Your views on coffee?



  • Christie422
    Christie422 Posts: 120 Member
    I drink half a pot of coffee with a splash of 2% every morning. Couldn't live without it (my family probably couldn't survive me without my morning coffee either). I make sure I get in my 8 cups of water in addition to the coffee and I've lost 16 lbs since April 5th. Doesn't seem to be hindering my weight loss.
  • JohnnyNull
    JohnnyNull Posts: 294 Member
    The answer is no. Drink yer coffee, just man up and drink it black.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    Coffee is the lifeblood that fuels the dreams of champions. That is all.

    I call it the Nectar of the Gods, but I agree :) I cannot live without coffee, nor would I want to!


    I take mine with skim milk & sugar, unless I'm out, when I go for cream and sugar (or a double-double if I'm in Canada, eh).

    My regular daily coffee is under 100 cal. for two cups, and I get some extra protein, calcium, etc., with the skim milk. I don't do artificial sweeteners, so it's always real sugar for me.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    love it! but i have to have decaf now.

    it's only high octane for me....

    I used to drink decaf.
    Until a biochemist friend of my was doing research and found out that while decaf has no cholesterol it ELEVATES your cholesterol.

    Who knew? Anyway, she did, like, 10 years of research and worked on developing cholesterol meds. So i'm counting her as a reliable source.
  • Cherbear67
    Cherbear67 Posts: 245 Member
    I don't drink coffee everyday but do have quite a few a week and always have sugar and milk in my coffee and it's usually a large or extra large from Timmies and hasn't hindered me in anyway.
  • Kytana
    Kytana Posts: 63
    Mmmmm, coffee.....

    Some of the benefits I've heard include insulin control/regulating blood sugar. Adding milk can be a nice way to get some calcium (decide based on your needs if you want 2%, whole, etc.). The caffeine boost has been found to help boost exercise endurance in some studies, although people with high blood pressure shouldn't take in too much caffeine according to other studies I've heard.

    Wishing many successes,

  • I love coffee. My morning brew is black with a 1/2tsp of real, honest, genuine sugar. My "splurge" is a Double Tall Skinny Carmel Latte from the giant coffee chain. I drink roughly 3 cups a day during the week and almost none on the weekends.
    But the SF syrup is full of junk, and I wouldn't recommend it.
    Sugar free anything isn't great for you. Just my opinion there. I do eat/drink some things that are reduced sugar (e.g. Monster/Rockstar, protein bars).
    I don't have my textbook with me, but I do recall reading that a small amount of caffeine helps your body burn fat faster.
    It's a stimulant so sure it will help in moderation. I think arguments that it hinder weight loss refer to over-indulgence of caffiene. Too much will, as has been said, ward off your appetite which is not a good thing. Have to keep that metabolism going. :smile:
  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member
    20 cups of coffees a day and I lost weight.

    Wow that's a bit much imo!

    I know - went overboard. It was problematic...!
  • HappyFeat
    HappyFeat Posts: 16 Member
    Coffee's benefits are threefold.

    1) caffeine stimulates the release of catecholamines (I.e., epinephrine) which increases lipolysis (fat burning.)

    2) coffee actually increases insulin sensitivity, thus decreasing the risk for type 2 diabetes.

    3) coffee beans have an incredible range of antioxidants, similar to tea.

    Coffee is great for weightloss and health, but it is similar to red wine. Moderation (no more than 1-2cups a day) is key.
  • joolzsd
    joolzsd Posts: 51
    I gave up coffee and diet soda when I started my healthy eating - I switched to green tea. I was a black coffee drinker... usually one mug each of regular and decaf per day. I didn't have a particular reason to ditch the coffee, just that I knew green tea was good for you and so I switched. But I started sleeping SO much better! Could have been a coincidence, but I don't miss it and I am really enjoying all the different teas.
  • I totally agree with the people who are saying that coffee is an appetitie suppressant. Maybe it doesn't work for everyone but it certainly does for me and many people I know. I lost 3 and a half stone taking diet pills (wouldn't do it again as found out they contained a banned ingredient) I was panicking that I would put it all on again. Before the pills I was swimming 100 lengths a day and eating 1500 calories but not losing anyway. So I assumed after coming off the pills all the weight would pile back on which was a very depressing thought! I started having cup of strong coffee first thing in the morning as I hadn't been sleeping as was tired. I also have never had breakfast (never bothered me) and found that having that coffee first thing on an empty stomach I had to force myself to eat and it was at lunchtime I never got tempted at elevenses like before, I could sit and look at a plate of doughnuts and not care!

    I still follow this routine now and stick to a healthy diet with my recommended daily calories but find I crave healthy stuff more and only have naughty things as a treat. The only time the coffee doesn't work is at my period but nothing does so I just give in! I have had no side effects from the coffee, and sleep brilliantly. It really annoys me when some people I have spoken to on other messageboards have got all virtuous telling me to cut out caffeine. I drink one cup of day and it's my right lol really can't stand do -gooders! I say good for them if they can rise in the morning and drink herbal tea and zip through their days full of natural energy but give me starbucks anytime lol! I am happy and healthy and that's all that matters!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    It tastes gross, only palatable if you add at least 5-6 sweetener packets but that may not be good for you. Getting 6 hours of sleep minimum, usually 7 has kept me bubbly and going in a high-stress job for many, many years.
  • JMCade
    JMCade Posts: 389 Member
    I have heard it helps with weight loss as well. Also heard it helps prevent or control diabetes. I drink several cups everyday. Diehard coffee-holic!
  • ldon37
    ldon37 Posts: 145 Member
    I have heard conflicting things about coffee too. I heard small amounts can increase metabolism, but I also heard that coffee will cause blood sugar levels to fluctuate which is bad when you are trying to lose weight. I know that for me personally, it does cause me to get shaky and I feel like I have to eat, but I still love it.
  • things is its different things for different people I love coffee, its not causing me any probs and helps to keep me in shape so will carry on drinking it!
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    Hi All, I find this topic really interested because I've been a coffee drinker on and off for years. My goal is to stop drinking coffee completely because one it's addictive. And two my doctor said heavy coffee drinking can be linked to colon and breast cancer. Especially if you have these diseases running in your family.

    So I said this to say, coffee hindering your weight loss should be the least your concerns. The real question should be is heavy coffee drinking even healthy. And they say decaf is even worst.

    Just wanted to share what my doctor shared with me. :drinker:
  • And two my doctor said heavy coffee drinking can be linked to colon and breast cancer.
    Until they figure out what really causes cancer, I take all that with a grain of salt (there are exception; e.g. radiation exposure). Did you ask your doctor if he/she drinks coffee? :wink:

    Decaf is pointless IMO. If you're going to drink coffee, leaded is the way to go. :smile:
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