Breakfast or no breakfast?!



  • At night during your sleep your body is working hard to repair and rejuvinate lost/dead cells and all the stuff you put it through during the day. After your body goes into over time like that, you need a breakfast to give it nutrients.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Definitely eat breakfast. :)

    Although... I wish I didn't. Sometimes I spend up 500 calories in the morning because I'm so hungry. Lol. Leaves me with nothing for lunch, dinner, and snacks. Oh well.
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    Extra weight is just a symptom of bad eating habits...

    Nope, this is very incorrect. Many people have different reasons for being overweight. Medication, physical disability, medical issues, etc etc. Assuming that every overweight person got that way simply because they have "bad eating habits" is presumptuous and rude! :ohwell:

    I just checked your profile... and ALL OVER it says how you gained weight because of your medication. So why would you say that being overweight is a result of bad eating habits, when you're blaming yours on medication?? :grumble:

    -_- nevermind I won't say it.

    OP: Eat your breakfast :)
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    Not if you are trying to be healthy. Extra weight is just a symptom of bad eating habits... are you choosing to keep bar eating habits and instead of making a real change, just mask the symptoms?

    So not true. There are medications that make you gain weight. People have medical conditions that made them gain weight. Extra weight can be caused by more than bad eating habits.
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    I can't give you facts or statistics from the scientific end of things, but I can tell you that eating a healthy breakfast has been a big part of my weight loss.

    I used to either skip breakfast completely or eat something like a PopTart. Now, don't get me wrong, I really like the taste of cinnamon and brown sugar PopTarts, but they are loaded with empty calories and sugars.

    When I began my weight loss journey, the dietician I saw suggested that I start eating a healthy breakfast on a regular basis. Since I had also gone off of my cholesterol medication, I decided to eat oatmeal. Well, almost five years later, I am hooked. I usually have oatmeal for breakfast every morning. I've lost and kept off 60+ pounds and my cholesterol and blood sugars are in normal ranges.

    So....from my experience, I vote "Breakfast" for sure!
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