Fit For Future Families - May 2011



  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    Great news! Fingers crossed for you
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    abeare - congrats! Are you temping? Temping can give you a good idea quite quickly.

    I'd say test in 12 days and see if you can tell (but I'm an avid tester).

    Okay - so school is super busy and we got the intimidation of a lifetime today at the hospital - and I've been doing homework for 2 hours already! I won't be on much for a little bit, but at least I can pre-pack lunches and control my food. I'll check in next week for sure!

    Hugs ladies!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Ashley :) I have everything crossed for you (good thing I think I've already o'd ... :laugh: ) Sounds really promising....What a difference for DH's tests. Are you doing anything different other than healthy eating and exercise? That's what I want DH's to do (although, I'd be thrilled if we were to get that starting number.....LOL)

    Jalara - do what you can and make sure you get in your water :) Easiest to do of all the things when you're super busy.

    I have to start going low GI again and avoiding sugars like the plague. I picked up Ferility Blend for both of us when I was in New York. I know we're supposed to take them for 3 months before it shows any improvement, but mine has Chasteberry, L-Arginine, B6, B12, Folic Acid. His has Vitamin C, Vitamin E, B6, B12, Folic Acid, Selenium, Green Tea, Dong Quai and Zinc. I know in the past he really responded to the Zinc uppage, so hopefully the others will help balance the mobility and motility increases. I also did all my veggie plantings this week. I grabbed three stevia plants, so I know they will be organic and WOW....I'm thinking it would definitely curb any sweet tooth. I also grabbed some chocolate mint (smells like a peppermint patty) and some Greek Mountain Tea......I want to start getting back into making teas from my garden, which I really find curb my we will see how that goes :)

    Just so you all can see what I have been working on in the garden all the hours I have posted....LOL
  • KatyRing
    KatyRing Posts: 84 Member
    Blah- we had dinner wiht the inlaws.. i didnt go crazy..i also didnt get in the excersize i wanted.. life just gets so busy. Feeling bummed tonight. It also probably has something to do with the fact that today is CD 28... i have been getting my cycles reg 28 days for a few months now.. so i go to the store, but a test, go home, go to take it and guess who is there? good old AF. nothing like a kick in the *kitten* from her when you already feel like a failure at ur eating plan.
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Katy- I'm sorry! AF can be such a B****!

    Ashley- continueing to send good vibes. I was walking on the treadmill tonight and suddenly thought of you and got a huge smile on a face thinking of how excited I will be for you. praying this is your month and if not it will be your month soon.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Katy :( I'm so sorry :( That sounds devastating....

    I'm almost back down to my weigh in from Sunday, which is good, since that was the weigh in I was up.....My goal this week is not so much about the weight but drinking enough water......Today's my long day at work, logging in at 8 am and working until 5pm and then again at 8pm...yuck, but it is what it is :)
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    Pam, your garden looks beautiful! I’m lucky if I can keep a couple plants in the house growing! I love the idea of making your own tea! I drink 2-3 glasses of herbal tea daily (different blends, but most are from David’s tea). As for what DH did differently, he started doing a low GI diet with me, going to the gym 3-4 times a week (and it shows, he looks so good). We also took your advice about the sunflower seeds, and he eats a handful of mixed raw nuts which include sunflower seeds daily. He’s been drinking a lot of herbal tea too, but I think what made a big difference was BD’ing every second day, it was like his body now knows it must produce every 48hrs:laugh:

    I’m so sorry to hear about AF Katy, she usually come just as I’m about to take a test too! Hugs!

    Luki, that’s so sweet! I think of you guys during my workouts too. The good vibes are really appreciated!

    Baby dust to everyone!

  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Ash - inside the house is a whole different story. I'm the most forgetful least outside, mother nature helps me :) That gives me hope for DH's counts.....he needs to have that test done on fingers crossed it won't come back at <1M
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    Ash - inside the house is a whole different story. I'm the most forgetful least outside, mother nature helps me :) That gives me hope for DH's counts.....he needs to have that test done on fingers crossed it won't come back at <1M

    FC for you guys!!!
  • dcg8r
    dcg8r Posts: 38

    On the TTC front, thanks to all those that had their fingers and toes crossed for me. The IUI went well and DH’s “sample” was crazy good! The first SA he had his count was at 17 million (normal is above 20million for those that weren’t sure), and his count yesterday was 107 million!!!! He also had something like 80% usable semen after washing when the norm is 60%! It really shows that all the exercise and eating right has paid off! He was feeling pretty good about himself too! I didn’t cramp as badly as last time, but I was also able to relax and nap for a bit afterward rather than going straight to work. So now we wait, a while too, it seems like my lutheal phase has been around 20days the last couple months. I hope to find out before the clinic goes on vacation (June 9th to July 15th) so that if I need a blood test I can get it done. All I could think of yesterday was how fantastic it would be to be preggers and keep it secret from DH for a week just so that I could tell him on fathers day!

    Wow congratulations! That is quite the turnaround. Hope he gets the fathers day surprise he's been working hard for!
  • KatyRing
    KatyRing Posts: 84 Member
    Well now I am so confused. AF has disapeared... i did take a hpt this morning and got a negative.... AF has been so light the last couple months.... it is regualr, but only lasts for like a day.... I think I need to get in and see my OB..... i've been on the low carb (I have PCOS) for a few months now, i've lost 46lbs and I have been taking metformin for 4 months.. i just feel like my body may need a jump start or soemthing...
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Katy- I'm hoping that is a good sign:wink: Make an appointment and wait to see what happens

    Totally unrelated front- Anyone watch Minute to Win it tonight? The cutest family ever was on tonight. 5 siblings from California. They were so adorable and clearly love each other so much. See like an AWESOME united family it was nice to see!
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    Hey everyone! sorry i've been MIA lately. it's crazy busy here trying to keep things tidy and organized with my messy family and new 2 y/o daycare child. she's awesome btw.

    I just wanted to let you know I'm here, dreading AF next week. hoping she doesn't visit for 9 months or more. ;)

    I'm getting ready to participate in our local Relay for Life in 2 weeks. I've already raised $137 plus my sis said she'll pledge $20 and another friend is pledging too. :) My group is called "Moms getting Fit" and we've already reached/passed our goal of $1200. we're at $1531.00!!! and there's only 7 of us!!!! I'm so proud!

    I don't know if the link works but this is my personal page. feel free to ready my "why I'm in the relay" story. :)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Aw Katy - I think that's even worse than AF showing up :( Definitely book an appt with the doctor. It's probably related to the changes and they need to adjust to get you back to normal....

    Lukii - nope, I was working, but I only just found the's pretty good. Think I'll try catch this week's episode on Demand.

    Carina - what a great cause and what a great effort for it. I"ll check out the link later today.
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    Aww, Katy, that sounds horrible. Hope you get a lift soon
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    So I finally found a wedding picture! We got married in 2002 and everything was printed, so we really don't have much digitally.


    Ashley, continuing to think good thoughts for you.
    Pam, sorry you have such a crazy work week, but I'm with you on the water. It's amazing what a difference that can make.
    Katy, PCOS can be so erratic sometimes. Just when I think I have my body figured out something changes. Just keep monitoring and talk to your doctor. I've been on Metformin for years (even before ttc) and things eventually even out.
    Carina, good luck with the relay. That is a very worthy cause.

    :flowerforyou: A little sunshine for everyone this week!

  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member
    Hi Hi!

    Pam- your garden looks beautiful!

    Ashley- still sending good vibes! What are you doing to keep your mind off things? Just curious...

    Katy- Sending you the biggest *HUG*! I really hope your body finds it's rhythm soon (before it drives you batty)!

    Luki- I missed it...I really like that show though!

    Carina- Have fun at Relay! My dance studio just did it and raised about $18,000! (about 40 or so team members) Our studio owner was diagnosed with cancer last November, so it really hit home. She just had her scan and has been deemed cancer free, BTW! It is just in remission, but not there non-the-less.

    Stephanie- Great pic! and could you send a little more sunshine this way?! We are really sick of the rain here. LOL (I say this as I watch out my window as the Detroit Tiger baseball game starts to go on a rain delay...)

    Jalara- Hope school is going well and not taking up too much of your time!

    AFM: Not much to report... trying to eat right, but for some reason all my body wants to do is EAT this week! Hopeful (but not hopefully at the same time :wink: ) I will see AF here soon. I'm hoping she is to blame for the poor choices I have been making LOL.
    **Check in**
    Goals: Zumba Monday(DONE), Thursday(PLANNING TO GO TONIGHT), Saturday
    Push ups and Sit ups Tuesday (MISSED BUT MADE UP WEDNESDAY) & Friday
    Walk/Jog Sunday
    Water Water Water!! (MONDAY 8glasses, TUESDAY 5, WEDNESDAY 12, THURSDAY (so far) 3 gotta bump it up!)
    I have come to the conclusion that my body is too used to Zumba and I need to try something new. So I found the rec. center by me has water fitness classes, so I want to try it out! I think my sister and I are going to start going on Wednesdays. :happy:
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    SDavis a Christmas time wedding :o) Love it

    So I had my body age test today and it went GREAT! Besides the obvious weight loss, my flexibility increased from average to Great (increasing on the sit and reach by 3 inches), I have decreased my body fat by over 6%, and altogether I went from body age 32 to a body age of 28 (which is my actual age). I'm very HAPPY!:happy:

    I have gone to the gym for three days but I'm really not feeling like it today so I;m not going to meet my goal of going everyday this week :indifferent: Maybe I will feel like going after I eat dinner.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Hi everyone - quick note while some work is printing.

    School is not bad but OMG my legs are killing me - I'm not used to being on those floors all day long. Yesterday i got to go to the OR and it was amazing - loved it!

    We're moving Monday, so this weekend is sleep, rest, packing and schoolwork. Yay?

    Fitness - ummm...

    Diet - not bad! With the exception of tonight - I had fries and icecream. But whatevs... I needed theraputic food. lol

    TTC - DPO 5 right now, so Iwho knows. I'm hoping that maybe this, being my break cycle from meds, might be lucky but I don't know for sure. I have DPO7 bloodwork to be done on Saturday morning and then CD3 a week (or so) later.

    Sorry I'm not responding more, but I'm thinking of all of you!
  • KatyRing
    KatyRing Posts: 84 Member
    I just feel like bawling my eyes out. Its the last week of school, I'm a teacher, and I have not ate the best at all. I mean probably worse then i have in the past 4 months.. I've only worke dout once this week. my weigh in is in 2 days.. I just know i've probably gained. I just feel like such a failure..
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