Things people say that drive you nuts!



  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    I HATE it when co-workers mock me out if I happen to be walking funny after a hard work-out. I'm sorry that I was able to get to the gym multiple days and work my butt off. I won't even complain about the pain and their will still be mocking comments. How about you try one of my work-outs and we will see how you do the next day?

    Also, it drives me nuts with the "are you really suppose to be eating that" or "Oh I'm really sure that's part of your eating plan". Really? How about you get off my back about a little hot sauce as you eat your burger and fries. Thanks for your concern.

    I hate to say it, but I'm really shocked and dismayed at some of the things your coworkers (and others) get away with saying and doing in the workplace. People annoy me sometimes, but they're always pretty supportive and complimentary. Many of the things I hear in this thread sound like legitimate HR issues. People have no right to comment on whether you SHOULD or SHOULDNT be eating something.

    It might be worthwhile to talk to your boss about the level of professionalism in your office. Of course, before you do so, check your own behavior as well.
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    My co-workers speculate about a relationship I may be maintaining --sometimes in front of the two of us. Just because I am doesn't mean that I want to hear about it from you.

    Sorry, that's another one that has nothing to do with losing weight. But what young guy isn't interested in the beautiful Asian intern?
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233
    The person who told me this is a complete moran

    This is the most awesome thing I've read all week. Thanks!

    I'm pretty lucky I guess, nobody ever really says anything that drives me nuts. My coworkers dont comment on it, because they dont know about my diet. I had someone ask me last week if I'd lost weight, I just said "not that I know of". Of course that's a lie, but I just dont really want to get into it with them as it has no place in the workplace.

    They may say things behind my back I guess, but I dont really care if they do.

    Now that said, I do get a giggle about the armchair nutrition experts here on these forums from time to time. I wouldnt say they drive me nuts so much as they are entertaining as they are so judgemental about what process one takes to achieve their goal. It's like you have the 'calorie counters' on one side, then the 'Adkinses' on another, and the "mediterranians" over here and the "Vegans" over there....and all of them are proselytizing about their diet of choice with almost religious fervor. It's like none of them really understand the process isnt what's important so much as the result is. Now, that's funny right there.
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    " I didn't think you were from Ethiopia since you are fat' really seriously
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    I love the I get so busy I forget to eat.. Actually I hate it. I mean, I like food, I get busy, but I NEVER forget to eat. I mean my body tells me when I'm hungry. I think it takes a special kind of stupid to forget to eat! LOL Maybe that is why I have so much weight to lose....
  • bcpie
    bcpie Posts: 89
    I watched fathead awhile ago, and decided i was going to lower my carbs. I told my boyfriend and he went on a rampage, finding links upon links to different websites claiming how awesome carbs are. I wasn't even going to cut them out completely, just /lower/ them. ugh. the other night we watched fathead together, and now he's going to try lowering his carbs. ):<
  • NenaM812
    NenaM812 Posts: 101 Member
    People who aren't my family or close friends and who haven't seen me before all this weight gain tend to tell me, "WHAT! You don't need to lose weight! You're a tooth pick!" Or they call me Skinny Minny. I HATE that! I want to say, "Just because I'm thinner than YOU doesn't mean I'm where I need to be!" But I don't...
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    I always rage when people at work joke and say I'm "watching my figure" or something similar just because I keep up with what I eat.

    I also just go crazy when I hear all the clueless older people at work talking about dieting.
  • SoFLYFireman
    SoFLYFireman Posts: 170 Member
    My three biggest peeves

    1. "muscle weighs more than fat"
    2. "dont eat anything before bed, ot turns into fat"

    And my favorite...

    3. "carbs in = carbs out"
  • hazelbliss6
    hazelbliss6 Posts: 253 Member
    I can't tell you how many times my mom insists Ceasars pizza is healthy bc it has cheeze(calcium) on it, and burger king has healthy burgers bc they grill them. She is so attached to her junk food that she will find any reason to rationalize it as healthy. I finally asked her one day.. 'so what qualifies as junk food then?" She didn't have an answer. It's hard living with someone who wants to give up on a healthy life and then wants to defeat my efforts. She even says "stop dieting, just stay fat like me." :noway:
  • Will_Lift_4_Shoes
    Will_Lift_4_Shoes Posts: 238 Member
    I love it when people tell me that after the 2nd baby your body will never go back to the lean body it was. I agree to a certain degree. And that's just cause my hips got wider after I had my second child. And I will NOT go back down to a size 7 that I was before because my hips just refuse on being anything smaller than a 11. lol But being lean...I totally disagree!! I know several moms that look great after 4 kids.

    On that note...I get so sick and tired of people saying ...hey you look great for having 5 kids. WTH does that mean? if I didn't have 5 kids then I have no excuse. What is wrong with not qualifying the statement...just leave it at you look great (or holy crap you are a fatty! which is what it feels like they are really saying). Kids did change my body, but it isn't impossible to get back a great body, I just have to work harder for it.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    When I first started up with WW last year, Mom would ask "can you have that" or "is that on the plan" and I had to gently explain that everything is on the plan as long as it fits with in my daily/weekly points budget (pretty much the same as daily calorie target here plus some extras for treats due to the severe daily deficit). Thankfully, I think she finally got it because she doesn't harp on me anymore about my choices. I get a look now and then but shut her down with my own look pretty quickly. :)

    The one other one I can remember was said by one of my Aunts. We were on vacation and since my cousin and I are both trying to lose weight, we were working out and trying to eat healthy, which meant skipping dessert or extra helpings. To her that meant we weren't having any "FUN". Seriously?! Would you say that to someone trying to quit drinking or doing drugs? I was completely floored....
  • CarliBez
    CarliBez Posts: 19
    Someone clears our their plate and when you have leftovers it's "wasting when someone in Africa is starving".

    Be my guest, send it to them please! However, if it's in my plate or down my throat, it will end up in the wastebox.
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    On that note...I get so sick and tired of people saying ...hey you look great for having 5 kids. WTH does that mean? if I didn't have 5 kids then I have no excuse.

    This is my favorite addition (besides my own) to the conversation and I love the way you rationalize your anger.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Oh here's a great one from today: "You don't have to diet or bother with the gym, friend "X" lost eight stone (112lb) by just cutting back a little, she didn't need to diet or do any exercise at all.

    What I said "Gosh, she has done well" :)

    What I wanted to say... "Okay, you go put a 112lb backpack on and walk round all day with it and then tell me she wasn't doing any exercise - me, I need to count calories and do lots of exercise."
  • bcpie
    bcpie Posts: 89
    So, here are some examples of my mom's awesome diet advice that made me want to jump up and strangle her.
    Fried foods and frozen pizzas and hot pockets are healthy and good for you. So is fast food.
    Mountain dew is ok to drink all day with no water.
    No need to buy fruit or veggies. All I needed to do was cut chocolate out of my diet to lose weight. (I would argue that diet is about moderation and lifestyle change... I was always wrong)
    Cigarettes aren't bad for you. Maybe this one isn't about diet, but it expressed how clearly insane my mother is...and why I had breathing/immune system issues for the majority of my childhood.

    Sigh. :/ I was an obese child.
  • Cbandelier
    Cbandelier Posts: 217 Member
    "You're just wasting away"......

    What am I supposed to say to that? Thanks?
  • SoFLYFireman
    SoFLYFireman Posts: 170 Member
    My three biggest peeves

    1. "muscle weighs more than fat"
    2. "dont eat anything before bed, ot turns into fat"

    And my favorite...

    3. "carbs in = carbs out"

    that was supposed to be calories not carbs.. sorry..

    new favorite.. Everything is okay in moderation hahahahahahaha yeah right, i wish steroids were okay in moderation, id be swole as heck
  • hjy319
    hjy319 Posts: 269 Member
    Things people say that drive me nuts?

    "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels."

    Drives me ape *kitten* bananas.

    Ohh Me too!! I've neverknown skinny, and that is not my goal, it is to be healthy!!!
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