most embarrassing/humiliating fat moment



  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559

    Actually Markie, it's because we're so freakin simple.

    :laugh: i know but either way its highly annoying
    for us more complicated creatures

    Haha, I don't disagree in the least. :bigsmile:
  • I really enjoyed reading all these stories. It's amazing how some stories can really stick with you and change your mind about who you are and what you want to be. I think even the humiliating moments are great moments if they make us change for the better. We just have to move on from the negative feeling we get in our gut when we remember these stories and think about the positive change it's created in us. Good luck to all of you with your weight loss journey. I wish you the best!
  • Steffykins
    Steffykins Posts: 176
    A few weeks ago I flew down to see my boyfriend who was staying with his family. I told his Mum I'd lost half a stone and she says "Yeah another stone and you'll be slim." I could have cried!
  • Okay well the only thing that sticks out in my mind is after I had my 6th child....who is in the photo to the left....that's my oldest daughter with him.....
    I joined a gym ( a women ONLY gym) because it seemed extra hard to get the weight off this time around....I guess I was 30 lbs overweight.....the first embarassing moment (it actually pissed me off more than embarrassed me)...was when the manager who was signing me up (a former fatty who was still way bigger than I was) was staring/gazing at me....then she apologized and said, "oh I was just thinking what a beautiful face you have and imagining what you would look like thin."..... like it took every brain cell she had to 'imagine' that.
    A few weeks later at the gym an older woman came up to me and asked when my baby was due. (I don't care HOW pregnant a woman may look, I NEVER say anything unless she brings the subject up--don't we ALL know that basic rule???) I told her I JUST had my baby (okay so maybe 'just' really meant 6 months ago) and am trying to lose my weight. How do people get the nerve?
  • peej76
    peej76 Posts: 1,250 Member
    After having my second baby, and going through the usual post partum depression I decided to put on a pretty sundress and go out visiting with my family, we stopped at my brother in laws and his son asked if I was pregnant again.

    After having my third child I ran into an old friend, while shopping for diapers and she looks me over and says " Oh you haven't had the baby yet?"

    Finally, this last Saturday night, I'm at my cousin's wedding, and the bride's sister comes over to me, rubs my belly and says " Oh my, you look awesome?" Again insinuating (I'm assuming) that I'm pregnant. Yeah, that's why I drank a 26er of vodka!!!

    Apparently I must always look pregnant:huh:
  • dmor
    dmor Posts: 33
    If I had to pinpoint that "one moment" (and trust me there are several to choose from)--it would date back to a few years ago when I felt I was in pretty good shape. During this time, I had traveled with a college football team to a road game. During the game I had a chance to meet one of the player's fathers. The experience was pretty cool other than during the conversation I made the mistake of referring to the guy's kid as Chris instead of Curtis.

    A few days later I was on a message board that provided coverage on the team and I stumble across a post about the player who I alluded to above. In this post someone states that during the same game I was at he met the player's dad. I'm thinking wow--I met the dad during the same game. After the first few sentences where I dawn that I must have been pretty close to this poster--he states that he saw some "really chunky" fan call the guy's kid Chris instead of Curtis. At this moment it dawned on me that he was talking about me. It was really disturbing to realize that I was perceived as "chunky". From that moment on I literally felt like my self-esteem dropped and I believed I was chunky. I stopped trying as hard and literally gained forty lbs.
  • Emdicio
    Emdicio Posts: 270 Member
    My personal embarrassment issue was also related to airline seats. We were flying home from a cruise vacation and, while I had no issue on the flight out, on the flight back I could not seem to get the belt to reach. While I struggled my family and friends were giving me a hard time and I was pissed/ashamed. I eventually got it to "click" but I was very uncomfortable. A later business flight confirmed this was not a fluke as I required an extender to be comfortable. I have since refused to fly and it's starting to impact my career; looking forward to a day when this is no longer an issue.

    While I didn't start a diet that day, that was the low point for me; the issue that broke through all the lies I was telling myself to make it "alright". Another 10 pounds and this will be a non-issue.
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    It wasn't too bad, but I took the kids to the play area/mall when my youngest was just born
    I met another mom who commented (since both of our kids were small...we had 2 close in age and they were such high energy..etc)
    on how WE could be THIS FAT when we were such busy would think the kids would keep us skinny...etc etc
    There were a ton of other mom's and she kept going on and on about both of us being FAT...
    I wanted to shot her as I was in denial and didn't consider myself 'fat'..thank-you :)
    Of course I felt awful after I left.....

  • soup78
    soup78 Posts: 667 Member
    My most humiliating fat moment was about 6 months ago. I hadn't seen my fraternal grandparents in almost a year and my parents were just beginning to separate. Now, I've never been really "close" to them (unfortunately) but we do have a loving relationship. Anyway, the minute they walk in the door my grandpa says, "Well, you look more like your mom! Um... not that your face." Whatever, I know he was referrring to my weight!! :mad: Last time I saw them I was about 15 lbs lighter. And the year before that, another 15 lbs lighter, which makes my weight gain more noticeable. :angry: My mom was always small, until she had my younger brother through a c-section, which tore her abdominal muscles in the process(apparantly it's been proven). She's about 5'3" and about 180lb( I think). It was an obvious jab at not just me, but also my mom! :explode: :explode: :explode: They'd never gotten along, so I don't think I "read into" this at all. Yep, that made me feel like crap.

    I guess sometimes it takes someone else to make you realize something so obvious.......thanks grandpa....:grumble:
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