New Runner - have questions



  • Mkmassey3
    Mkmassey3 Posts: 214 Member
    I started C25K 3 weeks ago and should be on day2 of week 3, but I am a day behind. I run both on treadmill and outside when weather permits, which unfortunately has only been once. I am hoping to run outside today. I ran with my 13 year old daughter and she accused me of breathing funny, so I am wondering if I too am breathing wrong. In through the nose and out through the mouth. It seems to keep the side cramp at bay. I used to get shin splints so badly. I went to a specialty store and was fitted for running shoes and while running, I do not get shin splints, but as soon as I drop it down to my fast paced walk I get them again. On the treadmill, I walk at 4 mph and run at 6mph. So far so good...until I get the shin splint. I do sparkle quite a bit, I wouldn't say I'm drenched or dripping, but I certainly glisten :wink: When I run on treadmill my heart rate gets to be around 177. I am 5'4 and 39 years old. I don't have a hrm to use when I am outside. I just wear a pedometer and use the app on my phone to count me down. I would have no problem repeating a week if I didn't feel i was ready to move on, so don't think you can't repeat. Don't push yourself too hard, the last thing you want to do is get frustrated and quit. Stick with it and conquer it!! Good luck!!:flowerforyou:
  • agibsonky
    agibsonky Posts: 124 Member
    Stick with it - it will come. I think it took me 16-17 weeks to finish the 12 week C25K program, but I did it and now can run 10 plus miles with no problem. I am 5'4" - even now I pace at about 12 minutes a mile on long runs. If I'm only doing 5K I can go faster, but long runs require a slower, more "paced" pace. The breathing gets easier, I promise - just stick it out. And I sweat like a pig.
  • pandafoo
    pandafoo Posts: 367 Member
    when i trained for my first half-marathon, i used jeff galloway's run/walk method - such as 5 minutes jogging, then 1-2 minutes walking. it is SUCH a great way to prevent injuries and to let your muscles recover a bit so you have enough energy for the next round. eventually as you get accustomed to running, you can lengthen the time for the run segments. or instead of walking, you could run at a slower pace. that's what i currently do on the treadmills, and it makes a huge difference in energy levels compared to running at the same pace all the way through.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    I have 2 kids, they are 2 and 3. I do have a jogging stroller. I will take them for walks, but still having a hard time feeling comfortable jogging....will get there eventually I hope.
    The first month or two of jogging with the single jogger just about killed me... I was constantly cussing out the stroller. Then one day I realized that I didn't cuss as much as before. Now I just run with it... no biggie.
    The double jogger took me a bit longer to get used to... and I can still really feel running with it on very windy days or for longer runs than normal... but it is getting more comfortable to run with them overall. If you are mainly jogging with a jogger, feel free to take it slower than you otherwise would... just know that it WILL come, it just might take awhile.
    Good luck!
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