May Move Your *kitten* Challenge



  • shannonaufman
    shannonaufman Posts: 383
    The 3 miles I ran today make me an official Couch to 5K graduate! Hooray!!

    Signature updated!
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    16.4 miles for me today.

    Rode the bike to work and back = 15.4 miles.
    Walked with a co-worker = 1 mile.

    I am only a couple miles from my goal! I guess I should have aimed a little higher after all!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,380 Member
    1 mile today in stairs.
  • miswen
    miswen Posts: 113 Member
    Nice morning for a workout + nice night for a long walk = 9 miles today. Since I made my goal for the month I decided to up my goal.
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    1 mile :sad: :yawn:
  • mrshill1618
    mrshill1618 Posts: 14
    Had a rainy wknd that put a HUGE damper on my walking but Im not giving up that easy!!!

  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I can't remember if I added my miles to my ticker I added them again. please let me know if I added 3.75 twice.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Had a rainy wknd that put a HUGE damper on my walking but Im not giving up that easy!!!

    Great attitude!!!
  • gehlerc
    gehlerc Posts: 651 Member
    Hey everybody, just thought I'd let you know that today (Tuesday, May 17) is the birthday of "miswen," one of our fellow MYA participants. And >a-hem< she's OLDER than me. (Just had to mention that, too.)
  • bri1720
    bri1720 Posts: 254 Member
    Woke up early this morning and jogged for 15 minutes and 0.93 miles to make up for going to sleep last night. Honestly, I feel more awake right now than any other morning. I don't think I've ever been up and done working out before 7 AM in my life. Now, if I could get myself to get up early EVERY morning, THAT would be real progress!!!! :wink:

    More miles to come later!!! :drinker:
  • Carolegn
    Carolegn Posts: 7
    Hi all...
    did a total of 2.5 mile yesterday (1 mile walk to school and back for kids, and 1.5 mile on treadmill) and 1 mile on treadmill today.

    The bad news is I'm not walking anywhere near as much as I wish I was, especially on the treadmill, because I'm having a heap of grief/trouble with my ankles and shins. Yes, I'm stretching... and I know losing weight will probably help the problem as will getting fitter and more used to the exercise. Anyone have any advice or experience? I was really gutted today to give up on the treadmill after only a mile due to not being able to get past the pain in my ankles (When I began having trouble quite a while back, I thought it was in my I'm thinking it's more in my ankles).

    The good news is.... I'm getting a spin bike, rower and elliptical trainer *tomorrow* through radio-rental try-hire-buy for not much more than a local gym membership. Not sure if radio-rentals exists outside australia, but the way my "contract" is being set up it is similar to a hire/purchase arrangement!
  • Carolegn
    Carolegn Posts: 7
    Tickers updated
  • simplysara9
    simplysara9 Posts: 521
    I added 1.83 miles today from walking / jogging! Wahoo!

    I think I need to add in some cycling to help my get moving. Some nights with the humidity it's hard to rack up the mileage but I think I could do it on a bike! I will have to talk to my husband about getting the bikes out and in condition to use!
  • FitJ1210
    FitJ1210 Posts: 754
    For yesterday 5.15 miles, 68.52 total.

    Happy day all :flowerforyou:
  • miswen
    miswen Posts: 113 Member
    Thanks gehlerc- did you really need to include that I was older than you??:drinker:
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    3.2 miles last night on treadmill watching tv...updated ticker....
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Happy birthday miswen! I hope you have a great one!:flowerforyou:

    So far this sprinkly morning I have walked 3.5 miles! We do NOT need rain for at least a month but it looks like we are in for it for the rest of the week!!! Our grain producers are soooooo far behind!!:sad:
  • bri1720
    bri1720 Posts: 254 Member
    10.8 more miles biked today
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,380 Member
    Today I was finally on track! Walk 0.45 miles, run 3.15 and Bike 3.73 = 7.33 miles today

    I am so happy that I finally made it past the half way mark and am on the down side!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    walked 3.3 miles, biked 2.2 miles.
    Going to walk to the p.o and will track the distance.
    ticker still not updating ! :(
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