a new competition



  • monica, that is so wonderful:drinker: 4 pounds is great!!!! keep up the good work, you're inspiring me:bigsmile:

    Thank you very much i hope I am inspireing someone cause I know I am inspirireing my self I can't believe I am doing this I am soooooooooooo happy I look so much better and feel great too:smile::bigsmile:

    I just wanted to tell you guys that on saturday night I went to a after 5 club and OMG I wore a brand new after 5 dress and it was sooooooooooo sexy and I was very happy that i did not look like a pig stuffed into a tight blanket!!!:laugh: I look great I will post pics soon
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
  • jilldan55
    jilldan55 Posts: 61 Member
    Ok, even though this is the last week, I am going to do this challenge anyway.

    I have gained more than lost lately. Nothing big, but still a gain is a gain:sad:

    Last Friday 130.6
    today 130.8

    This week I am going to exercise on my bike 35 minutes 4 days and walk for 30 minutes minimum on Tuesday and Wed. I have two 1 year olds with me those days and if I push them in the double stroller it is a workout like no other!

    Good luck to all of you...
  • Well here it is the final week of the competition and all of y'all can rest easy.....there's no way that I will have been the one to lose the most weight. I have lost a total of 1 pound in the month.....yay go me!:grumble: Oh well, at least I didn't gain. Hope this competition will continue next month too, it was frustrating but it did keep me accountable.

    Starting Weight 125
    Week 1 Weight 124.8
    Week 2 Weight 124.2
    Week 3 Weight 124.0
    Week 4 Weight 125
    Today's Weight 124
  • tawhite
    tawhite Posts: 2 Member
    Count me in.

    147 pounds
  • stacesand
    stacesand Posts: 63 Member
    So...i've been down and then back up. i'm not too disappointed because i haven't really ate that well the past couple of weeks and the scale shows.


    Start: 219
    Current: 218
  • JessicaT2007
    JessicaT2007 Posts: 553 Member
    I have stayed at 134 this week. no change for me! Still sticking to the work out plan with variations of weight stuff I do and different cardio machines. Hoping it kicks in soon!
  • I am late to check in on the final check in for last month's competion but I lost one more pound which leaves me at 155, so that means that i have lost a total of 4 pounds. I didn't beat last month but a loss is a loss:smile:

    This month it is going to be confusing b/c of all of the late starters, so if everyone who was doing it for last month can post how much they lost it will simplify things.... Also is anyone in for next month???
  • I am late to check in on the final check in for last month's competion but I lost one more pound which leaves me at 155, so that means that i have lost a total of 4 pounds. I didn't beat last month but a loss is a loss:smile:

    This month it is going to be confusing b/c of all of the late starters, so if everyone who was doing it for last month can post how much they lost it will simplify things.... Also is anyone in for next month???

    I will input mine for the month as soon as I get back from the dr office I will be going today around 1 or so. I think it will be 6 for the month but I need to be sure it was 204.6 when we started and I THINK it is 198 but I don't want to jinx myself and it be wrong so just hold off till i get back but I will post today.

    I want to be in for next month for sure I am doing this I have gotten sooooo close and i am down under 200 I am sooooooooooooooo happy:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I have got to get down to that 165-170 range I want it too much!!!:love:

  • I will input mine for the month as soon as I get back from the dr office I will be going today around 1 or so. I think it will be 6 for the month but I need to be sure it was 204.6 when we started and I THINK it is 198 but I don't want to jinx myself and it be wrong so just hold off till i get back but I will post today.

    I want to be in for next month for sure I am doing this I have gotten sooooo close and i am down under 200 I am sooooooooooooooo happy:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I have got to get down to that 165-170 range I want it too much!!!:love:

    I started a new thread on this earlier today showing the results and as best as I could tell you had started at 205 and at last check in you were 200.4 with a total loss of 4.6 pounds so I'm rooting for you to be 198 today cause that would put you at a 6.6 pound loss. Go you!:flowerforyou:

  • I will input mine for the month as soon as I get back from the dr office I will be going today around 1 or so. I think it will be 6 for the month but I need to be sure it was 204.6 when we started and I THINK it is 198 but I don't want to jinx myself and it be wrong so just hold off till i get back but I will post today.

    I want to be in for next month for sure I am doing this I have gotten sooooo close and i am down under 200 I am sooooooooooooooo happy:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I have got to get down to that 165-170 range I want it too much!!!:love:

    I started a new thread on this earlier today showing the results and as best as I could tell you had started at 205 and at last check in you were 200.4 with a total loss of 4.6 pounds so I'm rooting for you to be 198 today cause that would put you at a 6.6 pound loss. Go you!:flowerforyou:

    thank you so much what is the name of the new thread I did not see it
  • I came up with the very original name of Re: A New Competition. :laugh:
  • Okay guys here I am and I went to weigh in and the number issssss............................................Drum roll please...........................I did it i am down out of the 200's it is not much but I am out of them I was 199.4 I am sooooooooo excited I am going to go buy me an after 5 dress tonight!!!!

    that means I have lost 5.4 pounds for the month
  • good job!!!
  • okay starting new thread for next months, this is what it says


    STARTS October 3rd ENDS November 7th

    RULES: weigh ins every Friday and set next weeks goals

    WHY: for fun and support, or as some people say it makes us accountable!

    This is the third round and we've had lots of fun and lots of success! So if you're in the mood join us and you don't have to ask anyone who wants to join just check in on October 3rd under competition three's thread:smile:
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