carbs under 100g



  • chefkev
    chefkev Posts: 155 Member
    i am usually under 50g per day.
    I go for 60% fat, 30% protein, 10%carbs.

    I eat salads, meats, nuts, veggies.

    no grains, no dairy.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    I eat Paleo/Primal, so that means no grains or dairy, so it's actually pretty easy too considering my carbs come from only fruits and veggies....

    Same here. My carbs are typically under 40g's for the day which includes a post workout recovery drink that has 10g's.
  • tmaksparkie
    tmaksparkie Posts: 279
    I also am a cross between primal and keto eating, I eat very little grains, popcorn is my grain maybe once a week. Then I take a cheat day every 12-15days if I need it. My diary is open
  • Deedee0075
    Deedee0075 Posts: 78 Member
    Low carbing is very easy - I've been doing it for over 10 years. Not sure why everyone is saying no dairy. Cheese is one of the foods you can eat plenty of. Be careful of milk. I still make chai lattes but I use half water, half whole milk (since skim has slightly more carbs). If you really wanted to cut carbs, you could do half water, half heavier cream or half & half.

    Advice for lunch - get a loaf of Pepperidge Farm Low Carb bread - only 5 grams of carbs per slice. Or you could use Mission Low Carb tortilla. Pile on the turkey, cheese, lettuce, and even mayo - those foods are very low in carbs.

    Salads - any salad with a creamy dressing will have less carbs. So - stick with Ranch, Caesar, Blue Cheese dressings and avoid the vinaigrettes. Include cucumber, onions, small amount of tomatoes, lots of cheese, no crutons, add macadamian nuts or small amount of walnuts.

    A piece of meat and veggies is probably the most satisfying meal. It's simple and delicious. For veggies, try sticking to broccoli, zuchini, artichoke, green beans, spinach and use less tomatoes, Mushrooms are good but they have some carbs. Avoid sugar snap peas.

    Eggs are awesome for low carb diets. For me personally, I eat ketchup with my eggs. I had to cut back a lot because ketchup has lots of carbs.

    Bad foods: sugar and starch. So, potatoes, bananas, and bread are huge NO NOs. Candy is obviously out of the question. Avoid carrots, fruits other than berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries). There is low carb ice cream out there - Breyers makes a Carb Smart which is pretty good.

    Here's more information on good and bad foods for low carbing:
  • shagybear33
    shagybear33 Posts: 272
    I've been following the Belly Fat Cure. It's 15 grams of Sugar or less per day, and roughly around 100-120 grams of carbs.

    A typical day looks like this for me

    Breakfast: 100gram Greek 0%M/F Yogurt
    1/2 Cup Fibre One Original Cereal
    3 Large Strawberries

    Lunch: 2 Slices Mack's Flax Bread
    Tuna or other protein
    Salad with small amount of dressing (usually caesar)
    Real Mayo

    Snack: Almonds

    Dinner: Lean Protein of some sort (Usually 4-5 oz)
    1/2 Cup of Rice or Potatoes (Not always though)

    Snack: Cheese/Veggies

    Hope this helps! :D

    this definitely looks do-able and slightly less intimidating than expected!! :)

    I really enjoy it. Some days I wander off the path but it's super easy to just get right back to it!!! :D
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