I feel like such a failure.



  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    Just keep doing what your doing and hang in there!! It doesn't matter really what the scale says from week to week, all that matters is that your heading in the right direction over a long period of time! there are so many factors that change the number on that scale! it doesn't mean you've gained fat. you can gain and lose water, glycogen stores, muscle, and I won't even start in what hormones can do to your weight! just keep being faithful in your healthy lifestyle, and i promise it will pay off!
  • kandyland86
    kandyland86 Posts: 34
    its ok ... its the weekend sunday starts a NEW week and tomorrow is a NEW day so forget about what happened YESTERDAY its gone and you cant change it, what ever happened, happened. move forward and just keep trying to be the you that you want to be!
  • kandyland86
    kandyland86 Posts: 34
    also keep in mind that you will weigh more at night than in the am ... so if u weigh in the am limit yourself to only am weigh ins or vice versa! if u weight yourself in the pm. i weigh myself in the pm because i want to know what my weight is when its highest which is most def. after a day of eating instead of a night of fasting! im always at least 2 lbs heavier in the pm than the am ... usually more like 5 lbs though
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