Creepy weight loss commercials!



  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    The scary thing is that these girls are going out in public like that to show off their skinny bodies, so they don't see anything wrong and think it looks good!

    And our daughters are seeing them, and thinking that is how they should look...:frown:

    thats exactly what scares me so much.
  • jamerz3294
    jamerz3294 Posts: 1,824 Member
    Hey gals... plz allow me to inject a male point of view here... I (and just about every guy I know) would just vomit if I had to even *shudder* think of touching, or be touched by any of those stick wimmens. Let me make it official for ya... NO FRIGGIN WAY is that what us Y chromosome carriers want. Not now, not never, no how!

    After surfin thru the pics in here, thank God you all seem to have some common sense, and believe me, that DOES turn us guys on, immensely! Just stay beautiful, each of you, do it for us, but mostly do it for you! :heart:
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