Major Acne issues



  • perripage
    perripage Posts: 7 Member
    Are you washing your face immediately after working out? When I didn't, I would break out like CRAZY. I have to share what I've been using on my face for the past 6 months and it has totally transformed my skin. ... Baking soda! I wash my face with soap (Usually I use Ivory) and follow with a baking soda paste, rubbing in light circles (do not scrub). I honestly haven't had a break out since the day I started doing that.
  • JessyT919
    JessyT919 Posts: 11
    Love the tips - I'm going to try the baking soda one tonight!
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    Timely post. I've just noticed the same thing. My skin has always been really clear & bright... but is looking a bit pimply lately. I generally use Neutrogena or Aveeno products (they're in my price range and readily available, plus easy on my sensitive skin). I almost always use a wash with salicylic acid... but I'm thinking I might need to switch up my moisturizer, too.
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    I had this problem!! Even though I was washing my face after workouts, changing my pillowcases frequently, and not touching my face, I still got breakouts. I went on a birth control pill designed specifically to treat acne (called "Yaz") and I'm blemish free now! Every now and then I'll have one, but it's nothing major. If you can, try it. :smile:
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