Do People Get Annoyed With You Because You Count Calories?



  • kimclaws
    kimclaws Posts: 101 Member
    only people who eat like crap, give me **** about counting calories, or those who won't take the initiative to get in shape, it does not bother me at all :)
  • Karoline01
    Karoline01 Posts: 41 Member
    same here! but I will show them the reason behind once I have reached my goal :-)
  • irenep22
    irenep22 Posts: 59
    yes they do but i dont care , im the one getting fatter if i listen to them ;)
  • MelsieK
    MelsieK Posts: 72
    Not that anything has been said to my face, but yes I know it upsets a couple of people in my life. I don't tend to actually count calorie, more just track my daily food. But yeah have 1 acquaintance who has basically shut me out since I've started changing my lifestyle around. She seems to be very involved and supportive of my husband and his gym etc, yet nothing towards me. Don't let it bother me, just makes me love boasting on FB even more lol.

    I've got a good quote that sums it up though " Haters don't really hate you. They hate themselves, because you're a reflection of what they wish to be"
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    nope, the thing that irritates me the most is when they say is that a snack or lunch? & it's always the same annoying people!
  • kym117
    kym117 Posts: 315 Member
    I hear you! If I go out for lunch with a friend of mine she will say "I suppose you have already at at home for an hour to research what you can eat!" well actually yes, my sister gives it the constant.."Want a cake?" "No thanks" "Just have one you are always counting everything that goes into your mouth, and your needing to stop!" It happens all the time, the reality is as you have said I am probably going to be on this long term (as in forever) because if I don't even for 3/4 weeks my old eating habits creep back in and I will gain all the weight back that I have lost.
    If I have a really bad day and I am disgusted at myself I still force my self to enter every single item that passes my lips to make me be not so keen to do it again! I don't know why people always feel they have to get there bit in but everyone seems to have an opinion! Keep u the good work and do what I do ......Ignore them! :laugh:
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