Gall Bladder Diet



  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    They said I didn't have the "Four F's": "Fat, Female, Fertile and Forty" because I was young, thin and never had children.

    Are you kidding me? that doctor fed you a load of rubbish! one of my friends has to have their gall bladder's taken out and they don't have the "four F's". At least I hope not seeing as he is a man! It isn't only women who have gall bladder trouble, men also have problems with theirs. My mom and my aunt were both in their thirties when theirs were taken out, actually, my aunt was still in her twenties! My aunt never had any children either. And you don't have to be fat to have gall bladder problems either. At some point, almost everybody will have a problem with their gall bladder. My husband's Grandpa is 92 and he had his taken out a few years ago. He is very active, plays tennis, sails and flies airplanes still and is very thin. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to realize that Surgeon was a quack.
  • They may be doing the wrong type of test. When I had problems with mine it was completely shut down and not even working and an ultrasound wont pick that up.
    The test I had to do took awhile in a hospital. I had to get an IV and, in the nurses description to me, have the MOST fattest meal pumped through my veins for like 10-15 minutes while laying down on an x-ray table. After a few minutes they started taking pictures with the x-ray machine and this makes it to where they can compare the x-rays and see if it was even releasing the bile and contracting and stuff like that. It turned out mine didnt move, release nothing, and boy could I tell cause the whole time I was laying on that x-ray table I felt the need to vomit.
    May be worth asking your doctor, the current one anyways, about and see what he/she thinks.
    Good luck!!!!
    I've changed doctors. I've had four different doctors (not including the surgeon), including 2 GI specialists. I even live in a different country now. My last attack only lasted 8 hours - it was over before I saw my doctor. So, they put me on the wait list for a new ultrasound. Four months later, I have the ultrasound and the GB is clear. The dr. said to see him again when I have pain next and if they found my GB was inflamed, he'd remove it. He said, until then, GB removal was not the best option b/c many people (I think he said 40%) still have the same symptoms, if not worse. Which I've heard before. So, it is difficult to know what to do when faced with such info. Right now, I only suffer from severe pain a couple times of year with occasional "pinches" in between.

    Anyhoo - I think I may have hijacked the thread a bit...oops!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    And you don't have to be fat to have gall bladder problems either.

    My grandmother had hers burst when she was in her 60s. She'd had problems with it for years. She was 4'10" and weighed 75 pounds soaking wet. I'm 5'2" or so and weighed about 132 lbs. at the time I had mine out (December 2010). They first found the rather large gallstone I'd "created" in 2005 when I weighed about 125 lbs. It definitely has nothing to do with your weight.
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Are you kidding me? that doctor fed you a load of rubbish! one of my friends has to have their gall bladder's taken out and they don't have the "four F's". At least I hope not seeing as he is a man! It isn't only women who have gall bladder trouble, men also have problems with theirs. My mom and my aunt were both in their thirties when theirs were taken out, actually, my aunt was still in her twenties! My aunt never had any children either. And you don't have to be fat to have gall bladder problems either. At some point, almost everybody will have a problem with their gall bladder. My husband's Grandpa is 92 and he had his taken out a few years ago. He is very active, plays tennis, sails and flies airplanes still and is very thin. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to realize that Surgeon was a quack.

    Sorry, I didn't state that clearly - I think they meant that the "Four F's" are the "high risk factors," but you are right, anyone can have gallbladder problems. Believe me, I pointed that out to them- I even brought in some research from medical sites! LOL - I don't think doctors like spart-alec girls (like I was) pointing out holes in their arguments. I mean if, say, 90% of people have the "Four F's" (I don't know what the numbers are, but for the sake of argument let's say 90%), then, well, that means 10% don't have those factors. And, someone has to be in that 10 %.
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    They may be doing the wrong type of test. When I had problems with mine it was completely shut down and not even working and an ultrasound wont pick that up.
    The test I had to do took awhile in a hospital. I had to get an IV and, in the nurses description to me, have the MOST fattest meal pumped through my veins for like 10-15 minutes while laying down on an x-ray table. After a few minutes they started taking pictures with the x-ray machine and this makes it to where they can compare the x-rays and see if it was even releasing the bile and contracting and stuff like that. It turned out mine didnt move, release nothing, and boy could I tell cause the whole time I was laying on that x-ray table I felt the need to vomit.
    May be worth asking your doctor, the current one anyways, about and see what he/she thinks.
    Good luck!!!!

    I had tons of tests - but not that one. Interesting. I will definitely ask about that one when I see the doc next.
  • jlbay - you had asked about doing the cleanse if it was a regular maintenance thing or just after an attack. Someone told me that they knew someone that did a spoon full of oil and spoon full of lemon juice every day or something like that as just a maintenance thing. I really only have done it as a "partial" cleanse after an attack (not a very thorough or full cleanse because I just didn't have the time to dedicate to doing it properly). But I have read/heard about people doing it like twice a year or something like that for maintenance sake. I'm still pretty new to it.
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