Harry Potter Weight Loss Challenge - Ravenclaw



  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    About half of us have weighed in. We're still waiting for:

    beanie242 (said she'll weigh in tomorrow)

  • rlmiller73190
    rlmiller73190 Posts: 342 Member
    I weighed (drum roll please) 134.6 pounds this morning! Surpassed my goal!
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    I weighed (drum roll please) 134.6 pounds this morning! Surpassed my goal!

    Excellent job!! congrats :bigsmile:
  • Sarac715
    Sarac715 Posts: 55 Member
    Still at 147 this week... this memorial day weekend is throwing me off :(
  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    Hi Ravenclaws!

    Well, I'm hoping this plateau is moving on!! Here's my check in:

    SW 214.7

    Week 1: 215.3 (+.6)
    Week 2: 215.0 (-.3)
    Week 3: 213.5 (-1.5)
    Week 4: 211.9 (-1.6)
    Total Loss: 2.8 lbs

    Good luck to all!
  • About half of us have weighed in. We're still waiting for:

    beanie242 (said she'll weigh in tomorrow)


    I've got to weigh in tomorrow. I couldn't get to a scale today. Will do it first thing in the morning!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Boo - 192 this week, so no change. And, can't remember the challenges, but I remember seeing them and thinking 'won't get either of those' so no house points either! Bad week all round!! Will do better next week Ravenclaw x
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Weighed in this morning at 98 Ibs so lost 2 Ibs so excited.

    House points are food challenge 2 points and exercise challenge 0 points.

    Good luck Ravenclaw :)
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 277 Member
    no change still at 174 I guess that kills my theory that it was just water weight. I know this might be silly but not losing weight makes me not want to work out. thats called counter productive me....

    oh and 4 points for me.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    no change still at 174 I guess that kills my theory that it was just water weight. I know this might be silly but not losing weight makes me not want to work out. thats called counter productive me....

    oh and 4 points for me.

    I do the same thing - if the scales don't move, I don't feel like working out or watching my diet. But when they start moving up - then I'm mad that I've got to start all over again!
  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    What were the challenges for this week again? I need to add up my house points, but I can't remember what the challenges are. The exercise one was trying something new right? What was the food one?

    Also, what's our challenge for this week?
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    is it too late to add a house point??

    my whole family went out for dinner for my mom's b-day. i said no to bread, fried calamari, AND the baked potato and got a salad WITHOUT bacon and blue cheese :) after dinner we all went for ice cream. first i was gonna get the low fat ice cream in a small cup, but who the heck wants to eat that?? not me! i wanted something crazy that was probably like 1000 calories (no exaggeration). i wasn't gonna waste 500 calories on something that i didn't really want, so i figured i would just get something awesome and have the "cheat" at least be worth it!!! i got to the register, the guy asked me what i wanted, and i froze!!! i said "nothing!" and ran away lol. i wanted to cry JUST a little on the way home, but i feel better for it now. =)
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    What were the challenges for this week again? I need to add up my house points, but I can't remember what the challenges are. The exercise one was trying something new right? What was the food one?

    Also, what's our challenge for this week?

    The food challenge was to short-circuit a binge by taking just a little of something when you really want a lot of it :)

    The challenges for this week haven't been posted yet - I take them off of the main thread. I think Uno has been out of town - maybe we'll know tomorrow.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    is it too late to add a house point??

    my whole family went out for dinner for my mom's b-day. i said no to bread, fried calamari, AND the baked potato and got a salad WITHOUT bacon and blue cheese :) after dinner we all went for ice cream. first i was gonna get the low fat ice cream in a small cup, but who the heck wants to eat that?? not me! i wanted something crazy that was probably like 1000 calories (no exaggeration). i wasn't gonna waste 500 calories on something that i didn't really want, so i figured i would just get something awesome and have the "cheat" at least be worth it!!! i got to the register, the guy asked me what i wanted, and i froze!!! i said "nothing!" and ran away lol. i wanted to cry JUST a little on the way home, but i feel better for it now. =)

    LOL - that's a great story!! :laugh:
  • Matchamatcha
    Matchamatcha Posts: 158 Member
    *Sigh* Well I'm plateauing again I'm afraid. Weight is still 69.2kg / 152.5lbs. Convinced me to get off my **kitten** and start exercising again though. I've barely done anything lately. I measure myself every fortnight, and from losing 7-9cms a fortnight, I only lost 2.5cm! Bah. Oh well, a new week :)

    2 house points this week also.
  • Well, another week down and another week closer to DH2, but sad to say my weigh-in this morning is not as happy. Gained 0.8 pounds (*ducks as books, rotten cabbage, and a duck flies by*). Yes I know, not a very good week apparently.

    The odd thing is I didn't think it was terrible, but there is always room for improvement. I did work out every night though and I even got outside and played frisbee (not fanged of course, but that would be wicked!) with the added difficulty of dodging puddles and playground equipment earning me 1 house point :D

    None of this is an excuse for the gain. I'm going to work harder still to drop it back off, but not kill myself over it. For me this is a journey and a long one at that, and a little gain for now is not going to deter me :)

    It looks like you all have been doing great though!! It's awesome to see all the 'new' things everyone has been able to do. I'll have to give some of them a try some time, for sure!
  • Oh! And I finally decided on a goal weight for DH2 of 280.0 :D
  • minniebee
    minniebee Posts: 193 Member
    I weighed myself again this morning and, as I thought, TOM was making me retain some water weight. I'm now down to 161.6lbs, which is still a .4 gain for this week, but I'm pretty sure it will be gone by tomorrow morning! (Considering I lost "one pound" in the course of one day yesterday). So, I don't know if it needs to be listed as a gain, or if you can say I stayed the same, either way, I'm just glad that the "weight" I gained this week was all because I'm a girl. Lol.
  • Tiffy11011
    Tiffy11011 Posts: 81 Member
    I weighed myself again this morning and, as I thought, TOM was making me retain some water weight. I'm now down to 161.6lbs, which is still a .4 gain for this week, but I'm pretty sure it will be gone by tomorrow morning! (Considering I lost "one pound" in the course of one day yesterday). So, I don't know if it needs to be listed as a gain, or if you can say I stayed the same, either way, I'm just glad that the "weight" I gained this week was all because I'm a girl. Lol.

    I hate when TOM comes around this past time made me "gain" 3 lbs that I thankfully lost right after it went away.... sometimes I hate being a girl! lol
  • beanie242
    beanie242 Posts: 94 Member
    I feel sooo bad after this weekend. I am up to 172.8 :( This weekend was just to much for me to handle. It`s even worse because i was down to 170.4 on friday (can we count that??? ) Although now I`m pretty motivated to go hard and get back down.
    As far as house point, I got 5 for resisting the temptations, but only 2 for new exercise. So 7 total.
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