mbowman323 challnage Week 2 weigh in



  • jmarshman
    jmarshman Posts: 19 Member
    Starting weight 236
    Weight loss: 3lbs
    Picture of the scale showing your current weight
    I only have 17 more pounds to loose to meet this goal!!
    I did just fine on the mini challenge.

    I have a picture but don't know how to add it to a post yet ;) I'll figure that out.

    Also -- attended a conference and flew home, arriving at 12:15 a.m. today. No access to a scale yesterday, so here I am.
  • jbconnelly
    jbconnelly Posts: 170 Member
    Use the img code and when you copy and paste you need to make the on both sides lower case, i.e.[img][/img]
    42 Ltarlton
    SW: 150
    -2 lbs!
    CW: 148
    GW: 130


    (I could NOT get it to load on here from Photobucket. I tried every code they gave me! Here is the direct link and I made it my profile pic LOL)
    I only have 18 more pounds to loose to meet this goal!!
    I try to take at least 10,000 steps a day. I met the minichallenge!! I gave up pop a LLOONNGG time ago! :)
  • kellylou1367
    kellylou1367 Posts: 91 Member
    Because I don't drink fizzy drinks, I'm going to set my mini goal as not drinking any Tropicana juice because I am so bad for that. Everyone has done a fantastic job with weight loss for last week, keep it up!
  • StrongerMomto7
    StrongerMomto7 Posts: 1,158 Member
    #15 Greulings
    Starting weight:210
    Current weight:205
    15 pounds to go!


    PS: sorry for weighing in a day late... we were packed and ready to evacuate due to flooding. It was a crazy day.
  • rozamu
    rozamu Posts: 45 Member
    # 64 rozamu
    starting weight 156
    weight loss 1.2 lbs
    I only have 18.8 more lbs to loose to meet this goal
    I did great on the mini challenge
  • mommamills
    mommamills Posts: 437
    Your sign in number (47)
    Your MFP SN Mommamills
    Starting weight 153
    Weight loss 3#
    Picture of the scale showing your current weight
    I only have __17__more pounds to loose to meet THIS goal!!
    I did _great____on the mini challange
    ...ran 3 miles nonstop...gonna do it again today :)

    working on the pic of the scale. I weight at work using the warehouse scale. It's the most accurate scale I have but don't want all the guys watching me take a pic of it. Will post asap. :wink:
  • jmarshman
    jmarshman Posts: 19 Member
    Here's my attempt to get a picture on.

    Also, I figured out how to set my weight to the right starting weight for MFP, which was 238, so:

    Starting weight 238
    Weight loss - 5
    I only have 15 more pounds to loose to meet this goal!!
    I did just fine on the mini challange.
  • jmarshman
    jmarshman Posts: 19 Member
    Ah ha!!! I finally figured out how to get a picture into a forum!

  • jmarshman
    jmarshman Posts: 19 Member
    If this works, it's because I put the "open tag" for an image ([img]) before the URL (http://i1203.photobucket.com/albums/bb400/ltarlton/2011-05-02_191200.jpg) and the "close image tag" ([/img]) after it. There should be no spaces and "img" must be in lower case letters.

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