Ideal Protein



  • First off you want to start by not using the word hopeing.. You WILL lose the weight because it is a proven method. If you just do what your told. I lost 55 lbs. I start Phase 4 Tomorrow.. I love all of my new clothes!! Got rid of all of my fat clothes and I have vowed I will never be fat again!
  • Do you have a doctor in your area? These products are only distrubited through a doctor. My doctor didn't charge any consultation fees..
  • Spartan_1_1_7
    Spartan_1_1_7 Posts: 132 Member
  • I am on my first week of phase 4.....and I am trying to follow the diet as closely as I can but I am confused about the amounts and serving sizes of my different meals. Also I am running short of healthy ideas for lunch and dinner......does anyone have any advise for me??
  • I am on week six and is now beginning to struggle. My will power is breaking, getting tired of soup.
  • I lost NINE pounds in 4 1/2 days. Headaches and light headedness was there for a couple days but Im fine now. I was shocked at how quickly the weight came off. I'm not sure I can sustain this pace but im hoping!!!
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