Easter Bunnies Support Group!!!!



  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    I think I might still be on my plateau...will weigh in the morning and do my measurements. Its been a crazy weekend. 12 hour work day yesterday, and today was just crazy. Plus my laptop computer is down and my husband games on his. Have to fight to get it! I'll talk more when I get mine back!
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    hi guys.
    mary- my run is next week. i've taken a few days off running because i was finding really hard, then started with the negative self talk. thought i'd step away for a few days to try and refresh myself.
    i've been really busy with work and family- got an emergency call from my aunt last night telling me my 19 year old cousin is hooked on ice (crystal meth). yippee. so that was then my next 6 hours (i work in mental health, at the pointy end of it, and am the only person they know of that has any experience dealing with this). but hopefully all is coming right there.

    but you know when you have those completely emotionally exhausting days and you get soooooo tired- i'm there. work has been hard lately, home has been hard (with my hubby having a fubar'd ankle and me having to do everything coz he can't move), trying to parent 3 under 5 yrs and keep the house and work full time, and i haven't been sleeping. plus, i'm not achieving with the exercise goals i'm setting myself. but i'm forcing myself to create time that really isn't there to work out. something's gonna give soon!!!!

    but that's enough venting from me!!!!! tell me someone who hasn't got **** to deal with!!!

    anyway, i'm going to weigh in on weds am- i'm working tomorrow and i like to weigh in after i've exercised 1st thing in the morning.... which will be weds. i don't expect to lose much, if anything. but i'll be pleased just to see 92.? again.

    hope you're all well. sorry i've been MIA a bit, but as you can see i've been a bit busy!!

    hope you're all doing great!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I lost 2 pounds this week weighed in at 196.0. Total of 40 pounds weight loss for me so far !
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    Original measurements:

    Breast: 49 3/4
    Waist: 49
    Hips: 58 1/2
    thigh: 26 1/4
    calf: 17
    upper arm: 16

    Breast:49 3/4
    Waist:48 3/4
    Hips; 57 1/2
    thigh: 25
    calf: 16 5/8
    upper arm:16

    so the scale isn't moving..but the inches are! Congrats Kris on your 2pounds!
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Joni, you need to take care of you, I hope things lighten up a bit for you. And I'm really hoping all goes well for your cousin. I'm a guard in an Adult Correctional Center, and that is one of the things we deal with on a regular basis. Meth isn't good. Best of luck to him/her.

    Kris, absolutely great on the loss. I am really happy for you. Keep it up, whatever way your doing it, it is working!!! :smokin:

    Tammy, look at that loss, your hips,...... that is awesome!! One morning you'll weigh in and that will have caught up and the number will just drop.

    I, on the other hand, had a 3 lb GAIN this week. I'm not sure how that happened, but it did. Stepped on the scale 4 times this morning and it said the same thing every time. Not even a . off. I really wish we didn't depend on the damn numbers so much. It drives me crazy. Obviously I've done something, my clothes fit me much better, but I am so fixated with that stupid scale that I can't get around it. maybe I should take it out to the garage and have the hubby hide it for a month... What do you all think about that idea?

    I'm gonna go do my Shred. What do I have to lose?
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    i like your idea mary. maybe we can do that for june? just not weigh in for a whole month then see what happens.

    that 3lbs must be water or something. when's TOM? you don't do all the stuff you've been doing, and gain weight. unless you're eating too much and underestimating what's going in? or you could reduce your calorie intake?

    but i think you're better off going by how your clothes feel- it's not all about the numbers on the scales. if you're feeling better that's worth the effort. if you're getting healthier, then you're going to live longer! that's the important thing.
  • sweetnic
    sweetnic Posts: 66 Member
    I didn't realize I hadn't been on here for awhile - last week I gained a pound, then lost a pound this week. Stuck at a 5 pound loss. I was REALLY hoping to lose 10 pounds this month for our challenge, since I was just starting up - usually when I start dieting the first 10 pounds come off pretty quick, then it slows down. Not happening for me this time. But, I gain the weight back I lose every. single. time. So, maybe, just maybe, since it is coming off so much slower now it will stay off longer (or maybe even permanently!) I will say that I am losing the weight much healthier this time - I'm not starving myself and am letting myself have treats. I know this is the best way to do it, but it is such a s-l-o-w process this way! lol

    I would extend and stay in the challenge through June! My husband is deploying for the summer. The last time he deployed I gained 30 pounds in 5 months because food and wine were my best friends while he was gone. I am determined to stay on track and lose some weight while he is gone. Even if it is 1/2 pound a week, I want to be lighter when he comes home in September! :o)
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member
    Claire - awesome job on your run, I'm very happy for you!! Going home on leave, that is awesome, we'll be here wanting to hear the fun you had.

    Kris - you have fun at your zumba.

    I bought 30 day shred. Used it for the first time this morning. I modified it a little to stay easy on my knees, but I almost kept up. I feel it this afternoon. My body aches in places I don't remember having muscles. Definately use different ones from the walking I've been doing. So, I'm a little excited to see how this works for me. I certainly should be able to find 20 minutes a day for this!

    Have a great evening everyone!

    I bought th 30 Day Shred too....she is tough and does keep you moving. I have to modify it a bit as well too. I have had bilateral knee replacements and can't do the jumping.

    I am heading out to do some gardening before the rain hits here as the weatherman predicts. I got my HRM so I am going to put it on and see how many calories I burn while I lift, lug, and tote bag of soil, pavers and dig.
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    I'll definately continue through June. I like the idea of not weighing for a month...only I'm pretty sure I'll have pretty heavy withdrawell symptoms! Haha
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I will deffently continue for the month of June ! It will be hard not reporting what i have lost though i am on alot of other challenges and weigh in weekly ! We will deffently be suprised at the end of June with all of the weight loss ! I am not up for the 30 day shred though i have tried it last month and had to quit doing the workout my knees were hurting too bad its a amazing workout though !
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    When I do the Shred, after like the second set of jumping jacks my knees hurt so I do a modified. I march really high and keep my arms going. Probably not getting the full benefit, but at least it keeps my heart rate up.

    Okay, I'm going to weigh in the rest of the month, and then June 1st I'm gonna weigh and do measurements again and then I'm giving the scale to DH and tell him to hide it until July 1st. Then I'll weigh again and measure. I am going to do Shred 6 days a week, walk 5 days a week and take one day off for rest. That is my goal for June.

    I am still going to hit it hard for the rest of May and next week I WILL have a better weigh in than this week!!! :wink:

    Have a great day all!
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    I weighed again after I slept today. PUshed alot of water yesterday. I'm back down plus and additional .2 off. That scale really really messes with me.

    Hope everyone is having a healthy day!! Drink up the water all.
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    mary- i'm sorry your scales play with you so much. i think you've struck on a great idea to go without scales for a month. and congrats on your loss!!!

    i went for a run today... and ran 37 mins without stopping. and i felt good :-), and could have kept going. but i decided not to because i still want to want it, iykwim! and after the disastrous few running days i had recently, i thought i'd just try and get back into it steadily so i don't psych myself out. but.... i've worked out that i have my problems when i try to go running after an early shift. it just doesn't work for me- i must just be too tired. so now i know this i will amend my expectations accordingly, and on those weeks i'm on earlies i'll focus on strength and elliptical, and just run on my days off! i'll still get in 2-3 runs a week, so that should be ok. i'm just pleased i know this now.... it will be easier on my brain!

    o, and i lost just over a kg this week! super (and unexpected!).
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    so i didn't go for my run today- it is raining sideways here. so i went into the garage and did 40 mins on the elliptical. wanted to do more, but i'll do more later tonight, after the kids are in bed probably.

    it's meant to be this sunday i'm doing my 10k run. so, rain, hail or shine i'll be doing my 10k run this sunday. my initial goal is to run 30, walk 3, etc. if i get to 30 and feel ok, i'll keep going prob till 45.

    i'm very nervous about it though.

    and i'm going to take the immodium on saturday night and hope it works :-). fingers crossed it does, legs crossed if it doesn't!
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    Good luck on your 10k! You'll do great!
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    hi tammy. how are you doing? how are you getting along with the non smoking?
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Joni, sounds like a great plan. Things always go better with a plan. I'm excited to see how well you do.

    I have done not a thing for exercise for the last 2 days. Tuesday was my rest day, but yesterday, no excuse. I tried doing the 30 DS and made it about 10 minutes. I'm like you Joni, I just can't do it after coming home from working all night. So I had ot go to bed and then I got company. I did take a 30 minute stroll with my 7 yr old. But it didn't get my heart up or anything. I guess I should be glad that I got out of the house with him and at least got moving a bit.

    So, now I'm headed out for my long walk. it is beautiful here, about 45 degrees and the sun is shining. So here we go!!! Have a great day all, and get your exercise in!! Whatever it may be.
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    hi tammy. how are you doing? how are you getting along with the non smoking?

    Not so well. Gotta start over :( Really frustrated. How long do plateaus last? Seriously its been a month and I'm frustrated!! GRRRRRRRRR
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Tammy, lets figure this out for you... What have you tried to break this plateau? I know your working your butt off, but have you tried to shake things up a bit? Extra cals one day, zigzagging, lowering your carbs for awhile? There is smething that will work, but we need to figure it out. So, lets start there, and we'll see if we can come up wtih some other ideas.

    Don;t give up, we'll get you off this!!
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    Thanks Mary, Last week I kind of went over my days calories a lot and this week I'm trying my best to stick to it exactly. I haven't actually tried zig-zagging, but I'm thinking I might need a new workout. I am just trying to find one I can stick to. I really wish I had a local gym, but small country towns generally don't have them. My carbs have to be low in order to lose weight with PCOS. It is the only thing that has ever worked, but maybe I should shake up the type of carbs I'm bringing in for awhile? This week I'm adding more fruit into my diet just to see what that does.
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