OMFG... *cries* vent.



  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Definitely don't GIVE UP, but do CHANGE IT UP. You are working super hard, but obviously still not doing something right. Try to re-evaluate and see where you can make improvements. It's hard to give specific examples if we can't see what you eat, but my guess is that if you look through your own food diary you probably will be able to see what needs to be changed. Also, if you don't already, buy a heart rate monitor so you can be a little more accurate with your calorie burn. Maybe you aren't burning quite as much as you thought. Maybe you are burning way more, and thus undereating. There is no reason to give up... you can be the person you want to be. Just keep trying!
  • erisfreenici
    erisfreenici Posts: 277 Member
    I don't share my diary with people either because I'm super afraid of criticism. The thing I'm realizing more though is that people on this site are not here (in general) to bash you or make you feel stupid -- they are here to help and get help with their food and exercise goals. If you stick with it, you will eventually lose weight. And if not, a visit to the doctor can tell you if there's something else going on that is preventing the weight loss.
  • sabl3
    sabl3 Posts: 39
    Don't feel bad, it could be a number of things. You should go check with your doctor and see if you have any hormonal or thyroid issues. Also keep in mind that you will also gain muscle at the same time you're losing fat so sometimes you won't see a change. Then, all of the sudden it melts off. Right now is critical so don't get off the band wagon!
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    And do consider opening up your food diary. Mine's been open for a while and I've never once had anyone scrutinize or make fun of what I eat... even when I have lots of drinks or fatty foods.
    As far as I know mine's public and even on days like today I've never had anyone say anything nasty about what I've eaten (went to Burger King today, the food tracker is not pretty....). It's difficult for people to advise if they can't see what you're eating. Sodium is a nightmare though so if you've eaten a lot of that that could be why you're not seeing any loss.
  • Don't give up! Never let yesterday's disappointments over shadow tomorrow's dreams! Plus the task ahead of you is never as great as the strength within you.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    If you are really eating under the calories MFP says and working out too, and not losing at all then I would say there is probably something going on medically or whatever and you need to see a doctor. Because some people find weight loss quick and some fast, but you sound like you have been doing everything right for some time and getting nowhere. I would book an appointment and consult with a medical professional who can suggest reasons your body might not want to lose, and also take them your food and exercise diary printed out so they can understand what you have tried. If you feel kind of bloated like you said you should definitely mention that. Also you should talk to someone at the gym who knows their stuff about the most effective workout routine for you and your goals.
    I really hope things start to move on the scale for you because I can't even begin to understand how frustrating it must be with all the effort you put in. Keep us all updated and good luck :)
  • You also may want to talk to your doctor. Maybe you have a thyroid problem?

    This. See a doctor.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Are you eating enough? If you're going to the gym 5 days a week and busting your behind, you need to make sure you're feeding your body enough food. A lot of the time when people aren't losing ANY weight, it is due to food intake. Whether it is too little, too much, too much sodium, eating carbs too late in the day, etc.

    Did you do measurements when you started? I have a love/hate relationship with my scale and wish I had taken measurements because often times you'll lose inches, but won't lose any weight on the scale. Do your clothes fit differently?

    Also, it may be time to take a week off from the gym. I know this sounds terrifiying when you're trying to lose weight, but our bodies need time off to heal themselves completely. The first time I took a week off, I was sooo scared I'd gain a bunch of weight. Went back to the gym a week later and I'd broken the plateau I'd been struggling with (I lost like 5lbs). So, if you've been going hard at the gym for awhile (longer than 4 weeks, say) -- take a week off. Eat your basic calories and just take it easy.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I don't open my diary up as whenever I read other people's I think "They eat so badly!" but then look at mine and it's just as bad. The other reason being I use my own recipes for most things, so it won't mean much to anyone else.
  • I am sorry, thats why a lot of people give up so quick is because we/they don't see results..Like others have said try tracking inches and not just pounds..thats what counts..Also maybe watch how late you eat, I have heard that is not good and maybe try lowering your calorie intake for a bit to see how that works..Also I know if I weigh early morning then weigh in afternoon or evening, it can be a 3-5lb don't get too discouraged! You can do it! Try Zumba, its a great calorie burner and fun!
  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    You also may want to talk to your doctor. Maybe you have a thyroid problem?

    I agree on the Thyroid. You may not even know it. I have a Thyroif problem as well, and it was a shock to me when I found out that is what was wrong. Don't give up, keep going, have you tried doing your measurements? I have only lost 6 lbs but I feel better, and I can tell my clothes fit differently. I think you would be suprised. Don't get down on this,... you have been doing good. So keep going, because if you keep trying it WILL start to move down.. but if you stop it won't, and you may go UP! So kick it into high gear and switch up your routine, shock your body girl!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Take a deep breath. Now I'm not expert, but it took me 3 months to lose any weight. I did the same thing, worked my *kitten* off, ate properly, and got very very discouraged. I believe your body doesn't realize what's going on yet (yes I'm going to talk like your body is an entity seperate from yourself lol)'s thinking that you're going to have a famine soon and it needs to's scared...but once you stay consistent and it realized that you're still feeding it, and exercising, it won't hold onto the fat anymore. Just relax, stress doesn't help the situation at all. Just keep doing what you're doing, make sure you're eating more natural foods instead of boxed stuff, exercise with your heart rate elevated and you'll soon see the lbs melt away. Your body just has to get use to the fact that you're working it now.
  • rushtos
    rushtos Posts: 1 Member
    You say you've been doing this for 5 weeks and on your profile it says 5 lbs lost so thats 1lb a week which is really good and seems quite a healthy steady loss so far....or have I missed something? Keep going! I think you're doing great! :)
  • So I wish it was a pound a week... but it was 5 in one week... then nothing for the rest. I'm on week 6 now... I have brought it down a bit and changed how I work out. I don't know if I mentioned that I'm weight training too... like really... like an hour at least of lifting weights and what not... I felt like crud yesterday... just retaining this water like no one's business... so at midnight... I went for a jog. I jogged a WHOLE MILE before I stopped to walk. I may not be losing ANY weight yet, but I'm definitely gaining endurance... my brother really helped me too... he said that its just impossible to go to the gym 4-5 days a week after doing nothing and changing the way you eat and end up the same size in a year from now that you were today. I wish that that five pounds I've lost was spread out a little... then it would feel like I'm at least moving, slow or not... moving... thanks to everyone for your kind words, patience and things to think about. I saw some HRM on amazon and ebay and today my kids and I are taking a field trip to a sports store to check out some in real life. I think that I have wrecked metabolism and do not burn as efficiently as the averages on MFP give me... hopefully the HRM will fix that... hugs to you all.
  • Clonekuh
    Clonekuh Posts: 92 Member
    I don't know if I mentioned that I'm weight training too... like really... like an hour at least of lifting weights and what not... I felt like crud yesterday... just retaining this water like no one's business... so at midnight... I went for a jog. I jogged a WHOLE MILE before I stopped to walk.

    This stuck out to me.

    1. I would wager you're putting on muscle weight which is good weight! So try to not worry too much about the scale.
    2. Try to celebrate that victory. Running a whole mile straight! That is awesome! Try to keep in mind things you can do now physically that you couldn't before and celebrate your fitness.

    I went to a doctor last year after I had tried everything as far as working out and mixing up diet. I was eating 1500 calories a day and running 90 minutes a day and nothing as far as weight loss. I burned out pretty bad and have had a hard time working back up to anything near that. I wish I had just been able to recognize that all that activity was awesome and an accomplishment in itself.
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