch that, and check it the next day.
  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    I love what you are saying!! I've been beating myself up for years and years and years -
  • Hyster1
    Hyster1 Posts: 75
    I hear ya. And agree with ya. It :embarassed: can't be all or nothing all of the time, or I could not do this.
  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    I completely agree!! Deprivation is no motivation!!
    I love it!! I've been depriving myself and then I binge binge binge...what is wrong with my head!!
  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    I completely agree!! Deprivation is no motivation!!
    I love it!! I've been depriving myself and then I binge binge binge...what is wrong with my head!!
  • rklein88
    rklein88 Posts: 71 Member
    I agree. My boyfriend said we couldn't buy TGI Friday's bacon cheddar potato skins (the chips). I said we could, and that we need to be able to eat snacks occasionally or we will end up binging big time. We bought them and ate them all (a small bag with 5 servings). Not our best choice, but it left us both happy, and we didnt overeat at lunch or the rest of the day, and we worked out for an hour.

    Someone on here said "if you're not going to do it for the rest of you life, why are you doing it now?" I agree completely. This is not a diet, but a lifestyle change. Everything in moderation is the happiest way to go :)
  • kelly6485
    kelly6485 Posts: 78

    I have at least one thing or meal every day that SOMEONE isn't happy about, or personally wouldn't eat, but at the same time, I have lost 23# in 2 months, and I feel great!!!!! If I was told to cut out ALL "bad foods" I would never be able to do it!!
  • monkeybuttsmommy
    monkeybuttsmommy Posts: 343 Member
    I posted this same topic a while back, but I, EVERYDAY, see people state that they had ice cream and thus were "bad" or that they were "cheating." I firmly believe in this mindset, and I hope everyone can see this someday...
    Thus, I'm posting this again for more to see. Even if I can help ONE person to stop obsessing over the fact that they "cheated," I think it'll be worth it. ....

    So, earlier today I posted a status stating that I was going to have some takeout pizza for supper... I made the comment that I had plenty of calories left, and I would probably only eat a couple of pieces anyway.
    I got some super supportive comments about it!
    I also had some people post their concerns (for instance...eating unhealthy food all of a sudden could upset my stomach...which is true).
    I also had people say that they've BANNED pizza or that I was only ALLOWED to have two slices max.

    So, I posted this as a comment on that status. However, I feel I said some fairly important things in here. I think everyone should take a second to read it...

    First of all...I've gone "off" my diet before, and, yes...sometimes it upsets my stomach. (Chinese food is the worst!) By the same token, I have yet to totally binge on anything.I've been doing MFP for over 50 days and I've only ever gone over my calorie goal ONCE. I'll probably only end up having a couple of slices because I'll be very full after that.

    Secondly, I don't believe in "cheating" or "not cheating." This is MY life. I'll eat what I want, when I want. I'm choosing to eat better (and less), but I will NOT deprive myself of anything. If I started depriving myself...I'd never have stuck with the diet as long as I have. Life is too short to deprive yourself...ask my brother.

    Thirdly, I am in no major hurry to lose the weight I'd like to lose. I'm not doing this diet/exercise program for a quick-fix...I'm doing this for ME! I want to, as a general rule of thumb, treat my body better. If it only takes me a year to lose the 40 or 50 pounds I'd like to lose...HECK YEAH! However, if it takes me three years...I'm not going to sit in a corner and mope. I know that I've made the choice to better my body, and I have made great strides towards a better me.
    THANK YOU!!!!!!!! I refuse to be punitive for having cravings and dealing with those craving by satiating them with the food that I crave! As long as I am not eating an entire family pack of chips and only eating ONE SERVING SIZE and I AM NOT going over my calories then its ok! That is how HEALTHY people eat! IN MODERATION! Thats the key I think most people are missing! So thank you for posting this! Your absolutely right! And if people deny themselves what they crave they WILL binge!
  • maygans
    maygans Posts: 196 Member
    Someone on here said "if you're not going to do it for the rest of you life, why are you doing it now?" I agree completely. This is not a diet, but a lifestyle change. Everything in moderation is the happiest way to go :)

    I like this. Perhaps that's why people yo-yo so much? I'm trying to view this as an overhaul just to make better choices and become more active in my life (and it's worked so far for me...I've lost 20+ lbs this year, 3.5 while using the app) rather than as a DIET. I'm able to lose weight, gain better fitness levels (and smaller clothing sizes!) all by just consuming in moderation, slowly increasing physical activity and being more aware of my food choices.

    Also hey...I'm an adult. If I want to eat a banana with peanut butter and chocolate pudding at 1:30 in the morning or two portions of something at dinner then that's my prerogative, I don't need people questioning my food choices. I know what I'm eating all day, every day, and that's really all I care about. Unsupportive and unhelpful people need to go away!
  • fmktjod
    fmktjod Posts: 49 Member
    I love that you wrote about this. I agree with you and many of the other replies. Balance is key. For me, I have a dynamic we'll call the tyrant and the rebell. They tyrnat says you should, you must, you have to, if you don't..., you're bad, you're not enough and on and on. As a result the rebell says screw you! And does just the thing the tyrant says not to. Taking myself out of this whole dynamic and being gentle with myself, forgiving and loving is the ONLY way I've ever made true lasting progress. Rigidity always leads to backlash for me.

    Plus - I suggest what others say, says more about them and their paridigm than it says about you. I'm guessing you already know this.

    Hope you enjoyed the pizza! Keep up the good work.
  • Pearcecat
    Pearcecat Posts: 68
    Brilliant post!!. I totally agree with you. The only person that I have to explain my choices to is ME. I really believe that the more you deny yourself, the stronger your cravings become. Well done everyone on your weight loss so far and keep enjoying the journey!
  • 36jessica
    36jessica Posts: 319 Member
    So very well said! I'm right there with you. Thanks for the post.:smile:
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