Let's make a pact: Cleaning house IS NOT AN EXERCISE



  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I wish I could "unsubscribe" from this ridiculous thread.
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    So people are reaching 600 calorie "workouts" in part because they "cleaned the house"... wtf??? Should I add "Run to catch the bus" or "jump to reach the mustard"?? We are tryin to lose weight here, let's be honest! Who's in?

    If you've ever been severely obese you'd think otherwise. Cleaning house is a full on workout for someone who can barely move. I used to only be able to walk 10 mins a day. I'm up to 2mi a day now. Coming from a place where cleaning is one of your daily movement I can tell you that you are SEVERELY wrong and judgmental.
  • Azuleelan
    Azuleelan Posts: 218
    It was interesting reading this thread. I don't know that it really matters as we are all our own keepers. I can tell you for me and my wife it helps us determine our level of activity and adjust to get ourselves moving. While we haven't been logging house cleaning it helps to look it up and see overall calories burned against the BMR (which is the caloric needs to lay there and breathe for a day). I adjusted my activity level to compensate and put my goals back to my goals not the goal the site has, because I do need to have a calorie deficit as I really want this weight off.
    That being said,.....There is a kickin training routine for increasing your vertical jump used by NBA atheletes. It does kinda make sense to put condiments up high and have to work for them cause they tend to be the hidden calories we forget about. (with the exception of Mustard which is nil calories) Happy posting to all and if I thought posting would increase my calorie output I would learn to type with more than twop fingers. It would be worth it. Kinda like circut training for your hands! :ohwell:

    But I thought we all were here and going into the community to share!! Of course we each decide and I certainly do not care what other people do, but seeing that stuff made me wonder whether I should be doing it too... then I decided "no", and then I wanted to check who else had my views. I see not many, lol! And that's fine.

    I liked your approach, very clear, very serious but really funny... ahhh!, wish more people were like you instead of going around crying and feeling all hurt! :love:
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    This discussion is SOOOOOOOO LAST WEEK! But seriously. . . everyone has their own journey, and they know whether they are getting a burn no matter what the exercise! We can't afford to judge others. Good luck to you and GOD bless!:bigsmile:
  • Azuleelan
    Azuleelan Posts: 218
    I guess there are a lot more people who have been true coach potatoes and they need to add as an exercise something as light as cleaning a house. For some reason I had trouble believing there are real people that don't move, but seeing the amount of hate around here, now I'm convinced there are a whole lot...

    :laugh: Every time I think you've said the worst thing you could you shock me! Although I still feel like there are deeper explanations than you seem capable of, I have to give you tons of kudos...this has really been one of the funniest threads I've ever read on this site.

    Hopefully though people won't let the ignorance of others affect their opinions of themselves. Many people have debilitating illnesses and other extenuating circumstances, be they physical or emotional, that lead to weight gain.

    I personally have ovarian cancer. I was diagnosed with Stage IV at age 16. Lots of people think that makes you thin as you waste away on chemo...not necessarily true. I gained over eighty pounds in less than a year due to doctor-enforced bed-rest, hormone therapy, and medications that trick one's body into conservation. It was bad at first and then spread to my uterus and finally to life-sustaining organs, at which point they finally told me, "Fine, go ahead and exercise if you want to...it can't possibly hurt you at this point."

    It's entirely possible to be a successful athlete who gains a sudden and massive amount of weight even without being a "couch potato." Overweight is not synonymous with lazy, disgusting, having a low self-esteem, being defensive, or any of the other cruel and inaccurate comments that have been thrown out in this thread.

    Everyone is here because they want to make a positive change in their lives. They don't have to do it your way, and they don't all fit into your stereotypes. We're all people here, and we're all here because we need positive support from others. Why is that so difficult to understand?

    I'm sorry this happened to you. I gained weight as a side effect of a medication, I know not everyone chose to be fat. I never intended to say that and what's more, I never said that. I'm glad you laughed because laughter, self-deprecation and a little bit of drama are my true goals :flowerforyou:
  • MissKMN
    MissKMN Posts: 119
    Uhh...I'm considered "morbidly obese" apparently and I don't eat back calories that are from cleaning. It's part of living. I don't care if I'm lugging things in and out of storage or scrubbing. If you do it as a job, adjust your activity level. If not, then be realistic. I actually agree with the OP - I think a lot of people missed the posts intention. I mean if it's an actual workout for you, log it. I log mine sometimes (but I don't eat back calories)...

    But I DO see quite a few people complaining that they're not losing weight but they're exercising...I peek at their diary and I see they log a ton of cleaning house but no other exercise (and I'm not talking those hindered, or disabled or whatever, it's not meant to be offensive). They're also eating back all those calories, and not even eating nutritionally sound food.

    Throwing a feather duster around is not an excuse to eat a pie. Some people (not many) are kind of using it as such. In the end, they're only cheating themselves but maybe a little tough love would do them some good! :happy:
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